dream part 2

and in my dream, I suddenly transformed into a devil. My appearance changed drastically, and I was no longer the young kid I had been moments before. I felt a surge of power and darkness within me, and I couldn't control it. I panicked and tried to hide from everyone, not wanting them to see who I had become.

But the little girl wouldn't accept my transformation. She came to me, and I could see the disappointment and fear in her eyes. "What happened to you?" she asked me, and I couldn't find an answer.

I tried to turn back to my human form, but it was no use. The devil in me had taken over, and I didn't know how to change back. The little girl didn't give up on me, though. She tried to talk to me, to reason with me, and to figure out what was happening to me.

In my dream, I realized that this little girl was someone important to me from my past life. She had been my friend, my companion, and my confidant, and she had been there for me even when I had turned into a devil. I felt grateful and content, knowing that I had someone like her in my life.

Eventually, I woke up from my dream, feeling a mix of emotions: confusion, sadness, and happiness. It was a strange dream, but it taught me to never forget the people who care about me, even when I find myself in a dark place.