Right of Passage

*Chain Quest Component Triggered: Right of Passage*

*Rank: Epic*

*Description: Take your right of passage as a jedi padawan*

*Reward: Unknown*

Kit Fisto deactivated his lightsaber and turned to Tyler. "Job well done my padawan. Now that we are done here, we must return to the Jedi Temple. Tomorrow, you will participate in a Jedi's right of passage."

Tyler suppressed his excitement. "Yes master."

Over the past few days, Tyler steadily gained reputation with Kit Fisto. He was now at 8000 out of the 12000 he needs to become honored. It was helpful to find out that the reputation does not reset back to zero each time the level increases.

Tyler has also been growing more and more accustomed to the force. He constantly kept his mind open to it and was able to detect even the slightest hint of danger. Things such as figuring out when you're being tailed has become easy for him.

The two of them exited hyperspace and landed in the Jedi Temple Hanagar. Wasting no time, they headed straight up to the council chambers.

When they entered, there were about 20 players training with the droids. In addition to them, the usual council members were in their chairs observing.

There was one more surprise. Xander was waiting in the council chambers with Plo Koon. It seemed as if they would go to complete this quest together.

Kit Fisto smiled. "Master Plo Koon, it has been a while. Let us go grab a meal to catch up!"

Plo Koon nodded and said, "It would be a pleasure Master Fisto."

The two jedi masters left the room. Once the door closed, Windu spoke up. "Young ones, you have been training with us for quite some time now. It is about time for you to participate in a Jedi's right of passage. Grandmaster Yoda will be accompanying you for what we call The Gathering. May the force be with you young padawans."

Yoda got up from his chair and slapped the ground with his cane. "Come come. Follow me you must."

Instead of the usual traveling in their starfighters, Yoda used an express ticket in a shuttle that had an engineering workshop. Once Tyler and Xander stepped onto the shuttle, they recognized it immediately. They were about to build their own lightsabers.

They boarded the shuttle and lifted off to head to Illum. Once they exited the atmosphere, Yoda used the express ticket and 5 minutes later, they arrived on the legendary planet.

The view of Ilum was quite underwhelming. The entire planet was covered in ice and snow. It looked like quite a miserable place to be.

Tyler turned to Yoda. "Master Yoda, is there anywhere else other than Illum where we can get kyber crystals?"

Yoda turned to Tyler. "Great question. Great question indeed. Many places there are. Know of all of them we do not. In your travels you may find one of the unknown places. Inform the Jedi Temple, I hope you will."

Once he said that, a quest popped up for both Xander and Tyler.

*Hidden Continuous Quest Triggered: Finding Kyber Crystals*

*Rank: Legendary*

*Description: You have been tasked into a long term quest by Jedi Grandmaster Yoda. The Jedi Order only knows of Illum when it comes to collecting kyber crystals. Find systems that have kyber crystals. The reward will multiply each time you complete the quest. When completing this quest with another Jedi, each party member will receive the reward as long as they were also issued the quest.*

*Reward: 100,000 credits, +2000 Jedi Reputation, Random Jedi Holocron*

Upon seeing this, Tyler turned to Xander. "First, let's keep this a secret. Do NOT tell anyone. Not even your best friend or even your mom. Second, what are you plans for after this?"

Xander nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing for the quest. But my plans for after this. Hmmmmmm. I think I'm going to go meet up with my friends and figure out where to go from there. I am going to be the first one of them to reach level 10 so we can't all join a guild yet. Who knows? We might not even end up joining one."

Tyler smiled. "Well, I was planning on starting a guild once I reach level 10. I'll let you in on a secret. I have enough reputation with Coruscant to purchase a Guild HQ so my guild will be the first guild that is officially recognized by the Galactic Senate. Are you interested in joining with your friends? The more people we start with, the easier it will be to acquire a few resources I have my eye on."

Xander thought for a moment. "That sounds very tempting. I'll discuss it with my friends and then let you know. Most guilds would probably be lucky to have 1 jedi but we'd have 2!"

Tyler nodded. "My thought process exactly. We can figure out the details later. In the meantime, let's get ourselves a lightsaber!"

Yoda hit the ground with his cane again. "Padawans, please give me your training lightsabers. You will not need them anymore."

Xander and Tyler handed Yoda their training sabers. Once they did, the starship landed outside of the Ilum Jedi Temple. The door opened and the two of them exited the ship.

"Find a kyber crystal. Today's goal this is. Only one crystal is yours. Guide you the force will. May the force be with you."

As they stepped onto the snow covered ground outside the ship, they got a notification.

*New Location Discovered: Ilum +100 EXP*

The two of them walked forward and up the steps to enter the temple. Once they were inside, they got another notification.

*Legendary Regional Dungeon Discovered: Crystal Cave, Ilum +100 EXP*

*Since you are here on a non-combat quest, an instance will be created for your party where all hostile beings are despawned.*

After reading about the dungeon, Tyler found out a few things. The Crystal Cave is a regional dungeon. Regional dungeons are large scale dungeons that exist throughout the galaxy. Normally they are not separated into an instance like a typical dungeon. However, certain quests such as the one they are on now are classified as non-combat quests. Therefore, there will be no enemies to fight within the dungeon.

That may seem like good news but that is not necessarily the case. All regional dungeons have other dangers aside from hostile beings. The environment is usually another factor that can cause injury or death. The treacherous terrain and the weather conditions can have major implications. For example, in the Crystal Cave, the temperature is really low and there are various pits to fall into. In addition, there are many spots where the structure of the cave is unstable.

Tyler turned to Xander, "Wanna form a party so we can help each other in case of trouble?"

Xander nodded so Tyler sent him a party invite. He accepted immediately. The duo then went into the dungeon.

They opened up their minds to the force to let it guide them. They soon reached a fork in the cave. They looked at each other.

Tyler then said, "I think I should go to the right. That's what my senses are telling me."

Xander shook his head. "I guess this is where we split up then. May the force be with you."

"With you as well."

Tyler then walked quickly down the right path. He kept walking for 20 minutes before entering a large clearing in the cave. The scene was gorgeous.

Huge icicles hung from the ceiling and the entire room looked like it was made of solid crystal. The interesting thing is that it was quite a bit warmer in this area compared to the rest of the cave.

There was a large body of water that spanned most of the clearing. In the middle of the water, there was a small island with a pillar of ice on it. It was curved on both sides from the top and bottom of the cave. In the middle, the ice met at a narrow point.

At the spot where they met, a crystal was lodged into the ice. It was sparkling with a soft purple glow. Tyler felt the force pulling him to it. This was his crystal.

The good news is that he found the crystal. The bad news is that there is a huge body of ice cold water in the way. It makes quite a bit of sense though. The quest is an epic one. It doesn't even say what the reward is for this one. It must be this kyber crystal.

He decided to survey his surroundings to see if he could find any clues on how to get over there. Only if he had a Mandalorian Jetpack.

As Tyler scanned the room, he noticed some cracks in the ice near the edge of the water. He then came up with an idea.

He stood in one of the areas where a large crack made a semi circular shape against the water. He then turned to face away from the water. He stuck his hands out and attempted to use the force to break away the piece of ice from the shoreline.

It quickly became apparent that using the force costs mana. Every second that some kind of telekinetic ability is being used consumes 5 mana. He came to the conclusion that more advanced force abilities will cost more mana. He could only imagine how much mana an ability such as battle meditation would cost.

It took him 8 seconds to break the connection that held the ice to the shore. As it broke off, it slowly moved towards the center of the water.

He decided that while he waited for the ice to reach the center, he would take a seat and admire the environment. He sat down and let his connection to the force take over. It was then that he took in the beauty of the clearing.

The walls were sparkling like he was surrounded by diamonds. The ripples in the water created by the moving ice expanded and bounced off the walls. This was definitely one of the most peaceful and relaxing places he has ever been to.

After a few minutes, the ice reached the center. Tyler stood up and stepped off the ice. He then slowly approached the crystal. He reached out, and snapped it out of the ice. He felt as if the force was dancing in happiness as he held the crystal. He had no doubt that this was the one.

Wasting no time, he used his minimap to navigate to Xander's location. While he was on the ice, he noticed that Xander stopped for a moment and then kept moving further into the cave. It was at the same time as it felt like the force danced in happiness just like when Tyler picked up his own crystal.

Tyler made it to the fork where they originally separated. He looked at his map and noticed that Xander was already heading back towards him so he decided to wait.

Soon enough, Xander reached Tyler's position. "How'd it go Xander?"

Xander grinned and took out two kyber crystals. "Looks like I'm gonna have two lightsabers. It seems that they're both going to be green. How about you?"

Tyler sighed and said, "Well I only got one crystal. The cool thing is that it is going to be purple."

Xander's jaw dropped. "PURPLE?!?!? THAT IS SICK! You know what that means right?"

Tyler raised his brow. He is quite knowledgeable about Star Wars so it would be a surprise if Xander knew something that he didn't. "What does it mean? Clearly I'm missing something."

Xander scoffed and said, "You don't even know this. Well, there are particular meanings behind each of the lightsaber colors. Blue is the standard color. Green is for jedi that are extremely powerful in the force. Then purple is a special case. It means that you are able to dabble in the dark side of the force and use your emotions without falling to the dark side. You'll be just like Master Windu!"

Tyler shook his head. How could he forget such a thing? Of course he knew it but he didn't make the connection. He was slightly embarrassed to say the least.

"Oh yeah. I know about the color meanings but I completely forgot. Thanks for reminding me."

The two then headed back to the ship. When they entered, Yoda was waiting for them.

"Welcome back. Done well you have. Construct lightsabers you will. Come come."

The two padawans followed Master Yoda to the engineering workshop. In the workshop was an interesting looking humanoid droid.

"Welcome padawans. I am Professor Huyang. I am the caretaker of the Crucible, the vessel we are currently on. I will be guiding you in the construction of your lightsabers. Please take out your kyber crystals and place them on a workbench."

Tyler and Xander chose workbenches on opposite sides of the room to avoid distracting each other. They placed their crystals on the bench and returned to the droid. While they were doing this, Yoda left the room to leave the padawans to their own devices.

"Alright. Now that you have completed the first step, we will move on. The second step is to select the materials for your hilts. The hilt is supposed to be comfortable to hold yet durable. This is the most crucial part of The Gathering. The materials are available in the storage room in the corner. You may select your materials now." The droid pointed to a closet.

Xander and Tyler made their way into the closet and started sifting through the materials.

As they went through the motions, Tyler noticed something interesting. Constructing the lightsaber gave an absurd amount of progress towards the engineering profession. Each lightsaber is unique so you will get credit for creating a new weapon.

While the progress is great, the second boon is much more important. From doing some research in the archives, he found out that engineers needed to create a certain amount of unique creations to advance to the master rank. The Lightsaber would fulfill one of those. To become a Master Engineer, two Epic creations were needed.

Another interesting tidbit was found as well. There is a key difference between blacksmithing and engineering. Engineering mostly focused on technology. This includes technological weapons such as lightsabers, blasters, ion cannons, etc. It also includes ship designing, building, and repairs. There were plenty of other things that also were included in the engineering profession.

For blacksmithing, it was very similar. The key difference was that smithing focused on non technological creations. Things like non energy based weapons such as swords, spears, and projectile weapons like artillery. The most useful function of the blacksmith class was creating armor. Any weapons that were not energy based were considered sub par and outdated. They still work and do plenty of damage but they require ammunition instead of energy cells. Energy weapons also do more damage to energy shields.

2 hours later, Tyler finished his lightsaber. He activated it and the deep purple blade sparked to life. The hilt was delicately crafted with appealing materials. He chose a silver colored metal as the base material. The overall shape of the hilt was the standard cylinder. Around the hilt, he used a shiny purple metal to complement the blade. The purple metal weaved and spiraled around the hilt to create a comfortable grip as well as an aesthetically pleasing design. It was beautiful.

Not being one to waste time, he quickly went to present the saber to Yoda. He handed the hilt to Yoda. Yoda then activated it. He nodded and then deactivated it. "Done well, you have. Wait around. Arrive soon we will."

Another hour went by before Xander joined them with his two sabers. One was normally sized but the other was slightly shorter. In addition both of his sabers were jet black. In other words, they were dope as fuck. He handed the two hilts to Yoda.

In similar fashion, he activated the sabers. One was the standard length. The shorter hilt ignited into a short blade. It closely resembled the shoto design. The shoto hilt was a shorter blade that could be used in the off hand. The most common purpose was allowing the user to dual wield. It would also commonly be held in a reverse grip. An example of a Jedi that uses a shoto is Ahsoka Tano.

Once Yoda completed his inspection, the Crucible dropped out of hyperspace and entered high orbit over Coruscant. They went straight through the atmosphere and docked at the Jedi Temple.

Yoda led the two players through the temple and up to the Council Chambers. As they walked, Tyler and Xander talked.

Xander turned to Tyler. "So, I talked to my friends about the guild situation. We are down to join you as long as we are able to have some representation in the guild. What do you say to that?"

Tyler nodded. "If you were able to get your friends to join, I was planning on giving you the position of elder at the least. In addition, depending on their abilities, they may become core members. There is a whole bunch of other stuff that I've been thinking about but we can deal with that when the need arises. For the name, I'm having trouble deciding but I've narrowed it down to a few. I was thinking either Umbrella, Limitless, or Golden Dawn. What are your thoughts?"

Xander laughed. "Well two of those are kinda ripped off from somewhere but I don't think that matters. Umbrella is from Resident Evil and Golden Dawn is from Black clover. Limitless is kinda cool though."

Tyler shook his head. "Yeah yeah, I know where they're from. They are all just so cool. I feel like my favorite is Umbrella. I feel like it's the perfect name for a well rounded guild. I want the guild to be a cash cow and a military powerhouse. In addition, ours should be the first guild so we will by default have first pick at many resources."

Xander nodded. "That is true. Anyways, with what you said, me and the boys are happy to join the guild. Any of those three names would be great."

Another few minutes went by and they arrived in the council chambers. Yoda presented their lightsabers to the council members present. Aside from them, the padawans in training were staring.

Windu smiled. "Well done padawans. With this, your basic training has concluded. You are always welcome to return to the temple to access its services. That includes the training resources, our assignments, the archives, and many other things. With this, I bestow upon you both the rank of Jedi Knight!"

*Chain Quest Component Completed: Right of Passage*

*Rank: Epic*

*Reward: Unrestricted Access to the Jedi Temple, Level Up*

*Level up! You are now Level 10. You have been awarded 10 free attribute points.*

*Chain Quest Completed: Jedi Training*

*Rank: Epic*

*Reward: Lightsaber(s), Jedi Starfighter w/ Hyperspace Transport Ring, Astromech Droid, 6000 Jedi Reputation, 1000 EXP, 5000 credits*

*Class Change Complete: Jedi Knight*

*Item Obtained: Draco's Purple Lightsaber*

*Rank: Legendary*

*Description: This is the distinct weapon of Jedi and Sith warriors. It can cut through almost anything. This is a unique item crafted by Draco and the blade's color is purple. Unable to be traded or dropped.*


Strength +20%

Dexterity +20%

Intelligence +20%

Charisma +20%

Attack (ATK) - 5 * STR * DEX

Passive 1: This weapon can deflect blaster bolts from any handheld blaster.

Passive 2: This weapon can cut through almost any material or weapon. Refer to Injuries in the game manual for more information on damage dealt.

Active 1: User can throw the weapon to deal 60% ATK damage. Use the force to pull it back to your hand.*

*Item Obtained: Draco's Delta-7B Aethersprite-Class Light Interceptor*

*Rank: Legendary*

*Description: This is a modified version of the Jedi Temple's unique starfighter. The fighter was designed specifically for Jedi. It is super lightweight, has high maneuverability, and lacks various systems that are inferior to the force. Unlike the Delta-7, the Delta-7B has a full astromech slot. This specific model was used by Anakin Skywalker. The colors can be changed and the Republic insignia can be replaced by a Guild Emblem. Unable to be traded.*


Max Speed - 1260 kph

Max Acceleration - 5000 G

Length - 8 meters

Width - 3.92 meters

Height - 1.44 meters*


Twin Laser Cannons (Upgradeable)

Missiles (Modifiable)


*Item Obtained: Draco's Syliure-31 Hyperspace Docking Ring*

*Rank: Epic*

*Description: The hyperspace docking ring is meant to act as an external, modular, hyperdrive for starfighters that lack one. This particular model is specifically designed to accommodate the Delta-7 Aethersprite-Class Light Interceptor and its variations. Unable to be traded.*

*Item Obtained: Astromech Voucher*

*Rank: Common*

*Description: This voucher is good at any shop in the galaxy for one astromech droid of any model. The voucher will dissolve after one usage.*

*You have become a Jedi Knight. +6000 reputation with the Jedi Order*

*Congratulations. Your reputation level with the Jedi Order has reached friendly.*

*5000 credits added. You now have 12800 credits.*