Carnelion IV Part I

(This is another arc that happens before I time skip to the Clone Wars. I might do another one after this but I haven't decided yet. Let me know if you guys enjoy these types of arcs. If that is the case, I'll do one or two more before I do the time skip. I might do some BS where once a certain percentage of players reach the initial level cap of 100, the year is changed to 22 BBY. Let me know what you guys think.)

Another few months flew by. Developments were coming along nicely. Most of the spare funds have been going into expanding to new planets. Building on undeveloped planets is quite expensive. Between shipping materials, hiring personnel, and growing the population, it is time consuming and a bottomless money pit.

This morning, Tyler had to attend a Senate session. The main topic of discussion was the Open-Closed War on Carnelion IV. A transmission was recently received by the Jedi Temple regarding the conflict. It was thought that the people of the planet destroyed themselves through their fighting but this was not the case. The distress signal made this quite apparent.

Valorum stood on his podium. "I believe that we have reached a consensus. We must take action to cease the fighting on Carnelion IV. I wish to have the Jedi Order send some representatives to do this."

The chamber exploded in applause. This was exactly what most of them wanted. Tyler stood up. "I will also volunteer my services. I will accompany whoever the Jedi send to provide reinforcements."

After some murmurings, everyone clapped again in agreement. This was now the best case scenario.

Valorum nodded. "All is set then. Lord Draco, please convey the message to the Jedi Council. I wish for this to be dealt with immediately."

Tyler smiled. "With pleasure, Chancellor." He turned and left the chamber before heading to the Jedi Temple with Kai.

About 20 minutes later, they were standing before the Jedi Council. "That is what I have to report from the Senate."

Yoda sighed. "Troubling this is. Send Obi Wan at once, we will."

Windu nodded. "Draco, link up with Obi Wan and Skywalker. You will head to Carnelion IV and work to resolve the conflict. Be wary, there is a dense field of debris surrounding the planet."

Tyler nodded. "Thank you for the warning Master Windu. I will do my best."

*Quest Triggered: Mission to Carnelion IV*

*Rank: Legendary*

*Description: It has been discovered that the war on Carnelion IV never stopped. Travel to the planet and resolve the conflict.*

*Rewards: 1 billion credits, +12000 Carnelion IV Reputation, +6000 Jedi Order Reputation, +6000 Galactic Republic Reputation*

Tyler sighed as he walked out of the Council chambers with Kai. The quest rewarded mostly reputation. That isn't such a bad thing but it is unnecessary. The Clone Wars would be a gold mine for reputation.

He contacted the fleet that is on standby and had them get ready to go into action. About an hour later, Tyler and Kai welcomed Obi Wan and Anakin to the Repentance. "Obi Wan, it has been a while."

Obi Wan nodded. "Indeed it has. Things have been getting busier and busier. Soon we won't even have time to sleep!"

Tyler shrugged. "You could always leave the Jedi Order and work for me. You'll get plenty of time off."

Obi Wan laughed. "Surely you jest Draco. I have dedicated my life to the Order. This is all part of what I signed up for."

Tyler sighed. "Well, you'll always be welcome in my ranks. Anyways, let's get comfortable. This is going to be a long ride."

Obi Wan nodded. "Yes. We appreciate the accommodations."

A day's worth of traveling later, the fleet dropped out of hyperspace a short distance away from Carnelion IV. Tyler sighed. "This debris field is going to be a bitch. All ships open fire on the debris. We need to clear a path so we don't get pelted."

Blue laser fire illuminated the space above Carnelion IV. Countless pieces of debris exploded as the laser cannons hit their targets. Those who were watching stared in awe. It was like a fireworks display but on a whole nother scale.

Tyler smirked and turned to Obi Wan. "So how do you like this?"

Obi Wan sighed. "I'd say it is quite excessive but I can't discredit the results."

Tyler laughed. "Well I recommend you get comfortable with it. There is a war coming and you'll be in command of one of these fleets."

Obi Wan's expression turned grim. "I do not look forward to it. I guess I have much to learn."

Tyler nodded. "You got that right. I've been preparing for it. I'm sure some of my men would be willing to give you some pointers when it comes to military command."

In the real world, Limitless launched a campaign where they would hire veterans. Retired Naval Officers, experienced pilots, and other seasoned combatants were indispensable. In addition, the Star Wars galaxy is a great environment for them. Many veterans were never able to adapt to civilian life so they struggled to make a living and stay healthy. The action packed life they can lead in the game allowed them to feel like they were in their element.

Many guilds offered benefit programs for their members in the real world. Things such as health care, housing, commodities, and finances were given to members. Limitless and a few other guilds ran special programs for veterans where they would get additional benefits on top of the typical things. Aside from these programs being great for the veterans, the reputation and quality improvement of the guilds skyrocketed.

It took several minutes to clear a sizable area of debris. The three venators remained in orbit while the acclamator and a few other landing craft approached the surface. The four Jedi and a few LAAT's went ahead to secure an LZ.

Carnelion IV was an ice covered world. Floating over the ice was a dense layer of toxic gas that was a result of the endless fighting. The only areas spared from the gases were remote locations in the mountains due to their high elevations.

As they approached the ground, several explosions rang out. Upon checking the scanners, there appeared to be a small scale battle taking place nearby.

Tyler opened the comm link. "All transports continue to the LZ. Fighters will follow me to scout out this battle."

The four Jedi split off from the LAAT's to investigate the battle. As they passed the peak of the mountain in front of them, the sky lit up as a crippled airship went into a nosedive towards the ground.

Tyler sighed. "How rude of them. They started the party before we even arrived!"

Obi Wan scoffed. "I continuously question whether we are really a part of the same order."

Anakin laughed. "I don't know, master, his logic seems pretty sound to me."

Kai laughed as well. "Agreed."

Obi Wan sighed. "Oh well, what is the plan?"

Tyler laughed. "I don't know. I was hoping that you had something in mind. I usually start fights, not end them."

Obi Wan rolled his eyes. "I say we try to communicate with them. I'll open a comm link."

Obi Wan pressed a button and spoke into the open comm channel. "This is Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi. I am here on behalf of the Galactic Republic. We ask that you cease your fire immediately so that we may be able to find a peaceful resolution."

The channel was silent for a few moments. Then a raspy voice sounded over. "TAKE YOUR PEACE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!"

Tyler laughed hysterically. "Shall we skip directly to Plan S?"

Obi Wan raised his brow. "First, what is Plan S? Secondly, what happened to Plans B through R?"

Tyler laughed maniacally. "Plan S is where we shoot them down. A good show of power is a proven method to stop a conflict."

Obi Wan shook his head. "Are you mad? That would just add to the destruction and accomplish nothing!"

Tyler chuckled. "You are wrong about one thing. The thing that this will accomplish is asserting our dominance."

Obi Wan sighed. "Fine, we'll have it your way this time. Let's just keep it to the small craft so we can minimize casualties."

Tyler nodded. "I can agree with that. Let's do this shit."

Once the four Jedi joined the fight, it escalated quickly. Native fighters were dropping like flies. Each side's officers were panicking. Whoever these new participants were, they were very problematic.

It took only a few minutes of unanswered carnage for someone to call in desperation over open comms. "Okay okay, we get it. We are willing to comply with a temporary cease fire."

Obi Wan smiled. "That wasn't so hard, was it? We will be in touch shortly." He then switched to private comms. "Let's head back to the LZ and figure out the next step."

The four fighters flew back over the mountain. By the time they returned to base, the acclamator had already landed and temporary structures were being assembled. Walkers and juggernauts formed a defensive perimeter around the base camp. They touched down in the airfield.

Tyler walked up to Obi Wan. "That was fun. It feels good to stretch my fingers every once in a while."

Obi Wan rolled his eyes. "My point exactly. What's next? I never know what to expect."

Tyler chuckled. "I'll just have to see where the wind blows. I don't even know what I'm doing half the time."

Obi Wan shook his head. "You do keep things lively. Anyways, what is our plan of action?"

Tyler thought for a moment. "Well we have two options. First, we can just use extreme force to take over the planet. This would be the easiest method. The second option would be to go and talk to both sides and try to find a way to resolve the conflict."

Obi Wan chuckled. "Option two, naturally. I'd rather not take anymore lives than we already have."

Tyler nodded. "Sounds good. Let's get a transport together after figuring out where we are going."

A few minutes later, a squadron of LAAT's were flying towards the Open faction's base. There were 6 transports in total. Including the 4 Jedi, there were 60 people in the visiting party. They landed in the airstrip of the base and were greeted by a large group of soldiers.

Someone who appeared to be an officer stepped forward. "Identify yourselves."

Tyler raised his arm to stop Obi Wan before stepping forward. "I am Lord Draco. Along with Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi, I am here on behalf of the Galactic Republic. We would like to meet with whoever is in charge."

The officer waved his arm. "Stand down men. They come in peace. I am Captain Koga. Follow me and I'll take you to Mother Pran."

Tyler, Obi Wan, Kai, and Anakin followed Koga while the rest of the Limitless members stayed back. The base was more of a large settlement than a military base. The civilians actually outnumbered the soldiers.

The buildings looked like they were initially intended to be temporary but have been in use for much longer than they were made for. They were patched up with sheet metal and wood and looked quite shoddy.

After a 10 minute walk, they arrived at a building that was larger than those surrounding it. Koga led them inside and into an office. It was nothing special and quite bland. The conditions really affected everyone.

A woman stood up from the desk. "Welcome Jedi. I am Mother Pran, leader of the Open. How may I be of service?"

Tyler smiled. "It is nice to meet you Mother Pran. I am Lord Draco. My companions are Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi, Padawan Kai, and Padawan Anakin Skywalker. We are here on behalf of the Galactic Republic to end this conflict. We would appreciate it if you would tell us a bit about what this conflict is about."

Pran sighed. "Peace is something we have given up on a long time ago. You are several generations too late to complete your mission."

Tyler shook his head. "Please, tell me about it."

Pran sat down and waved for them to take a seat. "Many generations ago, our ancestors were part of a group that was attempting to contain gas leaks across the planet. Unfortunately, we were unable to hold it back and the gas exploded out of the ground and covered the planet. The only safe places that remain are the mountains. In response to our inability to contain the gas, the Closed declared war on us. They claim that it is our fault that the planet was devastated."

Tyler sighed. "I think I see where this is going. This appears to be a huge misunderstanding."

Pran shook her head. "It may have started out that way but the only solution now is for one of us to be wiped out. They are unforgivable."

Tyler shrugged. "Thank you for telling me this information. If you'll excuse me, I am going to take my leave. I must go visit the Closed and see what they have to say."

Pran nodded. "I wish you luck. I doubt that there is any possibility of a peaceful resolution but I guess only time will tell."

Tyler nodded. "Farewell for now, Mother Pran." He then stood up and walked out with the other three Jedi.

They walked back to the airstrip and boarded their transports before flying off towards the Closed base. They had to fly over the Celadon Sea. That is the sea of toxic gas that covers most of the planet. There isn't any water but the body of gases is large enough that it is called a sea.

The flight was pretty quiet. After the gases contaminated the planet, everyone cleared out of the cities. There was no one to bother them.

Suddenly, there was an explosion. "MAYDAY MAYDAY! WE HAVE LOST AN ENGINE AND ARE GOING DOWN!" Within a few seconds, there were a few more explosions and every LAAT in the squadron was going down.

Before anyone could react, they hit the ground. They were flying much lower than they thought. The gas must have messed with the sensors.

On impact, all of the pilots died and were sent to respawn at the acclamator. In addition, 37 of the guild members that were with them died as well. Fortunately, those that remained were only lightly injured at most and all four Jedi survived.

Using the force, Tyler flung the LAAT door off. The transport was on its side. He then started helping his remaining guildmates out of the transport.

Once he helped the two survivors out, the uninjured went to the other transports and helped the others to get out. Tyler turned to Obi Wan. "I swear, I'm gonna erase whoever shot us down."

Obi Wan sighed. "If that is your intention, I suggest you take a look around us." He waved his hand.

Tyler turned and realized that they were surrounded by humanoid creatures. They were holding primitive weapons and looked like they came straight out of a nightmare. They had smooth, insect-like heads and large, black, beady eyes. Their teeth were sharp and had gaps between them.

He sighed. "It would seem that the cities are not so empty after all."