Gul'dan's Citadel Part III

(Hey, it's ya boi, uhhh, skinny penis.)

(Issa long boi.)

Opening his eyes, a green tinted room came into view. The lighting was quite gentle so it was not so bright as to force him to squint. He then heard a voice.

"Oh Master Draco! You're awake!"

Tyler turned to the voice and saw Kai looking very worried. "Haha, you think that could kill me? Not in a million years!"

Beowulf heard the commotion and walked over. "Draco, glad you're okay. How are you feeling?"

Tyler scoffed. "Me? I'm fine. More importantly, what did we get?"

Beowulf grinned. "We got a lot. Aside from a decent amount of credits, we got a design for those Fel Reavers and also some engineering tools."

Tyler nodded. "That sounds juicy. Have we scouted out the remaining bosses yet?"

Beowulf nodded. "We actually did. It would seem that Xorkath was one of the harder bosses. While you were knocked out, we actually took care of all except the last two which seem much harder than the rest."

Tyler grinned. "I'm glad you saved the fun part for me! How long have I been out?"

Beowulf sighed. "It's been about 4 hours. Kai didn't leave your side the entire time"

Tyler smiled. "Awwww, who's a good little padawan?" He patted Kai's head.

Kai groaned. "Come on Master, I was worried."

Tyler chuckled. "You don't have to worry about me. It's not that easy to get rid of me. Anyways, I think we should get moving. What are the details on the next boss?"

Beowulf nodded. "It appears his name is Archondius. He is some type of mage but we aren't sure of much more than that."

Tyler thought out loud. "Hmmmmm. If he is some sort of mage, he must be somehow connected to Gul'dan. Possibly his apprentice or protege? I would guess that he is a warlock if that is so. We should be prepared for large scale debuffs and have flame resistant gear at the ready. Prep the boys Beowulf."

Beowulf nodded. "Of course he must be a warlock. How did I not think of that? I'll get to it then."

Beowulf walked off and called a raid meeting as he briefed everyone on what to be prepared for. A few minutes later, he came back over to Tyler who was having a snack. "Dude, what are you doing?"

Tyler responded in a muffled voice due to the food in his mouth. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

Beowulf scoffed. "You're eating?"

Tyler sighed. "No shit Sherlock."

Beowulf shook his head. "So you mean to tell me that you couldn't do the brief because you wanted to have a snack?"

Tyler nodded. "Uhhh yeah, what about it?"

Beowulf laughed sarcastically. "You're fucking ridiculous."

Tyler shrugged. "What can I say? I'm hungry."

Beowulf rolled his eyes. "Fuck off dude." He walked away.

Tyler laughed. "Oh, the look on his face was priceless." He then turned to his guildmates. "If everyone is ready, let's go kill this son of a bitch!"

In his dramatic, flamboyant style, he ignited his lightsaber before marching on towards the next boss while waving his lightsaber like a baton. He really looked like a marching band leader and it was comical.

There was a wide, spiral staircase that led down to another hall which opened up into an arena of sorts. Looking in from the outside, the seats were empty and so was the battlefield in the middle.

Overlooking the arena was a box seating area positioned opposite the entrance. Archodius sat on a comfortable looking seat.

Once all of the guild members entered the room, the warlock stood up. Oddly enough, he was human. In fact, this was the first human that they found in the citadel. He was wearing dark blue robes with golden accessories. His eyes were black due to the dark magic He looked very ominous and definitely powerful.

Archondius raised his arms in a welcoming gesture. "Welcome, challengers. If you are here, that can only mean one thing. That thing being that you have stepped up to my challenge." He grinned excitedly.

Tyler stepped up to the edge of the seating area. "What do you mean?"

Archondius frowned. "I can see that my guests have no manners. At least introduce yourself. I'm even happy to go first. My name is Archondius. I am the main disciple of Lord Gul'dan and therefore the second most powerful warlock in this citadel. Your turn my friend."

Tyler smiled. "Archondius, it seems we have something in common. We are both showmen! This should be a good time. I am Lord Draco of Kessel. Namely the guild leader of Limitless, senator to the Galactic Republic, Jedi Knight, and sovereign ruler of the Kessel System. How shall we proceed?"

*Your reputation with Archondius has increased by 6000.*

*Congratulations! Your reputation level with Archnodius has increased to Friendly.*

The warlock let on a gentle smile. "It warms my heart that you are going to cooperate. Allow me to explain the rules. This will be a little competition. Five of your men vs five of mine. Each battle will be one on one and will not end until one of the fighters is no longer able to battle. Do not fret, no deaths within my arena are permanent so please, fight to your heart's content."

Tyler raised his brow in curiosity. "How will the selections work?"

Archondius chuckled. "Wonderful question! Four members of each of our teams will be anyone of our choosing. I, of course, already selected my fighters. The last battle will be between me and the leader of your group, seemingly you. The order of participation will work as follows: I will send my fighter out and then you will choose from your team. Each fighter can only fight once. Any more questions?"

Tyler smirked. "What does the winner get?"

Archondius smiled. "Quite direct… I like it." He thought for a moment and then his face lit up. "Let's make this interesting. Regardless of whether you win the competition, I will disable my portion of the inhibitor that is preventing you from meeting Lord Gul'dan. If you win, I will disable it entirely and I will grant you this citadel. If you lose, however, you must acquire a planet in the core regions for me."

Tyler was a bit confused. "Why does that seem a bit unbalanced?"

Archondius smiled again. "Aha! We have got a businessman here too! Firstly, I doubt you understand just how valuable this citadel is. There are a few surprises you will get. However, you will have to clear the citadel first. It is not yours until you chase Lord Gul'dan out of here even if it belongs to me!"

Tyler smirked. "I knew there was something you weren't telling me."

Archondius chuckled. "No other way to keep it interesting. Shall we get this started? When you are ready, come down to the arena and we will shake on it."

Tyler nodded. "Sounds good my friend. I'll be with you in a few minutes." He then turned to Beowulf and Obi Wan. "Ummm, so obviously I am going to be participating in this and I think it would be a good idea to have my padawan fight. The remaining three spots are up to the both of you. Obi Wan, would you and Anakin like to participate?"

Obi Wan shook his head. "As a member of the Jedi Order, I can not participate in something such as this. It would be against my moral code. The same goes for Anakin."

Tyler shrugged. "I thought so. Anyways, Beowulf, hook me up with three teammates. Feel free to choose yourself as well. The title of elder in my guild isn't just for show!"

Beowulf chuckled. "If that is the case, then this is a no brainer. Aside from myself, I will choose an assassin and another brawler. Their names are Eclipse and Mr. Rogers."

Tyler laughed. "Mr. Rogers? That is pure gold. Have them step up and sit in the front row. We need quick access to the arena."

He then turned back to the arena and jumped down onto the battlefield with a flip. "Archondius, we are ready!"

The warlock smiled. He then dematerialized and a midnight blue haze. A streak of smoke shot through the air towards Tyler. Just as he was standing, he reformed in front of the Jedi Knight. "Let us shake on it then." He reached out his hand.

Tyler nodded and gave the warlock a firm handshake. "I look forward to this. It should be fun."

Archondius nodded. "Indeed it will." He retracted his hand and turned to the empty stands. "WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU… LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

Gates all around the stands opened up, allowing tens of thousands of spectators into the arena. Within a few seconds, every seat that wasn't in the section that Limitless was in was filled.

Archondius turned to Tyler. "Join me in my box will you? I'm sure you have a way to communicate with your team. It is only proper that I show you some proper hospitality."

Tyler raised his brow. "You got snacks up there?"

Archondius chuckled. "What kind of host do you think I am? We can enjoy some food and drink as we watch the competition."

Tyler smiled. "My kinda guy. Hopefully you don't disappear after this. There'll always be a place for you at Limitless if you decide against returning to Azeroth."

Archondius's expression turned serious as he grabbed Tyler and phased back up to his box. He then stepped back. "Grab a drink. We need to talk."

Tyler raised his brow. "Alright, what do you recommend? I'm in the mood for some wine."

Archondius smirked. "I have a good one for you then. I would recommend that bottle of Brightsong Wine over there. Made in the Terokkar Forest, it is quite hard to come by. If you'll excuse me, I'll get this started."

The warlock picked up a glass filled with a black liquor and ice and walked over to the edge of the box. Tyler made sure to quickly message Beowulf that he was alright. Archondius called out. "Will my first fighter please take the floor?"

A gate on the side of the arena that is under the box opened up. An Orc warrior stepped out onto the battlefield. He was dual wielding battle axes and looked similar to Olaf from League of Legends. He was wearing leather armor and looked quite menacing.

Without waiting for orders, Beowulf looked up to the booth. Tyler nodded in confirmation so the brawler made his move. He stood up from his seat, planted one foot on the wall and launched himself into the air. As he flew, he equipped a pair of gauntlets made from beskar steel.

After making a superhero landing, he stood up with a serious look and punched his fists together twice making a metallic ring. "I'll be your opponent today. My name is Beowulf and I look forward to our fight."

The orc smiled. "Greetings human, I am Shelakh, the strongest warrior in this citadel. I also look forward to our fight."

Archondius smiled. "This should be exciting so let's get right into it. If both fighters are ready, you may begin."

The two fighters grinned before sprinting at each other. When they were close, they raised their weapons and Beowulf leaped into the air. It was truly an epic scene watching the brawler fly through the air while the warrior swung his battle axes towards his opponent.

Meanwhile, Tyler sat down in the seat next to Archondius. "So, what do we need to talk about?"

The warlock sighed. "How do you know about Azeroth?"

Tyler raised his brow as he thought for a moment to come up with something. "Back on my home world, we heard tales of a World of Warcraft called Azeroth. Powerful warriors and wizards fight for justice and defend their people. Once I arrived here, I realized that these stories were true."

Archondius sighed. "I thought that we had done a better job hiding our existence."

Tyler smiled. "If I may, where is Azeroth?"

Archondius nodded. "Reasonable question. I don't know the exact coordinates but it is somewhere in the Unknown regions of the galaxy."

Tyler nodded. "It makes sense that your world is not widely known. Since it is so far, there must be a portal here since I don't see any starships."

Archondius chuckled. "Most of Azeroth doesn't even know that most of this technology exists! They are blinded by their magic. Portals and airships are their preferred forms of transportation."

Tyler laughed. "How barbaric. I would like to visit at some point in the future. I have heard that there are some beautiful sights there."

Archondius nodded. "That is true. I have explored much of Azeroth. There are some things there that you can't see anywhere else. The wildlife is so diverse that there is no shortage of delicacies!"

Tyler smiled as he looked back towards the arena. Beowulf was struggling. Shelakh was toying with him. This warrior was truly powerful. Each time Beowulf would throw a punch, the warrior would tactly use one of his axes to deflect it.

Shelakh laughed. "Is this all you humans can do? I have to say that I'm not entertained!"

Beowulf smirked. His bait had worked. He ran forward towards the warrior like he had been and started to throw a punch. Shelakh raised his axe to block the punch again.

At that moment, Beowulf dropped to the ground instead of throwing the punch and used an outstretched leg to sweep the warrior off his feet.

In a crash, the towering Orc fell to the ground. Beowulf quickly recovered and pounced on the Orc with a full powered punch towards his head. In response, Shelakh crossed his axes and blocked the punch.

Shelakh grinned. "It seems you can entertain me after all."

The warrior roared and threw Beowulf off of him. He performed a backwards roll and landed on his feet. "COME!" The crowd roared.

Beowulf smirked and charged at the warrior. From this point onwards, the warrior was on the defensive. He was continuously blocking a flurry of punches from the beskar gauntlets.

Suddenly, Beowulf began incorporating kicks and feints into his punches. Shelakh's expression turned serious. He seemed to be remembering something.

In this moment of distraction, a punch landed and sent the warrior flying. He was out cold. With this, the crowd was excited yet again. This was truly an impressive bout.

Archondius smiled and stood up. "It would seem we have a winner for our first bout. The score will stand at 0-1 with the challengers in the lead."

Beowulf walked over to the Orc and injected him with a stim. He almost immediately woke up. To see Beowulf's outstretched hand. He grabbed it. "You remind me of my mentor. He would always beat me senseless."

Beowulf chuckled. "It has been a while since I have been pushed that hard. Most people in this galaxy are not skilled in hand to hand combat so fighting you was a pleasure. I hope to meet you again Shelakh."

The warrior nodded. "I wish the same, Beowulf. Next time I will be sure to push you even harder. I might even win!"

Beowulf laughed. "I look forward to it." He then turned and walked back towards the stands to rejoin his teammates.

After the battlefield was cleared, Archondius resumed. "Will my next fighter please take the floor?"

This time when the gate opened, an undead walked onto the field. He was wearing mage robes but did not look like a warlock.

Beowulf sent the assassin, Eclipse, out to challenge this mage. Based on the matchup, it should be easy.

The crowd seemed to get riled up at this. This made the assassin nervous as this was supposed to be an easy win.

The mage looked upon him with contempt. This made him irritated so he didn't even bother introducing himself.

Archondius turned to Tyler. "You are in for a surprise here. I hope you brought a change of underwear." He then turned back to the crowd. "If both fighters are ready, BEGIN!"

Immediately, Eclipse disappeared into a blur. After about a second, it appeared as if several clones of him were charging at the mage. These were actually just afterimages.

Assassins mainly focused on speed and dexterity when it came to stat allocation.

As he closed in on the mage, the undead began chanting. When Eclipse was about to strike and end this in one shot, the mage swung both of his hands outwards and along with them came a pulse of blue energy. Everything within 12 meters of the mage was frozen solid… including the assassin.

Without hesitation, the mage swung his staff and shot an icicle towards the frozen assassin. The ice shattered and Eclipse was dead on impact.

Within a few seconds, Eclipse had respawned in the crowd but the undead mage was already walking out of the arena.

Tyler was left slack jawed. That spell was Frost Nova and then Ice Lance. These are two abilities unique to frost mages! Who knew that it had such destructive capacity in a realistic application.

Archnodius smiled. "Now the score is 1-1. Will my next fighter come out?"

The next fighter to come out was a human rogue. She was wearing red leather armor and was holding a dagger in one hand and a short sword in the other. Beowulf decided to send out the other brawler. Namely, Mr. Rogers.

Mr. Rogers jumped down from the stands in similar fashion to Beowulf and landed in front of the rogue.

Archondius smirked again so Tyler got nervous. "What? Am I in for another surprise?"

The warlock shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe? I doubt that sending out someone that wasn't a Jedi against a rogue is the best idea."

Tyler sighed. "Well after this, we have two Jedi as our fighters so I doubt we will be in much trouble."

While Tyler was looking at Archondius, the latter stood up. "If both fighters are ready… BEGIN!"

By the time Tyler looked at the arena, the brawler was already dead. "WHAT?"

The rogue was already standing over the brawler and her short sword was through Mr. Rogers's neck as he slumped to the ground.

Archondius chuckled. "I can see that you are beginning to understand how valuable this citadel is. This is the only place in the galaxy, other than Azeroth, that you can learn these techniques."

Tyler's eyes widened. This opportunity was too lucrative to pass up. "Would you mind if I went and talked to my padawan? He is the next fighter."

Archondius smiled and nodded. "Of course. Feel free." He waved his hand and Tyler was phased down to the arena. Kai quickly jumped down and listened close to his master.

Tyler smiled. "Kai, you are free to use everything I have taught you. I will have Obi Wan and Anakin turn a blind eye. They know how valuable we are to the order so I doubt that they have the balls to report anything they see today. I'm also sure that they understand what we are doing since they are also Revanites."

Kai grinned. "YES! I finally get to use the stuff you taught me. This should be fun."

As they were talking, a Tauren hunter walked out into the arena. She was walking with a feline beast and was holding a bow. Kai grinned with this. Any non-magic class would be a cake walk for a Jedi. Even with some kind of familiar, the force would guide the way.

Tyler waved to Archondius and he brought him back up to the booth. "What did you talk to your padawan about?"

Tyler shrugged. "Oh, I was just telling him that he can let loose. I wanna keep this interesting. I would hate to miss out on fighting you."

Archondius chuckled. "That is quite acceptable considering that you are down 2-1."

Tyler rolled his eyes. Archondius stood up and gestured to the crowd. "If both fighters are ready… BEGIN!"

The hunter quickly pointed at Kai and her pet charged towards the small padawan. Kai smirked and waved his hand at the tiger. Using the force, he convinced it to stop. The tiger stopped in its tracks and the hunter panicked.

In response, the hunter raised her bow and shot at Kai. Kai kept his hand up and stopped the arrow in its path. It floated in the air before spinning around and aiming back at the shooter. Kai then waved his hand and sent the arrow towards the hunter's head. The Tauren was frozen with shock as she had never faced a Jedi before.

Snapping out of his stupor, she rolled to the side and dodged the arrow. Realizing that her original plan was now out the window, she would have to use her own prowess. However, her instincts told her that engaging with a Jedi in close combat would be suicide. A hunter's instincts are almost never wrong.

The hunter notched three arrows into her bow string and made a small chant. She pulled back the string and released it. All three arrows scattered in different directions and curved towards Kai.

One of the arrows was flying straight at him so he responded in like. He ran straight at the arrow and leaped into the air. The arrow was shot with a lot of power and had a green aura surrounding it. Kai landed with one foot on the arrow and unsheathed his lightsaber.

He flipped into the air using the arrow as a platform and swung his green lightsaber to cut down the other two arrows that were converging on him.

Kai landed in front of the hunter. The top end of the hunter's bow was sharpened into a blade. Making use of that, she swung her bow at kai while infusing mana into it. In this case, it was as if she was strengthening it with the force. This further confirmed Tyler's suspicions that the force and magic were one in the same.

Kai deflected the bow with his lightsaber and slid under the swing. After coming to a stop behind the hunter, he flipped his saber into a reverse grip and carried out a two handed stab backwards. The green blade went straight through the hunter killed her.

He pulled out his saber and the hunter fell to the ground, lifeless. Within a few seconds, she respawned. Kai sheathed his lightsaber and bowed to the hunter. "It was a pleasure."

She whistled and her pet came to her. "Likewise. See you around." She swiftly turned around and left.

Archondius grinned and turned to Tyler. "Quite the disciple you have that. I expect that the master will not disappoint based on that showing."

Tyler smirked. "We'll see. You ready to do this? It's all down to us since it's tied up!"

Archondius waved his hand and they phased down to the battlefield. The crowd roared in excitement. This was the most anticipated battle. "I am ready, young Jedi."

Tyler raised his brow. "Where is your staff? Are you not going to use a weapon?"

Archondius chuckled. "I could ask the same to you, Draco. From what I have seen of you, there should be two lightsabers."

Tyler grinned. "For you, my friend, I can not fight with anything but my best." Tyler unsheathed the singular lightsaber from his belt and ignited it. The crimson blade crackled into form.

Obi Wan's eyes widened as he turned to Anakin. "Do not speak of anything you are about to see."

Anakin raised his brow. "Why does he have a red lightsaber?"

Obi Wan sighed. "I am not quite sure. We will have a little talk with him afterwards. Let's just watch for now."

Archondius was intrigued. "I would never have taken you for a red lightsaber kind of guy."

Tyler chuckled. "Don't worry, I am no Sith. They are too edgy for me."

Archondius shrugged. "Oh well, let's begin." He flipped his hands upwards while keeping them down by his waist and formed two spheres of purple flame in them.

As Tyler looked at them, he felt the force scream out in warning. These spheres were extremely dangerous.

The warlock raised his hands and shot the two flames at Tyler. With one hand, Tyler raised his crimson saber and absorbed the purple flames. With his other hand, he caught the flames and used the force to absorb and shoot the flames back at the warlock. It was a force based attack so it works the same as Yoda shooting force lightning back at Dooku.

Archondius sidestepped the flames and smiled. "It would seem that this fight won't be so simple."

Tyler shrugged. "My turn." Tyler raised his free hand and shot force lightning at the warlock. In response, Archondius made a quick chant and summoned an infernal. It tanked the lightning and looked as if it took very little damage. Unknown to Tyler, it did a lot of damage even if it didn't show.

A bead of sweat rolled down the warlock's face. "Was not expecting that one! Let's heat this up a bit." He again summoned two balls of purple flames. However, he coated his lower arms with them rather than shooting at his opponent.

Tyler raised his brow. "Interesting. COME!"

They charged at each other. Tyler swung his crimson blade at the warlock aggressively. In response, Archondius used the back of his hand to deflect it. It was coated with force energy so the lightsaber did no damage.

Archondius blocked with his left hand so he threw a right hook towards Tyler's chest. Almost as if he predicted this, he rotated his saber around and directly blocked the right hook. Immediately, he flipped over the warlock and slashed through his right shoulder, disabling his right arm.

Tyler expected panic but he got nothing but an evil grin out of Archondius. Suddenly the force was screaming and Tyler turned just in time to see the infernal's fists flying towards him.

Tyler rolled to the side, dodging the strike. He immediately swung his saber diagonally upwards and sliced both of the infernal's hands off. He then quickly jumped upwards and swung down as he flipped over the infernal, slicing its head in two. The infernal shook violently and then shattered.

He then turned back to Archondius and the sight shocked him. All of the warlock's orifices were ignited with intense flames and smoke clouds were forming above Tyler. A demonic voice then called out. "HELLFIRE!"

Countless balls of flame rained down on the Jedi. Tyler dodged left and right to avoid the balls of flame. It was becoming too much. Suddenly he came up with an idea. An insane video clip from The Force Unleashed flashed through his mind.

He immediately jumped and crossed his arms over his chest. He concentrated an insane amount of force energy in his body for as long as he could. As a fireball was about to hit him, he screamed and swung his arms outwards.

A huge pulse of force energy flew out and neutralized all of the fireballs. In addition, it blew away the smoke cloud and knocked the warlock on his back.

Tyler landed on the ground and leapt over the Archondius before pointing his lightsaber at the warlock's throat. "Checkmate."

Archondius laughed. "Indeed. I was never expecting such abilities from a Jedi. Then again, you don't seem to be as simple as that." He gestured towards the crimson saber.

Tyler retracted the lightsaber and sheathed it before extending his hand. "Well, I at least owe you an explanation some time over some drinks. I'd also like to hear about Azeroth. What do you think about staying here as a part of my organization?"

Archondius thought for a moment as he took Tyler's hand. "Hmmmm, that sounds like fun. I might have to leave to run some errands for Lord Gul'dan, but otherwise I'm here."

Tyler smiled. "That is great. I look forward to seeing Azeroth some day. You must show me around."

Archondius nodded. "Indeed. Anyways, I must hold up my end of the deal. I will open the gate so you can proceed to Gul'dan's library. I must warn you, he will not be happy to see you."