I have to say Hell has had some modern redecorating in recent years. I would say it was an improvement if it still didn't have tortured souls hanging in the hallways screaming. The giant black doors to Satan's office swung open as I walked up. The big man himself sat behind the desk regarding me. He had his hands folded on the table, and he leaned forward against them. His eyes had fire in them, I don't mean like he was angry his eyes are literally fire. Jet black hair styled in a swooping hair style went to one side, and is suit looked amazing. People don't realize just how good looking Satan actually is, but he was God's most beautiful angel once upon a time. Like all extremely good looking men though he ruined it by opening his mouth.
" What could you possibly be doing disturbing me like this?" He growled.
"I want a new body I don't want to wait. I got things to do." I said simply. I have found being direct with upper management seemed to get me further than kissing ass. Satan stood walking around his desk he came very close to me, and said.
"You...have..things...to..do..." He spat each word out very quietly then roared in my face "I am the fucking lord of hell. I got way more to do than play video games and get laid."
I winced spittle splashing my cheeks.
"Well I get you several new souls a day right. You know I am wasted down here." I said as if I wasn't being glared at by beelzebub. His eyes bore into mine making me wince.
"I could just hand you back over to Lucien. He would love to have you back I am sure." Satan said a vicious grin crossing his face. My eyes widened in horror.
"You wouldn't." I said disbelief and shock on my face.
"Oh and why not, you have really been slacking off these last few decades. I am confident he could get you back on track." Satan leaned back crossing his arms over his chest.
"Please..." I began to say but Satan stepped very close to me putting a finger to my lips to silence me.
"I don't do charity Lilith. If you want to go back so badly right now we will have to make an arrangement." Satan said his lips so close to mine I could taste the acrid taste of sulfur on his breath. I winced not liking where this was going.
Deals with the Devil usually went like this. State thing you want, Satan denies you thing you want. Think thing you want unobtainable or worse, Satan takes thing he really wanted all along. This time though I felt like I got off easy. I would deliver the soul of one Fernando Sloan to Satan myself by the next full moon, or be delivered to my old master for him to do as he pleased. It turns out Satan owed Lucien a favor or three. Lucien had created me Eve style from his own flesh, and basically pimped me out on mortals until I was finally able to give him the slip. He was a tyrant, and would do what he wanted when he wanted with me being helpless to stop him. It took a world war for him to be distracted enough to run away as fast as I could. At the moment he was absorbed in political unrest in the middle east, and had not come searching for me, yet. It would seem he was losing interest in it though if he was asking the big man after me. I just had to kill a mob boss in three weeks time. Really, how hard could it be?