Chapter Twenty-Six

Julius leans against the cell wall, blinding pain shooting through his back as his open wounds are pressed on. The healer got to the poisonous knife wound in his abdomen in time but was on orders to ignore the whip wounds. So, week later, his back still burns and aches with thriving pain. His father makes sure he eats when food is brought to him. No talks from his guards or his maids when the next trial may be or what it will consist of. Knowing his sadistic father no one will know until the day of.

The magic ripples and the torch light flicker into the cell room, illuminating him. He squints, seeing a small silhouette fill the cell. The metal bars are in place and Julius doesn't bother to move. The light caught his face enough to see the edge of his smirk. Luminous blue eyes flare and Julius choked on his breath, coughing weakly. Sapphire eyes are the markings of fledglings, which happens around their teens. The last documented fledgling of a child is him, but he is the Heir. He unfolds a parchment, signed by the King.

"Hear ye hear ye. The King of Vampi has an announcement. He has conferred on this matter for many nights. In the event of Julius Flynn succumb to his death, a new Heir has been picked. Elijah Lux is a magician in the King's favor and has shown loyalty to him, the King."

"Wait—" Julius interrupted, sitting up fast enough that his back stretchs and burns. The child ignores him and rolls the parchment up, turning on his heel. Two guards appeared at the edge of the cell walls, Yelkites. Hatred and triumph flare in their eyes before slamming the magic barrier in place before Julius could form a thought.


The arena is packed when Julius emerges from the side entrance. His father is seated in his throne, a faint smile upon his lips. In a smaller, silver throne sits Elijah. His emerald green eyes sought them out, a dark wicked grin slashing across his face. Many of the people looks at him, hunger in their eyes. A new Prince, a better Heir. One that doesn't try to be good or please his father. Cruel, cold and calculating. A new king in the making. Julius glances to his side, watching as Jacob meets his brother's stare, a crooked grin of his own surfacing.

His father sits up when his eyes land on his former Heir, the smile fading. The crowd lightens as the four teams stumble out of the entrances, tattered and starved. The stadium looks just like the first trial, but no holes drilled into the ground. Eight robed figures circle the arena, by the entrances and surrounding the thrones. Julius and the other two watch as his father stands, his armor replaced by a deep red tunic and long black rope. His formal king attire built for royal decrees.

"To many of you, selecting a new Heir surprised you before the second trial has commenced," his father's voice echoes through the arena, dragging all eyes to him. "Elijah is one of Julius's show taking things for granted. He took Elijah and accused him of treason, but I saw the truth. He is a trainee in my Magician practice. Julius, my son, has to earn the kingdom back, earn you back."

The audience roars with approval, many vampires glaring at him. Many shake their heads as they watch those around them. Elijah watches them, throwing his head back laughing. A cold shiver spider-walked down his spine.

"So, this trial is a bit trickier than the first. In the old ways, many did trials by water, by fire and by combat." The voice travels and Julius straighten his shoulders, his mouth twisting into a sneer. "Fire is one of the greatest threats to vampire kind. If one part is caught, you have no chance of getting out alive. So, to make this End Game more challenging by using the Trial by Fire. The first team to make it out, goes forth with the last trial."

His father turns back to them, his eyes resting on Julius. "The team that made it out last, during the first trial has to wait thirty minutes before leaving." Jacob shifts and Julius just levels his stare with his father. A resting smirk settles. "It is time." The Magicians raise their hands, their hoods covering their faces. The three could hear the hum of a chant, magic swirling around them. Thunderous booms shook the arena, opening holes in the earth, directly in front of each team. The other two teams grin, but a wave of heat hits them. They flinch but wait for the King to give the go.

The King smirks, his eyes glittering with pleasure. He gives a nod to the other two teams as a timer pops up beside the thrones. Elijah laughs, leaning lazily into his throne. His tunic matches the metal of his throne, making him blend in a bit. His green eyes stare at his brother as the clock ticks down.


Julius shuffles, listening to the murmuring of the crowd as a screen takes shape on the ground before them. The three incline their heads, trying to get a glimpse of what the audience sees.


A few gasps as something happens, but then they start laughing and clapping. Someone had died or is dying. Elijah watches them, his eyes sparking like he is reflecting a fire.


Julius rubs his hands together, feeling the heat from the entrance.


Jacob and Davis let out a low growl when his father's eyes lands on them. A cruel smile slashing his face.




The seconds started to tick down. Julius and the others get ready to take off, hoping the thirty minutes they waited didn't allow them to lose. Though his father will do anything to keep him from winning. Giving the others a head start made sure of that.

The clock hit zero and the three of them launch themselves toward the furnace. Their skin screaming in protest as the heat singes their arms and face. The world around Julius fades as they walk through the hole, the sides of the tunnel brushing their arms. He grits his teeth, before emerging through a higher opening. Thick red liquid surrounds a walkway, with cracks running down the middle. Lava boils and pops, spraying the walkway.

"What a great way to start," Jacob mumbles as they start down the concrete path, "I'm surprised they haven't announced a winner. Thirty minutes for two teams should be enough to win." A bubble of lava pops beside Davis, a small drop landing on his arm. His shirt is already in tatters, but the lava burns a hole through it. Jacob shouts, rushing to help him yank the sleeve off. Julius takes the burning fabric and tosses it back into the lava pit.

Heavy breathing echoes between them as Davis looks at the red splotch on his arm. Anywhere else, it would heal, but given the curse of the lands, they will always remember. Julius rolls his shoulders, feeling the familiar burn of the whip marks that scatter his back. They continue, a dark cavern looming in front of them. Julius leads the group through the tunnel, allowing the dark surrounds them. But it wasn't cool, the walls radiated heat. Jacob reaches out to steady himself as he slips on a pile of rocks. Hissing, he jerks his hand back, a red spread of blisters forming.

"Damn, man," Julius shakes his head, "What in the hell is my father thinking?"

Davis snorts. "Killing off the weak, or more of target you."

They have a silent agreement of the sentence but focus on the tunnel as the light behind them finally winks out. Julius reaches out a hand, cautious not to touch the walls beside him, when he trips over a chuck of concrete and land face first into the walkway. Due to their shoes, they never knew if they were walking on heat. But as his cheek smashes against the ground, blistering heat streaks through him. He quickly sits up, his arms holding him up, uncontrollable pain sears through him.

Hands help him up, dragging him onto his feet. Breathing heavily, Julius stretches out his arms, seeing the blotchy red skin as white blisters forms. He hisses between his teeth. Grimacing, he lets his arms fall to his side. A small noise escapes Jacob as he darts forward, yanking Julius's arm up.

"You healed." He mutters. He pulls his arm away and checks for himself, the red splotch gone, white skin patched over.

Julius stares at him amazed, wondering where this surge came from. Jacob and Julius watch in silence as the wounds on Jacob's hand heals. "Check my back." He orders softly.

Davis scrambles to pull up Julius's shirt. He inhales, surprise and amazement flitting across his face. "Your whip marks…" he trails off. His eyes met Jacob's and understanding surges between them, "They are still there."

Anger borders his mind as Julius took note of the lie, but he remembers that they are being watched. He calms down and nods at Davis, inclining his head to the tunnel. They all move, their bodies moving in sync. The end of the tunnel is bright, making them squint after the darkness. As they exit, the two teams that was allowed to go first stand up. Julius couldn't name any of them but remember a few he put in the dungeon. He doesn't understand how any of them convinced each other to stay behind and wait for them.

"We will never get the chance to take a stand against the Prince," one of the vampires mock as they close in. Davis and Jacob flank his sides, their faces paling in rage. "Now, we sent one of our group to win, whoever the lucky one is wins this trial. None of you boys will."

"Ahh, playing dirty, I see," Julius responds, a smirk toying his lips, "Not a surprise with you."

The vampire takes a step forward, hatred flitting across his face. The others hiss in reproach. The vampire's dark green eyes lazily look over his companions, his pale hair falling over his forehead. The walkway they have been following since coming in, goes across a wide berth of lava. A few step rocks here and there, but some move, floating farther and farther away.

"See, you act all tough and I bet you could beat me, and yet, what will that get you at this point?" another vampire snickers, "Someone from each of our team has been on the way to the end. Someone is bound to win."

Julius scoffs. "So why are you the ones to stay behind?"

"I have been in the dungeon for centuries and I went after my family was murdered by the court." The first vampire speaks, his voice dropping low in anger, "as the rest of my companions. The two who are the ones to succeed for any of us, they have family left. Or so we believe."

"Because after being sentence to eternity in the dungeons, no one is allowed to visit." The second one finishes, a seething glare he got from the other. The two other vampires stand with their arms crossed over their chests.

Julius grins at them, figuring taunting them would make them leap into action. "Yeah? That's what the guards told you? I thought they'd more creative."

Jacob and Davis snap their heads toward him, surprise gleaming in their eyes. Davis's brown eyes look black in the fiery pit. The leader snarls and launches himself across the chasm, hatred boiling in his eyes. Davis flings himself and stops him, landing a punch to his chest. The sound of cracking ribs echoes, but the vampire fights against him as he gets pinned to the floor. The others hiss and run at them. Julius smirks and meets them, feeling as good as he did before he was whipped.

Davis has already ripped the heart out of the man that kept running his mouth. Jacob takes on two as they fought against him together. Julius engages with another as Davis helps take out another. Jacob finishes off one by pushing into the pit of lava. His scream takes on a high pitch when his flesh meets the lava. The last one alive is the smallest and his eyes snap to Julius's, making his breath catch in his throat.

"I didn't see you before." He murmurs to the boy.

The boy shakes his head. "I tried to stay away, but my team decided to let the others take off and keep me here."

Jacob's green eyes meets the Prince's. "Who is this?"

"Skylar." The name resonates through Julius, his eyes meeting his best friend's. The memories resurface, but he refuses to sink into them as he looks back at the boy. Skylar smiles sadly, his eyes older than any soul he knows.

"There is still hope for you, Prince. Just not with him, not while he is still alive." He nods to the other two, before turning around. Before any of them could stop him or even realize what is happening, Skylar jumps into the pit. Julius shouts, his eyes witnessing the boy burning, but no sounds escaped him.

"Who is the he that he mentioned?" Davis asks, his voice soft. Before any of them could respond, the underground starts rumbling. Jacob almost tips back into the pit, but Davis grabs his arm. Their eyes meet as the cave fell apart.