Arrival of Darkbringers

In the meadow a girl is playing with her friends. As she chases her friends around. She had green exquisite hair with dark tanned skin and her name is Somu Kio. There is a wide field of green meadow that extends where the eyes see. Village that is small over the hill that can be seen. As the three children play tag in the warm afternoon as they run through the field.

"I'm going to get you Rao!" Somu promises.

"In your dreams Somu!" Rao teases.

"Hurry she's gaining!" a little boy puff and huffing.

Man, these jokers do not know Somu could easily catch them with her abilities, however her mom forbade her from doing that. Only reason is that we do not want to attract unwanted attention. Somu sure she does not want to move again for the fifth time. Somu was only three-year-old when she accidently used levitation on a man. He was freaking out. Her mother had erased his memories to prevent him from telling people. There was some escape told everyone anyway. We move from one planet to another. Her mom had scolded Somu many times to not use those abilities. Somu is now eleven years old and wanted to impress Rao even though he had a crush on him. Since Somu had somewhat a "control" of her powers. Maybe Somu can show him. While chasing around Rao and his little brother Bako. When Somu finally caught him and smugly said "I got you Rao!" they both fell over to the ground and laughed.

"Well you caught me Somu. I'm it this time." Rao admits defeat.

Feeling quite smug that Somu wants to speak with him about her abilities. However, thinking that they need a place to speak in private. While pondering in her own thoughts, "Well hopefully he doesn't react to my abilities negatively because the last thing I wanted to do is me and my mother need to deal with relocating. I truly hoped that he would accept me as a person." Rao covers his eyes to see the time in the sky. It was sunsetting down and he exclaimed "Man time passes by fast my dad is going to be mad if he comes home late. Let go Bako!" His little brother holds his older brother. Somu's heart leaps while unintentionally shouting "Wait!" Rao and Bako were surprised by her shouting and asked if everything was alright. Somu asked Rao, "Can I speak with you in private Rao?" while discreetly waving her hand to come here. He seems not very sure and he seems concerned about arriving home late, "Look, Somu could we do this another time? I have to go home with my brother." Before he could leave unaware Somu was using her telepathy on him coursing her suggestion in his mind "It will only take a minute." His expression changed "Okay what do you need to talk about?" Somu feeling glad while holding my hands together "W-would you meet in the meadow tonight just you and me." Before he would respond Somu ran.

Leaving him and his little brother confused. Going to the village where all the people are walking about their business. Somu passed through the crowd. Somu thought about Rao happily "I can believe it! I finally ask him to come. I need to figure out how I am going to sneak out without my mom knowing." No matter where Somu went or hid, her mother would know exactly where Somu concisely. Thinking back on her mother's lessons had taught Somu about "Sensing" although her mother is blind however, she sees better than most people. Somu's mom told her abilities and her presence would grow in time and that she would not be an average or ordinary person anymore. Sometimes Somu just wanted to be an ordinary girl. Wishing that she does not have to lurk in shadows. Living in fear it has always been that way. Somu is tired of it. Once she reaches her cottage home. Somu would often greet each other, "Mom I'm home!" Her mother in the kitchen cooking. Somu's mom would look and smile at her "Somu I am glad you are home." Gave her mother a hug as she swiftly sat down at the dinner table.

Somu glanced at her mother's expression of concern lately thinking it might be about "Puberty" conversation. Somu do not have to worry about that until another year. However, there is something else that is bothering her. Somu never saw her mother this worried before as if she were expecting bad to happen. As she places a plate filled with food and begins to eat. Somu's mom would scold her "Somu, say grace because not everyone would always have food." Somu sighs would reluctantly say grace. Mom spoke to me gravely "Somu I need to tell you an urgent matter and you are going to hate this." Somu straightens up as well hoping it has nothing to do with her crush "What is it mom?" Her mom spoke as she would never think she would hear from her own mom, "The Darkbringers are closing in we might have to leave tonight for I fear they are numerous than before." What tonight!? Somu shout with discontent "WHY TONIGHT MOM!? WE HAVE ALWAYS EVADED THEM WITHOUT BEING CAUGHT! WHAT MAKE IT SO DIFFERENT THIS TIME!?" Her mom spoke sternly, "Because Somu I sense a powerful presence this time I fear that may come to pass. I had seen him in my vision, he has predator look in his crimson red cold eyes. I am afraid that you might have to say goodbye to Rao because we are not coming back here." Somu's body feels iron hot and contorted with ire anger "I HATE YOU!" Somu ran to her room and slammed the door shut and sobbing on her bed. Not caring what her mother had said. As Somu clenches her pillow, "I am going to see Rao no matter what my mother says or sees in her vision!" Somu vows.

That night Somu grabbed her things and her portable ship. She figured out how to lower her presence that her mom would not be able to detect. Somu snuck out through the window. Somu will deal with her mom later. Somu convinced herself that her mother's vision was her way to keep me away from boys. As soon she was cleared from her mother's senses range. Somu arrived at the place where Rao would meet me here. She is waiting impatiently at the tree, bit chilly tonight as the wind breezes a little. Somu really wanted to tell him how she truly felt about him. She shivers, wishing that she wore a hoodie to keep herself warm from the cold. Contemplating Rao's reaction if he accepts her feelings. Somu hope he does. It is hard to move away from all the friends that Somu had made and would be gone and had she gotten sick of starting all over again venting her mind, "I hate it and I hate it!" Desperation runs through her own body. Somu sensed a presence made sure that wasn't her own mother.

It is a familiar presence to Rao! Thank goodness. Somu revealed herself from the tree to Rao by shouting his name. Rao approaches her; however, he wasn't very cheerful that his face is covered with some bruises. Somu rushed in to ask him what happened. Rao explained that "My dad was angry that I didn't get home on time and he hates the fact I am with you." Indignation steamed through Somu as demands from Rao "Why would your dad hate me?" Rao nervously says, "He thinks you and your mom are strange and I think you're a little weird too." Somu was not in the mood to understand. She was so angry, and she protested about being weird. "Rao told your dad he is wrong!" Rao was surprised by her outburst "Whoa Somu what your deal?" Somu paced around angrily "I had a fight with my mother recently that we have to move away!" Rao feeling uncomfortable where this is going "Somu look I better go home my dad will be angrier if he finds out I snuck out." Somu grabbed his hand "No please don't go."

Her eyes flowing down with tears, Rao halted immediately. While the wind breezes their skins. The moon bright white shines upon us while Rao and Somu stand there. While getting she is regaining her composure back and glances gently at Rao's eyes. Rao blushes and Somu wants to say to him "Rao I want to say I really like you." Rao is speechless, even stunned at what Somu had said. Before he could say anything. There was a sudden shiver upon her back. What is this sensation that Somu is sensing, and Rao saw fire from the village "My brother and my dad are there, I have to go there!" Started to run and he let go of my hand. Her mother is there…Somu had no choice to go on after him. She never saw horror like this before people's homes are getting burned. She sees Black cloak with red and yellow design. She sees them, those crimson red eyes that are filled with bloodlust. There are multiple of them. Flames are surrounding them. One of them snares Somu, "We finally found you." Somu begin to panic shouting "Let go of me!" trying to pull away from his hand.

His hand is tight as an iron grip. This can't be happening! Before they can drag her away, her mother fiercely slashes the man's hand that forces him to let go. In tears, Somu wanted to apologize "Mom I wanted to say I'm so--" Her mom snaps at me "No time for that I want you to run!" While the group of Darkbringers begin to surround us. Somu begin to protest then shows her face serious "No arguing Somu go and run get help from Rehigh!" She reluctantly leaves however, Somu hid to see what happened. Her mom shows her side that Somu never seen before when she fought like a warrior. The Darkbringers used fire to attack against her mother. She evades the fire by speed so that she ends the guy after another. All the Darkbringers did not foolhardy engage her separately, they all fought together. Somu thought her mother was done for however, she seems to be holding on fine on her own. She seemingly knows their moves before they do.

Somu was amazed by her prowess and agility. Some Darkbringers used some form of a blast. Her mother used reflection that bounced off their blasts away from her. The Darkbringers backed off. Somu thought her mother had them through the ropes. Somu senses are going off that there is one greater dark presence approaching. Her mother seems to feel this and before she could start retreating. One Teenager is already behind her. It is unsettling he appeared out of nowhere. He had spiky black hair, a Lathery black and purple jacket.

He feels very intimating although he is a teenager. Somu silently cheers her mother on. The teenage boy introduces himself "My name is Taru Ven I am the leader of the Darkbringers, and I am the son of--" Somu's mother replied sharply "I know who you are son of the monster whom your father destroyed Edom." Taru smiled wryly "I see you are a Seer of old not very many of you left alive." Mom sharply retorts at him, "Is that supposed to scare me!?" Taru shakes his head no, "You're mistaken what I said. I say it out of respect." Somu's mother was not convinced regardless if he did it out of respect.

Taru sneers at my mother, "I see you don't believe me. Anyway, I want information and location of Rehigh, that scum who killed my father." Recalling her mother just told Somu to run to find Rehigh. Somu's mother refused to answer his question. Taru seems to frown, "So you're going to be like that, I am not here to play games. I might have to take you in." Taru's intimidating presence is trying to overpower my mother. She stood her ground. Taru vanished and my mother is immediately on guard.

He made contact by punching her. Her mom blocked that. Taru slightly half impressed "I see, you can foresee my movements. Let us see you encounter my speed." After he had said that he vanishes once again. Her mom remained a consistent guard. Taru instantly kicks at her as she blocks it. Taru kept on attacking without tiring out. Somu is mortified as her mom begins to tremble in pain. It is unbelievable how fast is he going, that the flames intensified. No matter how fast Taru is going, my mother can block it.

Taru mocks her mother "I wonder how long you will hold out? Before your bones start to break!" Somu's mother grits her teeth ignoring the pain. Taru stops attacking and decides to use the flames that are around them. He raised his hand up and all flames turned dark purplish black there, something demonic feeling about it. Mother instinctively clasps her hands together quickly as the ground rises. All the other Darkbringers disappeared corresponding to it and wouldn't end well. Somu used her abilities to barrier herself from a major attack. There was force that knocked her out of place. She barely was awake. Everything begins to be hazy.

Her mother is barely standing and looks dehydrated from intense heat that was created from Taru. Mother tries to move however, she collapses. Taru walked quite pleased. Taru's condescending attitude as she drags her mother away, "To think Nami, many of my people feared you nearly twenty years ago you were one of the most powerful Spirit Sensitives who fought aside with the Messenger against my father turn out to be a weakling." Somu crawls toward them trying to reach them but Taru vanishes along with her mother. Somu weakly pleaded "Wait don't take away my mother…" She passed out from that gust of heat that had hit her that was the last thing she remembered.