Nightmares and Woman with red eyes

Esai Kinzuma | Earth, year 2206

Esai's last days on his summer vacation, he began to have these horrible nightmares. So often that he would wake up screaming at times that woke up his parents up. Esai's mother would consoles him that it was just a dream. Knowing what he had dreamed about was a person who had sickly pale skin, bloody red sclera and red iris and had long black hair that had white robes kept on telling him "It is time." Esai did not know what he means about that. He is not looking forward to going back to school Esai just had a terrible feeling. Although, his friends are going to be around.

It had been some time since he had last seen his friends because they would go on vacations most of the summer which kind of left him alone with his family so nothing but video games during Esai's lonely times. However, that would not be true his mother would scold Esai a lot for wasting his own time with video games and tell him to go outside and exercise. Also, she would nag on him for not reading enough ebooks because he did not score very well with grades on English and reading comprehension.

As well with other subjects that Esai foreclose that is best not be mentioning his grades certainly not an excellent academic student there is. However, the opposite could be said about his scripture studies. Esai seems to comprehend better the principles and basics of the doctrine of Gospel than most kids and adults alike which can take a lifetime to get. Esai was born from a religious background based on what his mother had done, had become a convert by the missionaries during the age of sixteen. Thinking about it they lived in West Valley City, Utah quite honestly if anyone had an opinion about this place it can be a most boring place to be. Which is why his mother moved out here in the first place to isolate themselves from the crowded city area. However, Esai loves the mountains out there for their beautiful scenery that if ever left outside of Utah it would have left him homesick or strange not seeing mountains at his sight.

First day of school Esai was already running late, and her mother had offered him breakfast. "Morning dear Esai, would like—" Esai was out the door before his mother could finish that sentence. Regrettably, he had to skip breakfast and face his mother's wrath later once he returned home from school. Esai is going to miss the orientation he has only five minutes before the school closes its doors panicking "I knew better not to stay up late playing video games a day before school! Now I might have to pay the price!" sprinting down from the sidewalks that houses, and car traffics to zooming before him. There Esai can see the school from a block away! Seeing the crosswalk patrol was about to return to the position allowing the traffic cars to resume their course. Esai thought he could reach it on time and still believed he could make it! The cross-patrol yelled at me to stop. The cars were passing through the crosswalk and Esai nearly got hit by the on-going traffic before he halted completely. Disorient, before he collects himself the school bell rang. Now officially late for school.

Esai did not know why he ran out for no reason because his mom or dad could have dropped him off from school plus it was the first day of school, they would have been lenient. Despite that, he knew most of the teachers down from kindergarten to fifth grade almost all of them. Esai was knocking frantically on the door hoping that they would take notice of him. It seems like people in the front office are too busy to open the door. Elementary School of Dolphins that our school mascot, sitting down on the concrete floor sighing to himself "Felt like running to school today and I had been anxious to see my friends." No that is not right, it is something else that had been bothering him. It is his dreams and visions that had been recurring for the past two weeks. Esai was seeing the man with the white robes and now the girl with green hair and was calling out, "Rehigh" almost crying out for help.

His thoughts had been interrupted by this woman who seemed to be in her early thirties who had a gold blond bon ponytail, a slim jacket underneath a red button shirt, black skirt and wore black sunglasses shade. While placing her finger by blowing her black shade to glance at him "Late you spiky haired boy?" questioned the woman in black shade. Her eyes appear to be blue yet reveal red iris eyes. Astonishing, he never saw anyone with that colored irises. Esai's body seems to be shot up with tension when staring at her.

Almost if Esai is threatened by her mere presence. "What is going on!?" Esai cried in his mind. He could not move nor speak as if he paralyzed out of pure intimidation. The woman smiles coolly "I have found you Spirit Sensitive and do hope I'll see you again." Soon as she opens the door, with a teacher ID card pass Esai feels released from paralysis that he can move and speak again. Going inside the school building sweat all over his body and trembling. Who was that woman and Esai prays and hopes that he does not have her this year as he enters the orientation room?

There was a microphone voice that was kind of annoying and was doing his usual speech as surprised that he had no one telling him to stop talking. They are behind schedule then they already are. Esai is glad he was the only one who had an off day. As he rushes behind the gymnasium door to see a mass of students of all different grades sitting there, looks bore out of their minds.