Worse introduction

A month has passed, and it is already midterm week Esai's parents are going to kill him if Esai doesn't get that e-report to show on holo-device. To make matters worse Miss Dark left him a note that she will be gone for certain numbers of days having fun with a new plaything. No, Esai does not want to know about the plaything, and anything to do with it, he did not bother with it. She left with a warning that is foreboding "I hope you don't slack off, that would be bad for progress wouldn't it? Because I will have someone watch you as soon, I'm done with my plaything." Esai had a substitute which was a rather pleasant change from Miss Dark. Synthetic Humanoid was covering for our teacher while it teaches daily education. The machine is uptight about Esai with lack of homework. Esai has not been aware that he explained numerous times that the teacher wanted me to focus on the project more than his other homework. Even some of his classmates had also explained to the machine but, like all machines, only thought that Esai had been skipping out on his homework.

This irritates Esai greatly as the machine adds homework to his holo-device. Well normally Esai would complain about homework but, this is a welcoming change for once. However, no e-report that contains his grades whatsoever. There is no way that Esai wing out a lie about his grades, especially lack of homework in the apartment. Honestly does that even matter anymore, Esai is most certainly not sure if he would even live to see the end of the Term.

At recess time Esai went to the basketball court where his friends hung out. Not exactly playing sports rather Isaac and his brother Abel were agonizing listening to Leo's latest joke "Once in the hoop into the juke!" as he misses the shot completely with the basketball. Esai found that rather funny as his friends greeted him, "Yo, Esai I heard that machine gave you extra homework because you were short on homework." Leo grumbles "Homework, more like slave work!" Abel curiously asked Esai "What are you going to do since Miss Dark did not send an e-report to you Esai?" Quite honestly that is the least of his worries, so Esai casually replied, "Well thinking that my parents will be more understanding that my teacher inconveniently left without sending it to me." Abel seems to be satisfied with that answer. Isaac, however, has been more concerned about his e-report because his academic grades have been fleeting.My parents have been rather strict with me about scoring good on English, Spanish, Math, and Technological Studies. I got an A in History but, the rest is mediocre." Yowch! Having mediocre grades is never good when it comes to his parents. He swivels his legs to get into a comfortable position. "Lately my parents don't care about my grades for some unknown reason. They say, 'That those grades are illusions to my true intelligence, and you will see true destiny once the time has come.' That felt very cryptic to me." Cryptic indeed even Abel and Leo agreed to that. Esai has been taught by his parents that more knowledge gives you more advantage over the world. Leo admittedly says that he was slacking "Yeah, I've been ding-a-ling away from my studies would like to call 'slaving chains' my foster parents wouldn't care less what I do." We stare at Leo with disgust "Do you care about your future career down the line?" Leo shrugs "Honestly I would be a comedian but, it's been zoned out from society." That would be a suitable style for Leo except that it intends to be futile work because there are ridiculous laws to prevent anyone from saying whatever you want or even offending someone.

It can't politically heads, companies, machines, even the laws for comedic purposes. Which is why comedy is a dying art or culture that has been forgotten. When the bell rings we return to our classrooms until someone barks at me "Hey spiky hair kid wait!" We all turn around to see a girl standing on top of the fence. Isaac looked confused thinking she was asking for him. Isaac has spiky hair just ill compared to himself spiky hair. The girl shows some serious gripes with Isaac "Do I look like I'm talking to you!?" She front flip toward and eyed on Esai. Leaving his friends impressed on her landing. This is the first time a girl calls him out.

While examining her, Esai realizes that she has green long hair, dark skin, dark blue eyes, and wears punkish clothing. She snarled at me "Keep your eyes on me when I am speaking to you porcupine!" Clearly this is trouble than it is worth having right now even his friends' notions to Esai to leave as for Leo he seems more interested to see where goes typical of him. Esai apologized to her that this was not the best time to be speaking right now since the bell rang, they are going to be late for class. When Esai turned his back on her she judo him to the ground without warning. Esai bellows in pain as she whispers to his ear "My name is Somu Kio, if you ignore me again I will break your arm got it?" Laying on the ground weakly acknowledging her "Yes…" As she glares down to Esai "I have my eyes on you!" his friends were afraid of her as she passed them. Esai's friends went to help him up asking if he was alright. All Esai could think was that the girl must be Ms. Dark's surprise.