The Trial ends horribly

She screams "NO!" against the Heavens as he goes on killing frenzy on all the Darkbringers that were with her. Brutally murdered them which some of them teleported away with their lives. This very moment Somu feared for her life as she was paralyzed by her binding powers that she placed upon her beforehand. Her uniform is smeared by the blood of her victims, her hands drenched with blood that is dripping. She places her hand on her face "You would not turn on me, right?" the warm blood on her face made Somu nauseous as her eyes frantically twitched. As if Somu had a choice in the matter her life would have ended if she said anything contrary "No mistress I would even dare." Her face darken as her crimson pink eyes brightens maddeningly "Good, I am going to have to alter some memories if they ask anything including you." She reaches two fingers toward her eyes again and the veil swirls her mind as Somu curses "Not again…" her body starts losing its strength as her eyes droops to slumbering darkness.


Someone jolts Somu angrily as Somu wakes up confused as they demand her to be a witness trial. It felt like Somu had been out for days, even weeks. Her mind is fuzzy about the details about what had occurred. The room is spacious in the court room decorated with Darkbringer's crest on the judge seat. On the floor it is filled with Ni-Kai sealing that restricts the use of spiritual energy to limited use. Somu was among a group of witnesses who are wearing hoods if they are hidden for safety. There was an audience in the back wearing masks with strange patterns that can't make sense of. Why are they wearing that for what reason? This is her first time attending Darkbringer's court trial.

This trial will be interesting to learn. There was a bit of discussion in the crowd while the witnesses remained silenced as Somu did not want to get unwanted attention, just follow what they did. There were loud knocks because the people were silent and raised up from their seats. As there was a judge arriving from the side doors near the judgement seat. As the judge sat down, told everyone to be seated. While the judge was not wearing a mask of any kind. She was a woman with black short hair, one beauty mark on her right cheek, wearing a poncho that is black and grey. As she spoke to the guards to bring the accused to come to the center. They followed the instructions as they brought Tani Dark to the room accompanied by additional four guards surrounding her four by four while she was in the center. The weird part is that she is wearing a white robe as she is choked by four guards holding the rods. Then as instructed by the woman who is the judge to release her and told them to leave once, they are done.

The judge began to read the podium provided in Nu-Kai that is releasing from projection "Tani Dark, Elite Darkbringer rank thirteen is here by trial to answer for numerous murders, assassinations, and distortion against her fellow peers. As Darkbringer you have rights and privileges to either defend yourself in the court or have any attorney of your choosing to defend for you. As it is written and said 'you rather defend yourself.' Some of the audience had murmured amongst themselves.

As Tani Dark seems confident enough to speak as if she is in control of everything in the court "Your honor, there seems to be miscommunication here as the men and women here who are standing before us as witnesses are just traumatized by the murderous Messenger. They are here to place falsehood for my incompetence for not capturing the Messenger by attempting to remove me from command. I swear this by blood of Renzukai as well my honor as Elite Darkbringer." Some of the witnesses who Somu is with clench their fists with anger. The judge seems to be frowning at Tani Dark with skepticism "By swearing by Renzukai's blood and your honor as Elite Darkbringer not something I would not take lightly in this case because if I remember correctly you would go after the Messenger for any length to obtain fame and recognition over others than honor. Your ambition intends to be leading numerous Darkbringers to their deaths as of late."

Tani Dark gets offensive on this subject "Are implying that being ambitious leads to their deaths? What about the other Darkbringers who have the same ambition that lead to victory and conquest against our enemies who died for a greater cause?" The judge smiles darkly "Oh on the contrary we encourage ambition to move us forward to the future. Although losing comrades, leaders, and especially the Messenger is another matter entirely." Her spiritual pressure seems oozing out darkness as Tani Dark struggles to stand up as she reprimands "Tani Dark you think you could manipulate me as your prey? Because you could shift the veil to your convenience to transpire memory loss on your comrades to narratively cover up your mistakes or deceive your commanding officers to hara-kiri in assuming that you earned that position." Tani Dark tries to speak but she falls to the floor again as the judge insults her "Oh look at you, you called yourself Elite Darkbringer that you can barely withstand my spiritual pressure for I am Shadow Knight of Darkness, rank thirteen. If you truly Elite Darkbringer you should be able to withstand my power even if the seals restrict spiritual energy to limited use." The judge alleviates her spiritual pressure to allow the Tani Dark to stand on his feet again. Tani Dark visibly shaken by that experience as if she is standing by the authoritarian of all the Darkbringers. The judge asks the witness their testimonies about the crimes of Tani Dark "Is it true that Tani Dark went on killing frenzy when the Messenger escapes?" The Darkbringer woman represented for witnesses "Yes, she went on a killing frenzy without warning that she killed my best friend while we were forced to escape to our lives." The audience roars with anger about this revelation. Then she called another witness from a different account "It is true that while you served another commanding officer five years ago, with her had been notorious leading those around her to their deaths or had commanders that once served died by unknown circumstance been promoted commanding office before she became Elite Darkbringer?"questioned the judge.

Then another witness was Darkbringer man proclaims, "Yes, after serving a strike team with small numbers to operate with. We had a commander who specialize in infiltration stratagem when we found a large number of Spirit Sensitives who managed to have stabilized a citadel on a planet that was abandoned for some time." The judge seemed intrigued by this and told him to continue "The population estimated to be ten thousand when scouted it out. We were told by our superiors to only observe because they will send an additional army to support us within three days. Which gives us time to come up with a battle plan. There was one Darkbringer who was overzealous to attack when we were clearly ordered to standby. That night our superior commander was killed and we presume that a Spirit Sensitive scout had been murdered in cold blood. In fact, it was a traitor who led us to catastrophic failure. It was a major loss that led five hundred Darkbringers to their deaths that night. I was fortunate enough to make out with my life but, all my friends were killed that day. Leaving it a major failure to our mission." He pauses to glare at Tani Dark.

As he pointed out angrily toward her "You were that Darkbringer that night assassinated my commander leaving you with a promotion that killed to get a position in obtaining Elite Darkbringer with the credit that you didn't deserve my team deserves that recognition and demand blood from you!" The judge examines the file projection reports about these accusations "Most of the claims you reported had been dismissed in the past as subject to personal vendetta. Even there were evaluations to you, that you were unsuitable to serve any missions anymore which make your credibility void." The man had a way to counter that by releasing a device from his wrist to wipe that smirk off from Tani Dark's face. The judge had retrieved compelling evidence as he spoke "My only desire is to bring my friends and families to have swift justice for her crimes." The judge examines the files as well the videos showing the evidence of Tani Dark is getting careless on using the veil to gain favors, coverups, comprising classified information, and officers, military soldiers, and leaders are failing to do their responsibilities due the levels veil cause them have memories loss and hampers to use spiritual abilities to battle. The judge's eyes blaze furiously "This cannot stand at all! This affects the way we operate in military, safety, and trust in our people to protect when we have one Darkbringer undermines that. This is a matter of treason against all the Darkbringers. By Law we condemn such action, there is no more need for further witnesses and evidence."

Tani Dark who is sickly pale as the judge made the final edicts "By the laws of the Darkbringers we found you guilty before us and Taru Ven who is presiding leader. You here by stripped of the title of the Elite Darkbringer rank thirteen, discharged dishonorably that your works you had done in the past is to be discarded and forgotten as it is written as treasonous traitor!" Somu's eyes could not believe it! Tani Dark's white robe turns red as the Judge explains the final judgement "Your white robes that were supposed to symbolize innocence have now turned red to symbolize your guilt and sins of your crime. Now get out of my sight traitor!" All the crowd screamed for justice and blood for her.

Tani Dark was not expecting the table to be turned against her so she prepared a flash seal on her robe temporarily blinding all the people in the room. Somu was blinded, everything was in chaos. She felt a hand that tightly grips the wrist that it hurts. Somu could not see where they were going. The next thing she knew there felt warm liquid all over her clothes. Was it blood upon her face? Somu screamed in horror as Tani Dark had her in the grips as they started massacring people around them.

Her sight returns gradually as they are running toward the metal corridor. She is avoiding the oncoming bystanders. The Darkbringers military chases her down with extreme prejudice as the siren alarms around the hallways. They started to blast at them with their spiritual abilities. She swiftly evaded their shots there was one Darkbringer uses a technique that seals off the end of the hallway. Tani Dark uses one technique sprint through fast enough that she phased through it. The next thing Somu knows is they are at the space launching area where the Black Fang was parked. As they teleported in the Black Fang. She told the ship to launch immediately as the gate is closing to block them out.

As the ship wasted no time it went zooming out of the gate to space. She activated the warp drive without placing any calculations. Still in the wrap space, Tani Dark stares at her with lunacy Somu had to calm down to prevent anymore provoking into killing her. Screams at her as Miss Dark grips Somu threw in the room that she sleeps in and seals it tight. Although, room was dark temporarily there were immediate glows. Nu-Kai sealed all over the room but Somu still heard Tani Dark screaming in rage that it was not a peaceful rest that went on for hours.

Imagining that Tani Dark is not straight in the head because seeing how she would kill her own people with no hesitation just to obtain her goals. They went to having the Darkbringers as an ally to their worst enemy. Somu must escape from this serial killer; it will not be long before she goes on a frenzy and murders her. Somu comes up with counter measures against the Nu-Kai that are within her own head as her lingering will is at stake. Using all the lessons that she learned from her mother to find the solution to her problems. Really hate Tani Dark right now her memories are distorted to the point that Somu cannot access it, mother warns her about the veil can impede the memories and spiritual development. The only way to overcome that is if Somu refined her spirituality to stabilize it or kill Tani Dark to remove her influence over her.

Tani Dark opens the room with her eyes blazing over the dark room. Sensations of her obvious madness of bloodlust in her eyes. Somu is completely under her mercy at this point until the time is right to strike. Tani Dark with hands clawed her face with her sickening smile "Servant girl, guess where we are then?" Somu humored her query "Supposedly go somewhere to hide away from everything that no one can obviously search us." She laughs at sheer mockery "You have much requirement in educating servant girls. Where we are going to a place that is so oblivious it is the least popular place most would avoid it." Not entirely sure how to answer this lunatic Darkbringer "A place that has no jurisdiction from anyone?" Tani Dark tilts her head slightly "Partially right, but it is when every faction is sort of in charge but, they are not as strict as the headquarters of the Darkbringer. It is universally despised among the Spirit Sensitives, Darkbringers, Observers, and Lenios. There is a seal no one could establish an organization on a backwatered world that is still developing as it is hopeless it may attempt." Tani Dark places her hand on her face as she answers "We are going to Earth since I got nothing to lose at this point. Let us party with Esai Kinzuma."
