The Murders of Vien Strauss and Hal Gremory part 2

Almost two weeks had past since the supposed accident. We've been investigating the case for five days now, luckily we found some leads. First witness is Jim Brooks, he first saw the bodies while strolling around Birch Creek Woods, Why he was strolling the woods early in the morning? Well don't ask me I don't know, maybe gay stuff, maybe he just really strolling the woods—or— maybe he was the one who killed Hal and Vien. But we don't know for sure, it's a total mystery for us.

The second witness—or—suspect is Wendel Davids, Jim said that he saw Wendel running away from the scene of the crime. We'll interrogate him later after class, and after that I guess we'll hit up Moonlit Shack to take a break and put the pieces that we've collected so far together.

Well let's fast forward after school shall we? We confronted Wendel at the student common room asking him somethings that might help on the case.

"Hello Wendel" I said as I approached him "Just asking were you at Birch Creek Lake on July 4th?" I asked.

But immediately after hearing my question he tried to run away, but unfortunately for him I have muscles to back me up. Patrick blocked his path, he grabbed him by the collar and sit him down again.

"Now now Wendel, that wasn't nice, it looks like you were trying to run away just like what you did when you murdered my sister" Pauleen said, with sadness and anger in her every word. In response to what Pauleen just said Wendel replied "The police said that it was an accident"

Clearly Wendel knows something that we don't, he was shivering like a crying puppy when he heard my question.

"Yes they did, but you heard it right? the noise that made you go rushing towards where you heard it just like Jim" I said, well this is just one of my method's when interrogating someone.

And with that Wendel finally cracked, he admitted that he was at Birch Creak Woods on the 4th of July and that he wasn't alone. He said that he was with his girlfriend Jennelyn Ramirez, and that there were just doing what normal lovers would do—well—that was—until they heard a loud bang that came from the Lake. He told Jennelyn to get back at the car, and that he would check out the Lake to see what all the fuss is about. But when he arrived, he only saw the body floating near the Lake. and one Jim Brooks, who was staring at the corpse before he saw Wendel.

After that he ran back to his car and drove home together with his girlfriend. Pauleen asked another question, she asked him if he saw Jim holding a gun before he left into which he replied and said no. I think that the only reason she asked that question was because she wanted someone to blame for her sister's death. After our little interrogation with Wendel we let him go, as for the three of us, we headed straight to the Shack.

We talked about what we found out so far, but it only made it harder. I as well thought that Jim did it, that he had killed Vien and probably Hal too. Why would a guy run away from sa gay unless he had a gun. And yeah I also stopped to consider what reason did Jim had if he killed them, he wasn't close to any of them and he also wasn't their enemy so why? But when Wendel told us that Jim didn't have a gun, all of the webs that was linked to Jim dissapeared, It was like it got swept by a raging tide.

After having dinner at the Shack, I asked Patrick to take Pauleen home. I needed to do some digging up myself and if she got involved in her current state, she'd only get on the way. Pauleen's acting on impulse, I guess the death of a family member really got through to her, after she heard the news, she cried her eyes out, and for days she locked herself in her room.

Now where was I? Oh yes, after dinner I headed straight to Birch Creek Woods, trying to find more clues that could help us in our investigation. After literally five hours of foraging the woods, I found nothing. Maybe because it was too dark to see anything even with a flashlight.

Well there only one thing to do now, visit the local Coroner's Office. Every record of the deaths in Grim Haven are stored in there. And if you have the right amount, the Coroner, Dr.Cunning will gladly let you have what you're looking for. Everything I wanted to know about is on that single file, so I'm betting all of my cash that I'd eventually find something out when I have those files.

After ten minutes of driving, I arrived at the Coroner's office, I talked to Dr.Cunning about the files on Vien, and as the name implies, he was very—I mean—very cunning. He had a very strict policy that guarantees that he gets his money first before he gives out the files. Well there goes my money, I have to take two shifts on the weekends now just to get that back.

I read the files on Vien and just by looking at it, it seems likely that there was foul play involved. But something's been bugging me when I read Vine's autopsy report. So I asked Dr.Cunning about it "Excuse me Dr,Cunning, but something's weird about this autopsy report. It says here that she was poisoned, specifically arsenic poisoning. I thought she died because of drowning? And what about those bruises on her neck? How the hell did she got them? Explain to me what happened."

"I only answer to money, Mr.Price." he replied. Damn sometimes I just want to punch him in the face, but there's nothing I can do about it. In this day and age, if you want to know something you need to pay the price. I handed the last of my money to the cunning doctor "Here take it, now you tell what I need to know" I said, I am probably gonna regret handing my money to the doc, but no can do I need to know what exactly happened to Vien.

After receiving his compensation Dr.Cunning spilled the beans, but what I hear next will probably shock you guys, I found another missing piece in this shadow filled puzzle. Now I can finally say that Grim Haven is not a normal Town any more...