Birthday Party Meeting

JingYuan nodded once more.

"Alright. I'll look at the dates and help you choose one. Have you any thoughts on the venue? A hotel?" Ma said.

"Thanks for helping out. No matter how hard we think, we'll never think of everything," JingYuan replied.

Ma then remembered JingYuan parents are gone. No one will be helping him with his marriage. At that, her heart ached.

"Okay," she said, "Count on me. You kids don't need to worry too much about it."

The Bai family only let JingYuan leave after he stayed for dinner. YiHan didn't know he got through the night. His entire being was stiff. He didn't even remember what he had for dinner. Luckily, everyone was too busy with the happy event to pay attention to how weird he was acting.

Only JingYuan was paying attention to him the whole time. But JingYuan thought it was all because YiHan was angry at him and didn't want to talk to him. Bitterness swelled in JingYuan.


Three days later, the old Mr Yan of the great property shark of the city, the Yan family, had his 66th birthday celebration. The family head, Yan Cheng, hosted a grand ball at the Yan family manor. As it was a birthday party for the old Mr Yan, everyone who was anyone was invited. The Bai family was also invited. Not only were the parents invited, but Yan, XueQing and their youngest son, YiHan, were invited as well.

YiHan didn't want to go at first, but a mother knows her son best. Ma's sharp intuition sensed the sorrow hiding behind her young son's smile lately. She felt that it must be because of the tense situation going on between him and JingYuan. The last time JingYuan was in their home, she forgot about it due to her daughter's engagement. This was the perfect chance to let them meet again. Perhaps they can make up? After all, JingYuan's going to be part of their family soon. Any grudges should be cleared up as soon as possible.

Even if that can't be done, it could act as trip out for relaxation, right?

So, she did her best to prepare clothes for her youngest son and pushed him out the door.

Upper-class society gatherings are all the same. Ladies in extravagant gowns. Deals over wine and champagne. A genteel mask over everyone's faces. Polite, respectful, lively and peaceful. The old Mr Yan's face was red with happiness and smilingly accepted everyone's blessings.

A crowd of men surround Bai FuRen. As one of the richest men in the city, there were plenty who wish to network with him. Everyone knew that the Bai family treasured their precious youngest son. They praised and flattered YiHan to no ends. All of the Bai family members were beaming so much they glowed like stars in the night.

YiHan stood beside his family with a slight smile on his face. Polite and humble. Upon noticing his understanding appearance, his family was prouder than ever. Even the ever-calm Yan couldn't help chuckling.

Yan was young and capable. He was the confirmed heir to the Bai family. He had a good body and a good face. The classic golden bachelor. This was already enough to make all the girls' hearts pound for him. Now, with this constant stream of pheromones being released, from what YiHan could see, the majority of the girls in tiny elegant dresses were already in love with his older brother.

YiHan sighed internally. Girls these days were just as fierce as tigers. However, he didn't know that all these girls were currently fantasising about him in their hearts: He's so cute! Just too cute! I really want to wrestle him into my arms and ruffle that hair of his!

Just then, a commotion arose at the doors. YiHan looked up. Ah, JingYuan's arrived. He was also one of the hottest men in the city. He was on a higher tier than Yan. After all, Bai Yan was just the heir to the Bai family. Mu JingYuan had been the head of the Mu family for years.

JingYuan walked into the hall. He smiled and greeted the crowd before running straight for the old Mr Yan. When he passed by the Bai family, he looked long and hard into YiHan's eyes. YiHan looked away and hid from JingYuan's gaze out of reflex.

Translator's Note:

Glowed like stars: The phrasing used here is "they grinned so much they were like blooming flowers". There are many interpretations as to how this phrase came about. The common ones are a) it is linked to the idiom "flowers bloomed in frenzy", which meant one was very happy, and b) a happy smile is like a blooming flower, radiant and eye-catching.