Chapter 27: New Member

"So! Do you guys want to sign up for the Gardening Club!? I hope you guys sign up! I quite need members you know!" Cypress asked both of us, grabbing a pen and the registration form for us to sign.

After seeing that girl just act that way towards us. Hm.. she seems to be an interesting character that I would probably love to get to know of. Honestly, I would probably join the gardening club! After all, I do love talking to plants and what better way to talk to more is by growing them!

"Uh... honestly.. we are having second thoughts of joining just because Diana is here," Lawrence said to them straightforwardly. Completely off to what I think.

"Huh? That's odd? Usually, when guys see me, they fall head over heels not even being able to speak to me. Some of them even grab the form to sign in because of my beauty that is! Everybody just wants to eat me up." Diana says to herself, boasting about her body.

Wait? So if people joined when she bewitches them then how come Cypress is the only member? I better ask about that... I suppose.

"If a lot of people join because of her then how come you're the only member Cypress?" I turned my head back to ask him.

He sighs, responding to me. "Actually that was the problem. They were all so focused on giving their seed to Diana or whatever they call it. They never really paid attention to taking care of the plants which were the purpose of the club. SO they end up just quitting after a week to know that Diana doesn't actually like them."

"Guess that's what you get for letting in dumb horndogs into your club. Although I don't see why they would be obsessed over something like her." Lawrence retorted, hitting a nerve to Diana's calm expression.

Ack! Why is Lawrence trying to jab insults at her! They should really stop fighting.. classes haven't even started yet and they are already going at it with one another.

"See, there it goes again. Quite odd that she's not bewitched by my charms yet. Could it be that you're one of those guys that's also attracted to other guys?" Diana clapped back at the insult, giving him a sly smirk.

"..." Lawrence remained silent, keeping on a poker face. "Would I need to respond to such balderdash or what? I don't need to waste my time with this. I'll just be going now." He starts to head towards the exit.

"HEY! Where are you going?! We aren't finished yet here!" I shouted to stop him from leaving, he turned his head around to face me."Celestina, when you are done meet me outside. I do not wish to see this revolting girl in front of my sight." He says aggressively, dragging his feet as he went outside the greenhouse.

"Geez. What's his problem, didn't know that he was also a minute man." Diana chuckled as she pouted.

Cypress laid down the form and pen to grab some kind of slipper. Retaining his smile, he raises the slipper in the air and then slaps Diana gently in the arm.

"OUCH!" Diana yelled in pain. "Hey! I told you to spank me but not like this! I've been a very good girl you know!"

What even is going on at this point. This looks more like a circus than a gardening club where you plant things.

"IT'S BECAUSE YOU SCARED OFF, ANOTHER ONE OF POTENTIAL RECRUITS YOU LITTLE ROTABEGA!" He continued, slapping her with the slipper as I watched the action.

"HE'S NOT THE ONLY ONE HERE! WE GOT THIS CHICK HERE!" Diana pointed towards me, making me gulp in fear.

"I think she wants to join our club. I mean you want to... Don't you?" She gives me the puppy dog eyes, staring at me seductively.

Is this what they call bewitching?! I'm a girl but I'm still allured by her beauty! What is this... although she was right about me wanting to join so I might as well just tell them that I want to.

"No need for the begging! I'm actually going to join either way! I love plants, honestly it's the only living thing I talked to except the people at my home! Since I got so lonely since the only one my age is Lawrence."

Wait. I might have spilled in too much information about my past. CRAP! They might figure out, that I'm a princess... That might cause a bit of a problem if they did.

"Oh? Did you grow a sheltered life or something? It's quite odd honestly that you only had to talk to plants since you couldn't find someone your age other than your brother..." Cypress interrogated me.

"Yes. I've grown in a home where I wasn't really allowed to get out of the house. So I could only walk around the courtyard to admire the scenery and the garden that's all." I responded, although I wasn't lying, I just withheld a little information.

"I see! Well, I'm glad you are joining! Welcome to the club! I honestly thought no one would join our club since everyone was more focused on doing other things at school." He sighed, handing me the form.

With the use of the pen he provided, I filled in the form, It was simple really, it just asked my age, my birthday, and my contact info and all that details, and after a few minutes. I was finished so I handed it to him.

"Awesome! You're officially a member of the Gardening Club! Usually, we would read your form and have an interview but we don't really get members so I'm not going to be picky!" He smiled, handing me a pin.

The pin was all green with a tree that's a slighter color to it in the middle of it. It was a rather simple design that's for sure.

"Oh? What's this?" I asked as I grabbed the pin and placed it on my clothes.

"Wear that pin during club meetings so you would be recognized as a Gardening Club member! Alright?"

"Thank you! Anyways I better go. We need to shop for some school supplies since our classes start tomorrow! So I have to go now! See you!" I waved goodbye at them. Walking out of the warehouse as I see both of them with smiling faces.

POV: Cypress Green

As I saw Celestina leave the greenhouse. I can sense something wrong with Diana. I turned around to see a smirk in her face. Clearly filled with malicious intent.

"Don't tell me you're off to cause trouble again." I crossed my arms, squinting at her.

"Not really! Although it's kind of mean you assumed that I'm that evil daddy." She responded to me jokingly.

"I told you not to call me that. Also, I already know you're scheming something since you have that look in your face. Don't even try denying it with me." I deflected the cheeky remark, scolding her a little.

"They are going to the school supplies shop, right? I suppose I'll go assist them. I mean they are new students after all. It's just my duty as an upperclassman!" She giggled.

Upperclassman my ass.. She's definitely plotting something.

"Anyways, bye! I'll go ahead and help them!" She said smirking at me as she dashed out of the greenhouse to chase after them.

Sometimes I can't really read that girl at all. One moment she's bubbly and the second she's scheming something. I wonder what she's planning...