Chapter 49: Pleasure Is The Best Medicine

POV: Lawrence Harrington

Ugh. After a long day of just sitting around that classroom. I should really get some rest. I haven't gotten a wink of sleep because knowing that a serial killer can kill you anytime while you sleep, kind of develops your insomnia.

Nah. Who am I kidding, it wasn't really a long day. It was basically an hour of just me sleeping on a desk because these teachers didn't bother showing up. I guess this serial killer kind of did me a favor since I can go back to my bed early!

With anticipation, I made my way to my dorm room. Finally! I can be alone and relax by eating fries in the kitchen and then finally getting some sleep! The activity I always desired to do since I had to follow Celestina's ridiculous orders.

I NEED MY TIME AND PEACE OKAY. One person can't handle too much and I'm just going to die of pressure if this just keeps up

Especially since you've gotta deal with a lot of crazy people. First, we got this girl named Molly with the red hair who is totally suffering from something. I can tell already that chick is crazy. I mean come on, who goes from a one to a hundred in a second. Secondly, we got Meghan who legit has a serial killer after her and literally tried to bait me OF ALL people to get killed for her own sake. THEN THIRDLY, WE GOT THIS CRAZY GIRL CHASING AFTER ME AND ENJOYING MY TORMENT AND I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO MENTION THAT GIRL'S NAME CAUSE IT IRRITATES ME.

I continued to walk towards my dorm room. Completely letting go of all the negative emotions I'm feeling. I finally see the doorknob with that icy cold metal touch. Just turning that knob and it'll be paradise all over again!

As I opened it slowly, I hear the soft sultry laugh of a woman inside. FUCK. Why did it have to be her?

"Welcome back sweetie, What would you like to do first? Eat dinner? Take a bath? Or.... take me here right now." The queen of perverse herself is in front of the door. Wearing some kind of apron on. WHAT IS SHE DOING IN THE DORM ROOM?


"Hey, why are you blinking all of a sudden?" She asks me innocently before giving me a sly smirk. "Is my sexiness such eye-candy that your eyes are spazzing out?"

"Please be a dream...."

"Why have a dream version of me when you can have the sexy looking one right here!" She says so shamelessly

"Oh my god... this again." I sighed and accepted the fact, that she's here. SHE'S like a cold sore that keeps coming when you don't want it to go.

"Hey! Aren't you even going to answer my question! Although I already know what you're going to do first so come on big boy. Show me everything." She naughtily winked at me. Making me sick to my stomach.

"First of all, what in the world are you doing here in my dorm? Second of all, how did you get in? Thirdly, LEAVE!" I shouted at her, pointing at the exit.

"Firstly, I'm here cause I wanna see you, of course, Lawry-poo! Secondly, I got in since you guys forgot to lock the door. Geez if I wasn't the one who got here, you guys are probably going to be robbed! Also, I can picklock your doorknob keyhole anyways so no need for locking." She chuckled softly. "And for the third question, No."


"Oh. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I can flirt my way out of any situation and not gonna lie. As much as I don't wanna admit it. Most people kind of favor a girl over a guy. So you telling that a fragile woman like me is breaking and entering is just going to be laughed at. I mean I kind of get away with a lot of bad things I do since I just use that sexist thing that people have. Just spitting out cold heart facts by the way." She giggled.

Why you little...DAMN IT. She's right. I READ IN AN ARTICLE BEFORE THAT PEOPLE MOSTLY DISMISS MALE RAPES BECAUSE APPARENTLY "that can't happen". UGH. I hate it when she's right.

"Ugh. Whatever, anyways just go. I need to actually eat something and then sleep." I gave up trying to convince her and just proceeded to ask her calmly. I think she's just doing this for the reaction so let's see if the calm approach will work on her.

"Honestly, I don't really have any bad intentions. I just heard from Celestina that you're not feeling well so I came here to cook something for you. I even prepared a hot bath so. Don't go acting sour and just do this please?" She gives me her the most innocent looking smile I've ever seen.

That smile... It's like the smile of a soft innocent child. The type you'd never expect to do anything demoralizing but just remembering how she acted before just ruins the image to me.

"Ugh. Whatever. I'll go ahead and try what you cooked for me. Although I don't really expect much, AFTER THIS ENDS YOU'RE GOING OUT. GOT THAT?!" I finally agreed to her request although I'm making sure that she leaves after this.

"Excellent! Come on, go to the kitchen! But before that!" She suddenly drifted to a corner, the sound of chains suddenly fills the area of the room. Making my heart beat faster.

"Wha.. why do you have chains? You know what. I'm not even going to ask. That's kind of your thing. Maybe you have like a thing for bringing enormous chains to rooms or something."I rolled my eyes at her, getting her to giggle over it.

"Oh! These chains are to cover the door so that you don't try to escape or anything!" She chuckled.

"You know what.. I'm not even going to ask. Anyways can you change out of that ridiculous outfit? Why are you wearing just an apron here?" I pointed out her attire at that moment.

"Oh, why? You wanna see me in something sexier? Let me see!" She suddenly goes into the same room, she got the chains from and brings out two skimpy looking dresses. Something that I could never imagine EVEN an adult lady wearing.

"So what do you think? This one or this one?" She pointed towards the two dresses.

"What's the difference anyway. It's like picking a slutty dress over another slutty dress. You know what, just keep that apron on. Ugh." I narrowed my eyes on her. I can see her smiling and she's totally enjoying this.

"By the way, I have a fever... like a major fever right now. Can you like.. not be yourself for a bit? Cause this is seriously stressing me out I-" She then pushes me into a corner, placing her arms on the wall, pinning me down with my back against it. "You know.. pleasure is the best medicine." She whispered into my ear.