Chapter 53: It's Not What It Looks Like!

And there it was... as we opened the door. We saw Diana pinned into the wall by Lawrence who is half-naked with a flustered and embarrassed look on Diana's face. As they both heard the door opening. They both look at me totally humiliated.

"Um.. what's going on here?" I asked the pair who was stumbling to get away from one another.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR!" He shouted as he tried to button his shirt which he picked from the ground.

I turned to look at Cypress who was calm and composed over the situation before looking back at the two, who was just fidgeting about. "Why did you have your shirt off Lawrence?" I asked him innocently.

"I.. I.. um.. it's... not-" Lawrence attempted to explain whilst his face was blushing bright red from the embarrassment, suddenly Diana leaped out of her sorry state to go and pounce towards me with a big hug as she whimpered."IT'S SO AWFUL... LAWRENCE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!"

WHAT? OH MY GOD. Lawrence took advantage of Diana?! Like how exactly? I don't really understand it one bit... from what I know, taking advantage is like treating someone badly right? (TOTALLY CLUELESS OF SEX-ED)

"THAT'S A TOTAL LIE YOU VIXEN! YOU WERE THE ONE THAT POUNCED INTO ME!" Lawrence argued against Diana who was clinging into me tightly.

"He.. he.. cornered me in that wall to do naughty things to me! He even whispered that he would tie me up in the bed and punish me all day! The horror! The horror!" She dramatically exclaimed to me, who was taken back with the entire situation.

"YOU LIAR! I NEVER DID ANY OF THE SORT! I WAS JUST TRYING TO SCARE YOU OFF!" Lawrence bickered with her, Diana continued clinging into my arms whimpering.

"THEN EXPLAIN THOSE CHAINS ON THERE THEN! You brought those to tie me up because you're into that kind of thing right!" Diana pointed into the mountain of chains piled on the floor of the room. Why are those chains even in the dorm room?!

"YOU BROUGHT IT HERE YOU PERVERT! DON'T GO SHIFTING THE BLAME ON ME!" Lawrence had enough, pinching Diana's cheek as he pulled her away from me. "OW! OW! OW! LET GO! STOP! You're forcing your way with me again!" She groaned in a somewhat defiance.

"Don't listen to this bitch! She came here, breaking and entering our house and then served me this meal WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HER SIGN OF GRATITUDE FOR ME MAKING HER BREAKFAST BUT THEN SHE DID ALL THESE WEIRD THINGS! SHE HAS THE PROBLEM!" Lawrence shouted, letting go of Diana's inflamed red cheek.

Cypress squinted his eyes. "Aren't these chains from the gardening club's shed." He stated, looking at the chains carefully.

Diana's eyes widen as if she's guilty with something.. making Cypress look at her with a skeptical look. "You stole these chains from the shed, didn't you? You little rascal! Stop causing trouble!" He scolded Diana who was pouting.

"Okay fine! You got me!" Diana sighed. "Lawrence did not take advantage of me. Although he did get a little tough with me. He even became a little aggressive and unbuttoned his shirt himself. So he was also somewhat naughty." She chuckled.

Lawrence blushed, brushing his hair to avoid eye contact from all of us.

"See! Not even denying it!" She playfully pats Lawrence's head like a dog. "Don't worry, you being a dog in heat is safe with me big boy."

"You do realize that you just said that in front of them right? So it isn't exactly A SECRET." He rolls his eyes while Diana found it very amusing to her, making her do a little dance out of nowhere but I'm still confused... what do they mean by taking advantage exactly?

"Hey? What do you guys mean by taking advantage? I'm not really understanding the meaning of that." I asked the three of them.

Diana then smirked, giving Lawrence a nasty eye before turning to me. "You see dear! When someone says they were taken advantage of. It means one of the people tried to r-"

"DON'T EVEN TRY FINISHING THAT SENTENCE, YOU SCOUNDREL!" Lawrence interrupts her, putting his hand over her mouth and then pulling her away from me as far as possible.

"Hey? Why did you just pull her out just now? She was just about to tell me that..." I raised my eyebrow at Lawrence's actions.

"Ya.. why did you pull out when I haven't done it yet." She tried to speak up but Lawrence shuts her up again by placing his hand over her mouth to prevent her from speaking.

Suddenly Lawrence pulls away from his hand with a disgusted look on his face. "EW! DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND!"

"You got some big ol' hands, Lawrence. I wonder how big is your d-" She looks at Lawrence before saying it, giving him a sinister smirk.

"Don't you dare say it or I'll end you." He threatened Diana who was totally unaffected by it.

"Fine! I mean it's better if she doesn't know it anyway." She chuckled, "Anyways morning wood, why are you here? Aren't supposed to be doing some stuff at the gardening club or something? She turned her attention to Cypress who was completely silent from the entire conversation.

"That's not my name. Also, I knew you were doing something mischievous so I stopped doing my work since I didn't want you to do anything stupid." He informs her seriously, saying it in a serious deep tone.

"Aww! That's so sweet of you Cypress!" She pounced on him for a hug, gripping on him tightly as her life depended on it. Slowly but surely suffocating the poor guy.

"Anyways, it's all been fun and all but do you mind getting out of THE DORM ROOM? I'M TRYING TO TAKE A REST FROM YOU guys.. UNTIL I WAS INTERRUPTED BY A HOODLUM!" Lawrence complained, trying to shove Diana away which was not budging on her spot.

"Nah! Fuck sleeping!" Diana giggled, winking at Lawrence before turning to all of us. "Anyways! Since everyone is here! Why don't I just spill some tea while we're at it! What better way to hang out and have fun is to share some tea! Who's ready! Cause I know I am!"
