Chapter 117:

"Fredrick?! Where on earth did you run to?" I see Matthew yelling at the phone as he calls Fred.

He looks at me putting the phone on speakerphone.

"Oh, dude. I'm just having a date no big deal." Fred says in a chill tone making Matthew roll his eyes.

"Fredrick?! Where on earth did you run to?" I see

"Fredrick?! Where on earth did you run to?" I see Matthew yelling at the phone as he calls Fred.

He looks at me putting the phone on speakerphone.

"Oh, dude. I'm just having a date no big deal." Fred says in a chill tone making Matthew roll his eyes.

"You're having a date?! In the time we are hanging out? Are you freaking serious? What if that girl has a boyfriend and you get beaten up again? Guess who's the one that's going to patch you up again?" Matthew squints his eyes, yelling at Fred like a concerned mother. I giggle a little at him.

He looks at me. "What's so funny?" He says in a serious tone.