Chapter 127:

continued to stuff my face with the food in front of me. It's not like I had anything to turn to left. Everyone I have ever loved was gone and it's not like I have the chance to make new ones since I'm just bedridden. So I turned to the only friend I had left, food. At least if I eat this much, it'll make me feel better. I mean that's how it always is in shows. A person is upset and then after they eat, they're better.

As I continued to eat, I fe that are so euld be envils a day. Some can't even eat one meal. Also, not everyone is able to take baths in a five-star hotel or sleep in a king size bed so she's just seriously pissing me off with her humble bragging.

I shut down the television as I officially got rattled by it. I can feel my body shaking with anger and furious about what she's saying but another part of me is just looking at myself with shame. I can't believe I'm actually furious at another person's success. I couldn't even believe I would stoop that low.