One of the best nights and half-humans?

I smiled. 'What a nice surprise for defeating this abnormal. So what are we going to do little miss Villenlia. Of course I can not give you my first time but I got other ways.'

An even more beautiful sight reveals itself in front of me. 'Oh that is really unexpected that she would really do it on my sleeping place. Naughty girl you need to be punished by tentacles!'

While the little Villenlia enjoys herself, am I tempted to just rush in and take her right there on the ground but I had a better idea. I would come from the behind and would grab her with my tentacles and then the real play would begin.

'Mmmmh sounds solid.'

Wihle I silently walked around the clearing Villenlia starts to slowly moan out into the night without even caring if she was spied on or not.

'Ohh so naughty but also so pure. Let us pull her into the greatest deeps of the hell of lust and ecstasy.'

When I arrived at the right point for grabbing her she finally starts to feel my stare and is about to stop and put something on when my first tentacle grabs her ankle and lifts her up into the air.


Her scream splits the silence of the night before it is silenced by one of my tentacles. I can clearly see the panic rise inside of Valls eyes. This fear only grows stronger when she finally sees who is holding her.




"I still don't know what you wanted to say could you please take out whatever is inside of your mouth."

After Vall calmed down and tried to speak I removed the tentacle from her mouth.

"What in hell are you?"

"Mmmh I'm a normal human or better I was one but now I would call my self a monster. A monster that loves naughty girls and likes to do naughty things with them, until they cry out for mercy which will of course not be granted."


After the introduction I started to carcass her pink lips and kiss her on the mouth. My tentacles wrapped around her big white mountains and started to squeeze them. Not long after that she started to moan loud into my mouth. Of course I took my time with her and tried different ankles until I found her sweet spot and from then on she sadly didn't last that long. After around eight hours of passionate love I was finally satisfied and left her to sleep while I hunted the other creatures that now dared to come closer.

The next morning Villenlia started to blush furiously and was not able to look at me for too long. What she didn't knew was that I were only waiting for the next night. 'Hehehehehehe she will wish that she never encounter me!'

'Oh God the poor girl I wish I could save her from you.'

'Hah you liked it too to do with her what ever we wanted so don't give me this shit.'

'Well what can I say about it, I'm defenseless.'

After this short discussion I wanted to continue with our journey but I remembered that Villenlia far to slow for me would be.

"Sorry but you would slow us down.", I said to her and started to walk over.

"Haaaa I knew it you will just abandon me here and continue aloooooooahhhhhh."

I didn't let her speak out. I picked her up and gave her a little kiss to silence her.

"Who would abandon someone as lovely as you.", I whispered into her ear and started to run. After six hours or so, we finally reached the edge of the forest. The view in front of us was absolutely beautiful and shocking. To our right there is a gigantic mountain range so high that the peaks where not visible for the plank eye and to our left there is a rainforest as far as the eye can see and directed in front of us is a wide and flat plain with some small settlements.

"Wow look at all these small villages. We are really lucky right?"

"No not really because most of these are places where half humans are living."

"Half humans? You mean like half human half snake and this stuff?"

"Yeah and only a portion of them is friendly like the half-dogs, -cats, -goats, -sheeps, -lisards and -birds. The snake people are one of the worst, they kill every man and capture the women so that their 'Dynasty' is able to grow."

"Oh that sounds just like many old factions so this is why you fear them?", I asked.

"Yeah but I think that the snake-humans are one of the better because they don't eat humans so they must have a sense of humanity, the insect-human are far worse than all others together.", She answered the question.

"Okay I would like to know more over the snake-humans, they sound like interesting people to me."

"Don't tell me you want to meet some of them!"

"Ahhh am I so easy to read?", I asked her. She only nodded and continued :"I would rather not meet any of them they are known to be really lustful and they have the stamina of ten people!"

"Perfect we will go and seek for a village of them!"

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh!", scream was lost into the distance.

After traveling for an hour or so we reached the first village.

"Mmmmh looks like we are not lucky yet these look like dog-humans."

"Wait a moment we can get new supplies from these people!"

"OH I totally forgot that you still need food and stuff, ok let us go over there and get you some supplies."

After I stepped out of the high grass that surrounded us, the guards at the south gate of the village where at high attention and look at me with narrowed eyes. When Villenlia stepped out of the grass they visible exhaled and relaxed a bit.

"Hah it is only Vill.", the right guard said and walked over to us.

"Hello what can we do for you and where is your team?"

"I need some supplies and want to offer my services, as for my team. They are all dead."

"Oh I'm so sorry for that."

"No need to be sorry, it is what happens every day out here so it is fine."

"So what do you need?"

"I need food for one person, and some light clothes."

"The lady-monster does not need anything?"


"We all can smell the virus and she has the greatest concentration that we ever smelled."

"Oh I didn't know that what would you think about her with only your smell?"

"She is one of the alpha predators and in that we would hide or try to bribe her."

"Ahh I heard that you want to give me a bribe.", I said smiling.

"What would you wish to be your bribe?", the guards ask.

"Hey aren't you blackmailing them. And that in front of me!"

"I want your fastest female member that is not in a bound!"

"You must know that she is a natural trouble maker.", He warned me.

"Mmmh I think she will be totally okay. So please bring her out and give her some supplies."


"What did you say? I'm the bribe to someone!"

"We are terrible sorry but the scary one asked for a bribe."

"When it is a human I'm going to kill you and these stupid elders."

"No it's a monster."

"Are you saying that you are offering me as food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"No you will be her bribe."

"Aaaaaah I can already hear my bribe so bring her to me or do I have to get her!"

"Please go and save us all."

"Why should I?"

"Because if you are not then she will force you and maybe kill all other, so please do as we ask."

Taliana who has always been the fastest and strongest in her tribe look down onto the weak guard that was sitting in front of her and thought :' If this creature was able to hear me from the gate then she must be really powerful and strong enough to wipe out our hole tribe including my sisters and parents. I can not let this happen!'

"OK I'm going so stand up and tell my siblings and parents what I did for them! And if I should ever come back and find out that you haven't done it I will personally rip you to shreds."

With this she turned and walked out of her home into an unknown future and only the gods know what will happen to her.