Star Wars: Harry? not Harry!

For a long bated second, everything and everyone stood still.

None of the Junkers dared to shoot at the ceiling above the battlements; where Maul had suspended himself. They were scared of churning up the cave roof, as their shots had done before, and burying themselves or a fellow Junker under a rain of firey molten soil.

Maul knew of his current tactical advantage, and still clinging to the ceiling, he gazed over and mocked the Junkers, "Gahaha, I can sense it. Fear. Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally," he then focused back onto Ian, "and it will be your undoing Jedi."

In a short few moments, Maul had managed to get past the entirety of Ian's and Junker's prepared defences, but they were now at an impasse. Maul couldn't drop-down, or at least not without getting shot to pieces by the many-many guns now aimed directly at him, and neither Ian nor the Junkers could shoot at him as long as he remained above them...

But Ian didn't need a gun to attack Maul.

Inside Ian, a storm was brewing. All of the rage he had accumulated for Jent's killer, all of the melancholy over his lost world, and yes, even the fear that Maul's presence brought him erupted. He then harnessed it; letting it course through his body temporarily before reining it back in with sheer virtuous will, and focused it; condensing its manifestation into a concealed palm.

Ian let all of his power in the force drain into one attack; even unlocking and channelling in some of the power he previously didn't have access too, and if he had the time to check his interface right now; it would display some changes:


|<-Force: (2/2139 (+1811) )~(22,455)---//-Recovery Rate: (6.8 (+1.7) per, minute)--->|

|<-Light Affinity: (470 (-12) /1000) // Dark Affinity: (530 (+12) /1000)->|

|<-Force Skills: Click To Open: [˅]-----------(2)-->|


(Bogan) - Force Lightning: (Current Level: 212) The Practitioner's Ability To Channel Their Emotions Into An Electrical Current.



With the force lightning ready to go, Ian attempted to distract Maul; hoping that he could catch the Sith by surprise, "I know who you are... Darth Maul," Ian then took a good look at his spidery, metallic appendages, before glaring into Maul's eyes, "I even know that you lost your legs too... Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Maul then screeched out, "You dare to utter his..." He was interrupted by the roaring explosion of cracking lightning... Not Ian's, but his own force lightning; as his anger overtook him. "His name before me!" Maul finished.

Ian's plan had backfired, instead of distracting Maul, he had incited him; provoking him into making the first move. The incoming attack forced Ian into releasing the attack he had prepared in response; simply as a method of defending himself.

The bolts of lightning converged; conjoining in the air, Ian's a ruby red, and Maul's a pale blue. Both Ian and Maul struggled in an attempt to overpower the other.

"You. You Are Not. Jedi!" Maul yelled, gritting his teeth in exertion, as he finally realised that Ian wasn't the Jedi he had detected; and wasn't even a Jedi at all.

"Yes. And This Is Not... Harry. Fucking. Potter!" Ian roared out in response, cracking out a joke while giving his all in an attempt to overpower Maul's lightning.

Their stalemate continued for some time, with the Junkers acting solely as an audience to the spectacle. That was until Mauls previously advantageous 'high ground' experienced some turbulence.

"Fire above the moat," Gogosmich roared, pounding blaster bolts into the earth above and outside of the battlements; near where Maul hung from, causing the cave roof to shake slightly. The other Junkers soon joined in, and the vibrations gradually increased until the whole cavern seemed to shake.

Maul had no chance to reaffirm his grip; due to his struggle with Ian, and so, slowly but surely he lost his footing and his piercing prostheses were shaken free. "No!" He screamed before falling, and Ian's ruby coloured lightning danced up his metallic frame and scorched his flesh.