Hidden mission: hash tag triple urgent!!!

Feng Yan, who was splashed with blood, no longer wanted to talk. She hurriedly went to class and found her own corner position, looking like a complete wallflower.

[Host, shouldn't you reform in beauty and steal the show? You being like this are quite easily mistaken for background.]

"If I change myself too fast, I would be caught or either taken as bipolar."

[Not a bad host.]

[Ding! Hidden missions have been activated. Range detected. Near, rich, and duration approximately 30 minutes. Receive it or not?]

There was not a moment of hesitation she instantly replied "Take it, fast!!!"

More missions mean more points which are faster tickets to…

"Feng yan what are you looking at? Is this a playground? Do you think you can ignore the teacher just because of good grades? Didn't your mother teach you manners?" A shrill voice interrupted her thought.

Apparently, it was Teacher Lin, Zhou mi's mother.

Ah, that bitch must have tattled to her mom, but did she just insult my mother right now?

She replied in an innocent voice "Well, you can't insult another's mother when you're not fit to be one yourself teacher Lin. I thought separating work and private life is manners. Using your position to avenge your daughter Zhou Mi's grudge is quite unbecoming as both teacher and mother. What do you think?"

Lin Mei being stepped on her tail angrily huffed at her "You bitch. Wait when I expel you from this school don't come begging me.

"Hmm... I'll never wait for you, since even if you reincarnate a hundred times. The result will still be the same."

"You slut, get out of my class. Get out." Lin Mei screamed.

[Host, get out.]

"You mean it," she asked at the same time.

[Of course, the hidden mission is outside, and the hashtag is triple urgent!!!]

"Okay, bye." Feng yan politely bowed her head and ran outside the classroom while conversing at the same time.

"Why do you want me to come out?"

[Host, the hidden mission has been taken by us, we have to hurry to arrive at the location]

"What's the mission, nothing illegal right?" it will be more troublesome then. she stood out her hand and took an oncoming taxi

[Ding! Hidden mission: Save Xie Chen. Time: 1 hour. Reward: 1000 star points.]

"Where to miss?"

"Where? Tell me fast.

[Location: 50 meters near Grace Imperial hotel.]"

"Grace imperial hotel please, but fast uncle very fast, please. It's an emergency!!!"

"Of course I'm experienced in handling emergencies. I may look like this but I was taking away deliveries back in the days. Hold on tight."

After giving instruction to the driver, Feng yan silently kept communicating with the system in her mind.

"What happened? tell me the situation in detail now."

[The mission target has encountered a car accident, designed to take his life at once and is currently in need of dire rescuing. Nearly dead.]

"So what can I do, I'm not a doctor."

[Emergency body stabilizer- 100-star point. take it or leave it, host ]

"Why don't you just rob the bank? '' She was truly annoyed.

You should know, including the starter pack and mission reward she just has 110 points, now buying this will make her rich man pauper in one swoop.

[Host, the reward of the mission is ten times the price.]The system continued with the temptation.

"Ok," The sentence really took a lot of her courage, as she lay back powerlessly.

Feng yan: *weeping bitterly*