The Week Of Mourning

The next day arrived soon and in no time the week of mourning commenced.

People throughout the Kingdom observed this period of mourning and paid their respects to the dead.

Since the St. Claire fief remained unaffected by the plague, the Earl and his family did not have to do much as they remained indoors without moving too much during this period.

However, many in the Kingdom needed this week to prepare proper resting places for their perished dear ones.

The family members of the dead selected the spot which they assumed would be the perfect final home for their departed members.

Some chose abandoned fields while others picked slopes of hills in their countryside with an abundance of wildflowers growing everywhere and also ample serenity.

Once they selected the perfect spot, they dug it up to place the tombstone with the deceased's name etched on it which would allow them to visit the place whenever they missed their dear ones.