Won't Greet Your Tutor?

Marquess Samed had just completed his class with the Princess and her playmates.

As he headed out of the Rose Palace where the classes had been held, his mind went back to the observations he had made during today's class with the three little girls.

During the period of Lockdown, Governess Bloom had taken good care of Princess Felicia and Miss Glennise Brodie, the two girls who were still in the Capital at that time.

Originally, she had been assigned the position of Royal Tutor as she had taught both King Ophire and Prince Draco during their childhood days before they could receive further and more formal education.

Due to certain circumstances, he had taken over that role and she had become his assistant later on.

Despite her position at this moment, he knew that she was quite capable of teaching the young girls and that was exactly what he had witnessed today.