The Three Friends

Marquess Samed's first class every single day was always with the Royal Princess and her playmates.

Therefore, when he had arrived at the Palace today, he had brought along the same practice test papers he had prepared for Yvonne last night.

His most diligent pupil had turned into a slacker in the time that they had not met so his aim was to ensure that the other girls had not followed a similar path.

Therefore, he had made a few of his closest servants stay up late with him to make copies of the papers he had prepared for them.

While the original papers written by Marquess Samed were currently in Yvonne's hands, the copies made by the servants were handed over to the Princess, Glennise, and Rika earlier this morning.

Once he had announced that the entire bundle of papers needed to be done within the span of a single month, he continued with their lessons and left soon after.