Her Calculative Moves

Marquess Samed was unable to grasp the meaning hidden behind the little girl's words but recalled a certain interesting incident she had shared with him in the past.

While Yvonne had not revealed the conversation regarding boys that had taken place when she had attended the Princess's tea party, she indeed had mentioned the crude word Mae Blaise had mouthed while looking at her.

Her parents were the first to know about this and when she had met the Marquess for class on a later date, she had briefly touched upon it when he had inquired about her experience during the tea party.

He was especially curious since this was the first time she had been invited personally by the Princess to the Palace as in the past she had been there with her family when the King had summoned them all.

Therefore, he had urged her to speak of what she had learned from this event as all tea parties were simply a way to build connections and friendships in the social circles.