Marchioness Jorbin's Homeland

Inside their room, Raylene snuggled against her husband while revealing how her day had been.

A few of the ladies had met today for tea at the Jorbin's household.

Marchioness Jorbin was not too familiar with many women from the Capital since she was a foreigner and also lived in her husband's fief ever since she had married him.

The few times that she had visited Amarthea, her experience with the other noble ladies had not been too pleasant.

Though not everyone treated her the same, it was clear that a majority of the women disliked her due to her foreign origins.

Thus she had stayed away from them to avoid finding herself in unpleasant circumstances.

However, this year, she had met some ladies who were kind to her and only these women were invited to her tea party.

Among them, Duchess Tanner, Marchioness Kiron, Countess St. Claire, Countess Blaise, and finally Baroness MacIntyre were on the guestlist for today's private event.