This story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where humans are enslaved and tortured by a new terrifying race that brings about a new world order. Aurora is captured by a handsome godlike villain who is set on destroying all of humanity. Despite his cold and unfeeling nature, he takes newfound amusement and sinister pleasure in breaking her human spirit.
Will she survive his torment and escape? or will his hatred for humanity leave her no chance at survival?
Yet, will their newfound twisted bond bring new hope to a world once lost?
Note: This book is not for everyone. However, if you're looking for adventure, Sci-Fi, and Dark Romance then perhaps you might enjoy this. Thank you for reading.
Best book i have read so far. Very imaginative. ilove how she is such a brat. Waiting for something crazy af. ilove your writing you’re the besttt ❤️❤️❤️
I’m in absolute awe of this gem I found one day searching for the next story to lose myself and lose myself I did I didn’t even noticed the chapters were already ending til I saw the continued can’t wait for the next update this story keeps you on your toes
I like the story, characters and I can't get enough , [img=Loving it] I'm so looking forward for the next chapter
at first, I didn't think I'll enjoy it, but look at me now, I'm praying for author to release more chapters. Release them author, they are meant to be free❤️❤️ Best book ever