Chapter 4 - Teddy

His grey eyes felt familiar. They were similar to the eyes of the boy who had comforted her during one of the worst times in her life. Seeing that trace of similarity despite everything else, she found herself abruptly calling out his name, "TEDDY!?"

Edward's heart skipped a bit at her calling and his breath hitched as his stomach flipped. "Teddy?", he repeated in question.

Just as soon as she had jumped to such a conclusion, she jumped back as she said, "Sorry, a mistake on my part", knowing deep in her heart that her teddy could not possibly be here right in front of her very eyes after so many years.

"But-", Edward started but paused when Ms. Norwood's focus shifted to the little girl that had appeared in the yard. The girl that was running toward the pair with tears in her eyes. "Bella, did you lose him again?", Ms. Norwood asked loud enough for the little girl, Bella, to hear as she started walking towards her. Once she had reached her, she knelt in front of the crying girl.

Between sobs Bella complained, "He is so…bad… Mr. Teddy Bear hides when I have a tea party…does he not like tea?" Leah wiped the little tears away from her gorgeous little chubby face and while trying to calm her down she said, "Nor loves your parties, I'm sure teddy got lost when he was trying to invite all the others to your fabulous tea party. Nor will help you okay, let's go inside and check all his usual hanging spots. What do you think Ms. Bella?" Finally, her tears stopped as she remembered that Mr. Teddy Bear was bad with directions. Taking Leah's extended hand, she replied, "Let's Ms. Nor." Seeing that she had cheered up, Leah was relieved and started walking Bella inside. However, she didn't forget to turn to the still very present Mr. Huxley and mouth that she will be back in a moment. Edward nodded in understanding as he put his sunglasses back on.

He had heard most of what Ms. Norwood had said and he couldn't help but think that she was great with kids. Though it would simply be given as she does run her own daycare. While talking to the girl named Bella, she had referred to herself as Nor and even talked in third person. He wondered if that was a necessary thing to do when talking to kids. Looking around the yard and the family home that had been turned into a daycare, he wondered if her initial set up capital had been through a bank loan.

As he thought of such things, an area at the near end of the yard caught his attention. He stared at the spot with great focus. It felt as if something was missing. He took a few steps back and looked around a bit more. It was nagging at him. Something was missing from this very spot. As he pushed himself to pinpoint what it was, he felt a headache coming on. Then he realized how strange it all was considering that he had never been to this city before until a few months ago. At least that's what he remembered, but what if he was forgetting something.

"Have I been here before?", is what he asked himself before a headache responded and everything went dark.


Mr. Teddy Bear was safely located and seated for the rest of the tea party. Looking around the playroom, Leah saw that a few of the children were crowded together as they seemed to be looking out the window at something. With a mischievous smile, she walked towards them as she teased, "Were you watching us dance?" The children however did not respond to her as they were completely engrossed in their own conversation about the man outside.

"What's he looking for?"

"Maybe he dropped something?"

"Oh, he stopped walking."

"His sunglasses are so cool. I want one too."

"Take your daddy's then, he doesn't look to be share-y"

The children continued their observation of Edward Huxley and Leah didn't see it doing any harm, so as she was just about to leave the playroom to go back to Mr. Huxley when she heard one of the kids exclaim, "Mr. Sunglasses fell!"

One of the kids cheekily replied, "There is nothing to fall over."

The little girl that had exclaimed pouted in frustration as she pointed to Mr. Sunglasses that was now on the grass belly up, "But he dropped all sudden."

The cheeky boy corrected, "You mean all of a sudden."

The girl angrily replied, "All sudden is ok too."

Refusing to accept what she claimed, "No it is not", the boy argued.

Having heard enough of their argument and Leah looked outside to confirm Mr. Huxley's condition. Seeing him laying down on the grass, she thought maybe he was taking a breather.

However, the argument of 'all sudden' or 'all of a sudden' meant that such wasn't the case as he had fallen and not laid down. Wanting to check on Mr. Huxley as soon as now but seeing that a fight was starting up, she cleared her throat as she furrowed her eyebrows at the arguing pair that had started to form sides.

She had grasped all the kids' attention, and just with one look at her face they knew to go quite. Then with a bright smile, she clapped her hands together and said, "Bella is having a tea party, all of you are invited. I will be back with a tablet, and we can find the answer together. Will that be good?"

In unison they all replied, "Good."

"Good kids", she replied with a soft smile as she started speed walking and half running out to the backyard.

All the other instructors in the room had taken a few steps back when they had seen Leah's serious face. Only when she had left the room did they all come back into the light and joined the kids as the same thought ran through their heads, "Scary smile"

They looked at the kids that had received her smile and saw them to be no different than before and a lot of them had joined Bella's tea party.

The newly hired caretaker couldn't help but be amazed by Leah as she said to one of her colleagues, "She really is great. They listen to her so well." The colleague replied with a soft smile as she looked at the playing kids, "Nor is Nor. She has been doing this for well over 20 years now."

"She doesn't look that old."

"She has been dealing with kids since she was a kid herself."

The caretaker nodded in understanding, feeling her admiration towards the owner growing ever more.


With the help of another instructor, Leah had moved Mr. Huxley into the nap room laying him down next to the still sleeping Sean. Leah had taken off his sunglasses to check if he was really sleeping or not. He seemed to have fallen asleep again.

Literally falling asleep at any given time, she couldn't help but feel worried for him. Despite being a broad shouldered and rather heavy man, he somehow looked so fragile and delicate at the same time. She was concerned and worried for this stranger of a man. It wouldn't be the first time that she felt so much concern for a stranger. She was known amongst her friends and acquaintances for being nosy and overly concerned. Her tendency to get involved in other people's business and worries due to her curious and somewhat caring nature had always caused been concerning to her best friend, Kelly. Kelly had reminded her a million times to not add more to her plate by getting involved in people's matter. Kelly simply claimed that if someone really needed her help, they would ask for it. She didn't have to go around offering it all the time. Her friend always worried about how people took her for granted and at times even might try to take advantage of her.

Leah despite the concerns of her friend thought otherwise.

She believed that here were times that a person doesn't even realize they need someone's help and care until someone extends their hand to them. It was like that with her to when she had first come to the orphanage. If teddy hadn't been there to help her, she knew that she wouldn't be where she was today.

But knowing that Mr. Huxley was not a simple man and that it would be better to not go poking around in such a man's life, it was too late as she already immersed herself in the study of the sleeping man's face.

The first thing she observed were his dark circles. They were incredibly prominent.

If Edward was awake, he would have informed her of how they had, in fact, lightened up recently.

Then she noticed how his cheek bones were somewhat visible, and she wondered if it was his general face shape or that he wasn't having enough food.

If Edward was awake, he would've told her of how he barely had any appetite and that his sense of taste had left him as well.

She did not notice it while conversing with him, but now looking at him closely he looked sick in a sense. He had an unwell aura about him.

"Just what's wrong with you?", she asked aloud unconsciously.

Edward who had awoken a few moments ago and had felt the eyes of someone on his face had yet to open his eyes as he feigned sleep. However, when he heard her question and her worried tone, his heart dipped.

Vicky had never talked to him in that tone.

His fiancé's tone and words had always felt detached and superficial. Then there was this total stranger who openly worried and seemingly cared about him despite knowing little to nothing about him. Leah was a strange woman, Edward had come to conclude as he replied to her question, "Not much"

The then sat up from his resting position. His hair had become slightly disheveled so he ran his hand through it in order to fix it.

Leah had not expected him to be awake and was taken aback when he sat up and replied to her question vaguely faintly smiling. She felt that she was being teased for being all concerned despite it all not being a big deal to him, however, his attitude did not anger her. It rather made her worried. How much must he be suffering that he has become so cynical about his own health. She moved a bit closer to where he was sitting, bringing their faces closer to each other.

"It's alarming Mr. Huxley. You could've hit your head when you fell asleep literally in the backyard.", refusing to back down, Leah pushed on, hoping that he would elaborate more on his condition. Her concerning curiosity was getting the better of her at this point.

Seeing the serious look in Ms. Norwo-, no, Leah's eyes, Edward found the situation of being interrogated a bit amusing as he replied, "I apologize for frightening you, Leah. The sun got the better of me."

Being intimately called Leah, her reply was delayed for a mere second before she sharply replied, "I'm worried more than scared. Was it that hot? I'm sorry for making you wait. I didn't realize. I will get you some water." Then she was just about to stand when Edward grabbed her hand, stopping her. He stood up instead and with a small smile said, "It's okay. I have to leave, and the boy seems to be waking up. Stay."

"But you - " Before Leah could say anymore, Sean with a drowsy voice called out as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Her attention shifted to Sean.

She went to him and gently reminded him that he was in the daycare and that he should go wash up. He slowly moved into the direction of the bathroom within the nap room, leaving the door ajar. The nap seemed to have done Sean good, Leah was glad and turned her head around to the door to see that it was left open by the now gone Edward.

Crossing her arms in frustration, she could only think of how he didn't tell her what was wrong at the end. She hoped that if they ever met again, he would have it sorted out.

Then her thought wondered back to where he had stood in the yard before he had fainted. There was nothing standing there now, but that hadn't always been the case.

The many memories of her little haven replayed itself in her mind.

Oh, how dearly she missed that period in her childhood.

She was just as old as Sean when she had met her Teddy. He had shown up out of nowhere and had disappeared as suddenly, only leaving a puddle of blood in the grass. To this day, she wondered what had happened to Teddy and if that reminder of scarlet belonged to him or not. Her heart clenched in worry of what could've possibly happened to make him disappear.

"Ms. Nor, are you sad?", Sean's voice brought Leah back to reality.

She shook her head a no and replied, "I'm not sad. I just remembered someone from a long time ago."

Sean interested and fully awake asked, "Who? You miss them?"

Leah smiled softly as she got up and held Sean's hand in hers as they walked out of the room when she replied, "A friend and I guess I do miss him. Don't I?"

Sean pondered for a while and said, "I miss mom and dad. So, I wait to see them all night. You should go see your friend then you miss less."

Leah gently pulled Sean's cheek as she said, "You stayed up past your bedtime! I will have a talk with Mrs. Hall about your bedtime, later."

Sean realizing, he had given himself away, slapped his mouth with his hand in surprise and looked at Leah with pleading puppy eyes. Leah softly laughed in amusement and said in a low voice, "I'll be nice." Sean let go of Leah's hand and with more of a cheer than when he had first arrived went back into the playroom.

Bella seeing Sean walk into the room got up from her host seat of her still ongoing tea party and pulled Sean to join her game. Losing to Bella's powerful grasp, he was seated right next to Mr. Teddy Bear as he reluctantly took up a cup of imaginary tea to sip from.


Edward had driven back to the Huxley Famulus Hotel and gone up straight to his room. He took a shower and put on a new suit. Then he went down to his office. Matt was busy answering the oncoming phone calls regarding last night's incident. However, when he noticed that Edward had walked in, he stood up from his seat and greeted, "Good afternoon, Mr. Huxley." Per his usual habit Edward simply nodded to his greeting and went into his office.

He noticed that despite being busy all day trying to deal with last night's incident, Matt had not forgotten to organize the paperwork that needed to be looked over by him. His assessment of Matthew, his new secretary, slightly elevated. Despite the many calls from the press that Matt and the PR team of the hotel and the HQ were handling, Edward's personal phone had been bursting with messages and phone calls as well. He only called back the few people that really mattered, and to the rest he sent a formal apology message along with an invitation to an upcoming party. Though he did not mention when or what the party was being held for. His fiancé was of some help in such social cases.

Thinking back on Vicky, he checked his phone again. There were no calls or any messages from her. That was odd. What had happened though was handled quite impressively by the public relations team, it did not mean that the guests wouldn't talk about it amongst themselves. A lot of them must have reached out to Vicky for an explanation. Though he had not instructed her on what to say, he knew her words wouldn't be unsatisfactory and would not conflict with anything he would say later.

That's what was good about Vicky at the end of the day.

Had she learned about last night but had not bothered to question him about the facts of it? That would be unlikely. It had happened under the eyes of many and would for sure affect Vicky's image if not handled well. Anything concerning her image which mainly at this point was her engagement to Edward Huxley, would be at the top her priority list. Slightly concerned as to what might have happened to his fiancé, he called in Matt to his office.

He asked Matt if Vicky had paid his office a visit. He reported that she had not. Not grasping how Vicky could be so late despite never having her phone too far away, Edward furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Had something really happened to her last night after her waltz with the man she had bet on?

Matt who had still not been excused stood in front of Edward's desk not knowing what was going through his boss's mind. If he was looking for his fiancé, couldn't he just simply call her and ask where she was? He was thinking if he should suggest this or not when Edward asked, "Did she check in to her room last night?" Not expecting to be asked such a question, Matt was caught off guard, but he recovered almost immediately as he excused himself to go and confirm with the security team. Edward excused him with a nod of affirmation.

After a quarter of an hour or so, Edward heard a knock at his door before Matt let himself in. Looking at Matt's uneasy face, Edward could already guess that Vicky had not gone back to her room last night after the party. Nevertheless, he looked at Matt as he waited for him to speak out.

Knowing that he was making him wait, Matt calmed his nerves as he looked up to his boss and said, "Ms. Charlton did not spend the night in her suite, Mr. Huxley." Edward noticed Matt's choice of words and the tone of his voice. He looked at the clock on his wall and calculated the time that his secretary had taken to go to the security team and back. Considering what he had requested to be checked and the location of the security team of the hotel, Matthew had taken longer than he needed to. Knowing that his secretary had done more than he had requested from him, he was slightly touched by his drive for work, but since the matter of where his fiancé was last night was rather a personal matter, he was not completely pleased.

Matt noticed Mr. Huxley's face darkening as he peeked at his clock and looked back at him with evident displeasure. He cursed himself for trying to go beyond what his boss had requested him and having seen what he most probably shouldn't have. Edward knew fully well that there had been a probability of such a case happening sooner or later but hadn't quite expected it to be on the sooner side. As a few moments passed in silence and Matt was starting to look paler and paler, Edward took a deep breath and sighed as he turned his chair to look away from Matt as he took off his sunglasses to rub his tired eyes. It would be better if he could just sleep through all his problems, but he knew that his life did not allow for such luxuries at the end.

Still facing away from Matt, he said, "I'm guessing you know more, Mr. Torren. Please continue." Matt hesitated. Mr. Huxley had used his last name to address him, he was surely fired from this moment on for probing into his personal affairs.

The zombie CEO didn't even let any of his employees see him without sunglasses! But he had been bold enough to check on his fiancé's whereabouts without his permission. It wasn't entirely his fault though. He had thought that Mr. Huxley would obviously want to know where his fiancé was last night at the end of the day and that since he could just check the CCTVs then he might as well.

His face screamed that he had committed a great sin as he informed Edward, "She was last seen entering a suite on the 18th floor…not alone." He gulped as he found his throat drying out as he finally said what he had seen. Ms. Charlton in the arms of another man with a big smile entering another man's room. The man looked even a bit familiar to Matt though he didn't quite dwell on these details.

Putting his sunglasses back on, Edward turned around to face Matt. That might've been the first time that Matt had seen the zombie CEO smile. It wasn't an evil smile or an angry one. It just looked like a tired one as he said to Matt, "At least they chose our hotel" Matt simply found himself replying a yes though in his mind all he could think was that they should've at least gone to another hotel.