The next day, Taehyung felt like all eyes were on him. He tried to act normal, but after everything that happened normal had gone out the window. He wasn't normal, he was something else. The place where he used to feel the most comfortable, now felt like a prison. He felt the back of his neck get warm and his ears felt like they were burning. As he walked down the hallway his heart started pounding a little harder with every step.

He dropped his head looking at his feet. Then he felt a hand reach for his shoulder, and an arm wrap around him. He looked up to see Jungkook, and felt the biggest rush of relief.

"Hey!" Jungkook said looking forward with a small smile on his face.

"Hi." Taehyung said softly dropping his head again and glancing once a while as they walked.

"Are you doing ok?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"I feel like everyone is looking at me." Taehyung said annoyed.

"They always looked at you, don't you remember?" Jungkook said jokingly.

Which he got a nudge in the ribs from Taehyung for saying it.

"Yeah but that was different!" Taehyung said under his breath.

Jungkook's smile dropped and his voice got serious.

"Just keep breathing ok, and if you feel something is gonna happen then call me ok?" He said letting go of Taehyung and walking to his locker.

Taehyung's stomach dropped when he was left alone again. Soon he heard a familiar voice call out to him an mad hurried steps behind him.

"Tae! Hey Tae!" Came the voice.

Taehyung took a deep breathe and turned allowing a fake smile to fill his face.

"Oh hey Jimin, what's up?" Taehyung said casually.

"Uh what's up? What the hell happened to you? You took off with that Jungkook guy and never came back! What happened?" Jimin asked as they walked on together.

Taehyung paused for a moment and tried to remember the story he and Jungkook had agreed on.

"Oh me and Jungkook kind of got into a fight, but we were able to work it out so we are cool now." Taehyung said with the same fake smile plastered on his face.

He wasn't very good at lying convincingly. He felt is phone go off, and he took it out to check it.

(Messages between Jungkook and Taehyung)

Jungkook: "You are smiting too hard, calm down."

Taehyung: "It's hard ok, i suck at lying."

Jungkook: "Just breathe ok, your gonna get too worked up. Believe its true and the lie will come easy."

Taehyung: "You sound experienced at lying!"

Jungkook: "I am a vampire, I pretty much lie to everyone."

Taehyung: "Right, good point."

Jungkook: "Ok, so we got into a fight but we are cool ok?! Now really sell it!"

Taehyung: "Ok...ok...I can do this!"

Taehyung took a deep breath and tried to act more natural. Jimin was always so distracted by what was going on around him that he didn't really notice Taehyung's odd behavior.

Jimin was a good guy but way to excitable and easily distracted.Taehyung was glad of this because it meant that his best friend wouldn't ask too many questions.

"So you and Jungkook are like friends now?" Jimin asked turning his attention back to Taehyung.

"Yeah I guess so. He's cool once you get to know him." Taehyung replied shrugging.

"Mhm...mhm...you are totally crushing on the loner guy!" Jimin said jokingly.

"What?! No I'm not! We are just friends ok! Not everyone is looking for a boyfriend unlike you!" Said Taehyung annoyed.

"I'm open to all things my friend." Jimin said smirking.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at him, and caught sight of Hoseok as they got closer to their first class.

"Hobi! Hey man!" Jimin said wrapping his arm around his friend.

"Oh uh hey!" Hoseok said nervously, stuffing some papers in his bag.

"What cha reading?" Jimin asked.

"Oh uh nothing! Hey Tae you ok?" Hoseok asks looking at Tae concerned.

"Yeah he is fine, just got a new crush!" Jimin says jokingly hitting Taehyung on the arm.

This irritates Taehyung and he can feel himself getting angry, but does his best to keep his breathes steady.

"I don't have a crush. We are just friends!" Taehyung said annoyed.

"Who is your friend?" Hoseok asks.

"That weird loner guy that's like super hot! Jungkook." Jimin says smiling at Taehyung.

Taehyung rolls his eyes and walks into his class finding an empty seat followed by Jimin who picks the seat right behind him.

The day goes by pretty smoothly until history class. Taehyung forgot he had an assignment to turn in, and got reamed by the teacher in front of everyone.

As the teacher went on scolding him about being responsible for his own future, his heart began to race yet again.

'Damn heart' , he thought to himself.

Jungkook was in his class as well, and he could sense Taehyung losing control.

Jungkook raised his hand, interrupting.

"What is it Jungkook?" The teacher asked.

"I also forgot the assignment!" He admitted.

This was a lie, but it drew the teacher's attention away from Taehyung and to Jungkook instead. Taehyung slowly started to relax, and began feeling guilt instead.

Now Jungkook was getting a verbal beating from the teacher instead. He watched Jungkook as he got scolded for a good 10 minutes until the teacher got too tired and decided to run out the time in class with a video.

Taehyung took out his phone and began messaging Jungkook.

(Messages between Taehyung and Jungkook)

Taehyung: "Why did you do that?"

Jungkook: "Why do you think?"

Taehyung: "To get the teacher off my back?"

Jungkook: "duh"

Taehyung: don't be a jerk!"

Jungkook: "sorry...sheesh!"

Taehyung: "how can you joke about this?"

Jungkook: "well, I can't be nervous and on edge all the time...that's not a good thing for a vampire."

Taehyung: "right...but how do you do it? How do stay so calm?"

Jungkook: "it was really hard at first. It's a lot of aggression to keep under control. Especially around humans, but Namjoon hyung helped me a lot and trained me non stop."

Taehyung: "Do you think he could help me?"

Jungkook: "idk, he doesn't seem to know much about your kind. But his dad does, and with my help I think we can figure it out. I hope so anyway."

Taehyung: "I am still in shock to be honest. And now I am scared every time my heart beat starts to rise."

Jungkook: "We still don't know for sure if its the rise in your heart beat that is making you shift. That's just a theory right now but I am here. And for some reason I am able to help you."

Taehyung: "its weird right? That you some how are able to sense when Im in trouble even when we are no where near each other. That's not normal vampire stuff is it?"

Jungkook: "I don't get it either. I mean I can sense people from pretty far, but not across town. Not like I can with you."

Taehyung: "do you think it��s because i imprinted on you, and that's why we have some kind off psychic bond or something?"

Jungkook: "Well I don't think its technically a psychic thing. I mean its emotion not thoughts. But let's see...can you guess what I'm thinking right now?"

Taehyung: "Uh that the cafeteria tacos are really gross?"

Jungkook: "psssh...no! Lol! So i guess we can't read each other's minds."

Taehyung: "OK, so what is it?"

Jungkook: "idk Taehyung...I know about as much as you when it comes to this stuff."

Taehyung: "Well whatever it is...you seem to know when I am in trouble, which right now is a big help."

Jungkook: "Yeah, we don't need you tutting on a show and tell in font of the whole school! Oh and btw...you might want to think about carrying an extra pair of clothes. "

Taehyung: "Why?"

Jungkook: "Well, when you sift back...you dot exactly reappear with the clothes you had on before you turned wolf."

Taehyung: "WHAT????!!!!!"

Jungkook: "yeah....."

Taehyung: "Are you kidding? And you are just telling me this now?!

Jungkook: "Hahahahaha...sorry!!!"

Taehyung: "SHUT UP!"

Jungkook: "Sorry...but.....hahahahahahahaha!!!!!"

Taehyung: "Uhhhhhh i hate you so much right now!"

Jungkook: "I'm sorry I'll stop.....bahahahahaha!!!!"

Taehyung: "SHUT UP YOU PERVERT!!!"

Jungkook: "Hey I am not the one running around naked, so who really is the pervert here?"

Taehyung: "Oh my god! I'm done talking to you...goodbye!"

Jungkook "NOOOOO! Tae I'm sorry! DON'T GOOOO!!!"

Taehyung: "oh god stop being clingy!"

Jungkook: "I am not clingy..."

Taehyung: "Yeah you are!"

Jungkook: "whatever... i don't want to talk to you either!"

Taehyung: "Fine."

Jungkook: "Fine."

Taehyung: "Stop texting me then!"

Jungkook: "I AM!"

Taehyung: "....are you seriously mad?.....wait I didn't mean it! Stop being so sensitive!.....uhhh come on Jungkook!....Are you seriously going to ignore me now?"

Jungkook: "Stop freaking out weirdo, your driving my head crazy!"

Taehyung: "What?!"

Jungkook: "I can sense your emotions remember!!!! So chill!"

Taehyung: "I am not going to like this... I'm not gonna like you being able to sense everything I feel!"

Jungkook: " Why you got something to hide?"

Taehyung: "No but you will know any time I feel anything, which is just annoying."

Jungkook: "Hey, I didn't choose this either. Do you think i want to be able to sense every time you have a freak out?!"

Taehyung: "I don't freak out that much!"

Jungkook: "Most days you do. The only time you seem calm is at night. I'm guessing it's because you are asleep. Which means that's the only time that i get any peace and quiet."

Taehyung: "Yeah, I definitely hate this."

Jungkook: "Join the club!"

Taehyung: "I hate you!"

Jungkook "Too bad cause your stuck with me now."

Taehyung: "why did I have to imprint on you of all people?"

Jungkook: "Because I'm awesome!"

Taehyung: "No you are a not."

Jungkook: "ouch...you cut me deep."

Taehyung: "Too bad you aren't even alive bro!"

Jungkook: "WOW, look who is soooo smart..."

Taehyung: "Leave me alone now..."

Jungkook: "YOU STARTED THIS!!!"

Taehyung: "I was just trying to thank you, but then you had to go and be a royal pain!"

Jungkook: " Well you did even say thank you before turning this whole conversation into a dumb argument."

Taehyung: "Sorry...thank you ! Ok bye!"

The day went on uneventful for the most part. Taehyung was able to keep himself under control pretty well with regular check ins with Jungkook. When the day ended he met Jungkook outside the school and were both picked up by Namjoon. It was time to train.

"Ah! Damn that hurt!!!" Taehyung yelled.

Namjoon had begun the self defense section of the training process. But in Taehyung's case they wanted to see what triggers his shift.

"We need to see how much you can take before your defensive instincts kick in." Namjoon said.

Jungkook stood off to the side watching as his hyung beat Taehyung up, being able to feel everything Taehyung was. It took a lot of restraint to not interfere but this needed to be done. More than once he felt himself get angry and almost lose control, but he let them continue.

This whole emotional bond thing was not fun!

Taehyung slowly stood and tried to fight back but Namjoon was faster, and down again he went.

"Are you feeling anything yet?" Namjoon asked.

"I feel angry that's for sure, but I still am not feeling like I have to shift." Taehyung replied breathing heavily.

'Man vampires are fast!' He thought to himself.

Namjoon looked over at Jungkook, and had a thought.

"Jungkook you can feel what he is feeling right?" Namjoon asks.

"Yeah." Jungkook responded.

"Can you sense Jungkook too?" Namjoon asked Taehyung.

"I can sense that he is here. But I can't sense emotions." Taehyung replied.

"Let's try something else. Jungkook go for a run! Try and get pretty far away!" Namjoon said.

"Uh ok." Jungkook said turning and leaving.

"Now tell me when you can't sense him any more." Namjoon said to Taehyung.

Taehyung closed his eyes and waited, he could still feel Jungkook's presence even though he had gone about half a mile away. A few moments later, he couldn't sense him anymore.

"Now." He said with his eyes still shut.

As soon as he said it he felt the pain of being punched to the ground. He let out a groan and could feel the pain travel through his body. Vampire punches were no joke! He felt himself getting more angry and wanting to fight back.

His hands turned into fists along the floor as he pushed himself up. When he turned to look at Namjoon his eyes had already changed.

He let out a deep growl and ran toward Namjoon giving everything he had to fight back.

When Namjoon got in another punch and Taehyung was down again, he let out a scream and his whole body twisted and the form of the wolf appeared.

Namjoon told yoongi to lock everything, trying to trap Taehyung inside the house.

The doors were reinforced, because well vampires are strong. So Taehyung could not escape and soon was growling and snarling at the two vampires left in the room.

They tried to speak to him calmly and tried to get him to focus but he didn't respond.

"Jungkook? Get back here quick!" Said Namjoon with his phone to his ear.

Taehyung rushed toward Yoongi who used his training to avoid being caught in the Taehyung's jaws. This only made Taehyung more aggressive and he kept lunging toward him, now being held back by Namjoon. But he was strong and Namjoon was struggling to hold onto him.

Right as Namjoon loat his grip, Jungkook appeared and stood between Yoongi and Taehyung. He raised his eyes to flash their red color and caught Taehyung's attention.

Taehyung drops his head and moves back slowly, lying down and fading back into his human form.

The vampires all let out a sigh of relief and Namjoon covered Taehyung with a blanket. He slowly came to and started to stand.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked confused.

"You shifted and tried to kill Yoongi!" Namjoon said bluntly.

"Oh man I'm sorry hyung I don't know what happened." Taehyung said apologetically.

"Its cool, haven't had that much excitement in a while!" Yoongi replied leaving the room.

Jungkook looked at Namjoon confused.

"I think you are an anchor." Namjoon said looking at Jungkook.

"An anchor?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, if Taehyung can sense you he doesn't shift even if his heart rate is elevated But once you can't sense you, he can't control the shift if provoked." Namjoon said confidently.

Taehyung took a deep breath.

"So you are saying if I get provoked and Jungkook isnt there I will shift and lose control?" Asked Taehyung.

"That's what it looks like. Until you can control the shift on your own, you have to stick close to Jungkook." Namjoon said walking away.

Jungkook and Taehyung look at eachother confused.

"You really had to imprint on me? Now I have to babysit you!" Jungkook said jokingly as they drive away.

"Once again, I didn't do it on purpose! I didn't even know anything! How was I supposed to know this would happen?!" Taehyung replied frustrated.

"Whatever! You big baby!" Jungkook said harshly.

"Who's being a baby? You complain all the time! Do you think I want to hear you whine all day?" Taehyung asked.

"Uhhh!!!" Jungkook said frustrated.

"Like that!!! Stop whining, what can we do about it now? Nothing! So just hush!" Said Taehyung crossing his arms.

Jungkook pouted and drove. Taehyung would glance at him occasionally and think that Jungkook actually looked like of cute when he was pouting.

Then he would push out the thought as fast as it entered his mind.

"Well, what should we do now? I can't be with you 24/7! So you need to avoid situations where you will get angry!" Jungkook said.

"With my family? I am pretty much in edge the moment I wake up." Taehyung said with a sigh.

"I know." Jungkook said annoyed.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Ok, we need to come up with a plan. So you can avoid intense family situations until you are better trained." Jungkook said.

"We can say we have a project together that we have to work on late at the library. That way I pretty much avoid seeing my family." Taehyung

"I'll pick you up early for school too!" Jungkook said still watching the road.

"Ok." Taehyung said.

He didn't know why this made him shy.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Jungkook asked.

"What?" Taehyung said feeling his ears get warm and red.

"Tae, you know I can feel your emotions remember?" Jungkook said smirking.

"Uhhhh! So annoying!!!" Taehyung said in a whiny voice and throwing his head back.

This made Jungkook laugh.

"Who is a whiny baby now?" He said still laughing.

"Shut up and drive ok?!" Taehyung said annoyed.

"I am! I am! Just keep your feeling under control so I can focus!" Jungkook said teasingly.

Taehyung tried his best to not let his thoughts wonder, because if he did Jungkook would send what he was thinking. It was hard but keeping focused on the road and where he was going helped.

"I'll see you tomorrow at 6 am!" Jungkook yelled out the window after Taehyung closed the door.

"What?! 6am? That's crazy!" Taehyung said.

"Well your dad is up at 7 right? You need to be out before anyone wakes up!" Jungkook replied.

Taehyung just groaned and walked away. This was going to the worst time of his life he just knew it!

It was late so the lights were all off inside, and Taehyung tried to be as silent as possible. As he opened the door and stepped inside, he could see the light on in the office.

He tried to sneak past without being seen, which obviously didn't work because he heard a voice call him.

"Uh yeah dad what's up?" Taehyung asked without going into the room.

"Come here please." Was the response.

He gulped and walked into the room.

His dad was on the other side of his desk shuffling through papers.

"Why are you so late?" The man asked with out even raising an eye to his son.

"I have a class project that is going to take a lot of time, so I will have to work on it for long hours before and after school."

Taehyung lied.

"Is this project with someone?" His father asked.

"Yes my lab partner." Taehyung replied.

"Ok, well make sure to let your mother know or you know she will worry." He said shaking a hand letting Taehyung know he could leave.

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief and rushed up to his room. Just in time to hear is phone chime.

(Messages between Jungkook and Taehyung)

Jungkook: "Really already?"

Taehyung: "What?"

Jungkook: "You already ran into a problem. I just took you home!"

Taehyung: "god...leave me alone!"

Jungkook: "Then stop having these freak outs every single damn day Taehyung!"

Taehyung: "SHUT UP!"


Taehyung: "IM NOT MAD!"



Jungkook: "just calm down already I'm trying to study!"

Taehyung: "Ok, i...am...calm..."

Jungkook: "Good a bit more..."

Taehyung: "Are you trying to provoke me?"

Jungkook: " UHH! You are infuriating do you know that?!"

Taehyung: "Look I'm trying to stay calm and not wolf out and kill my entire family. You are not helping!"

Jungkook: "Fine, sorry. But if you don't calm down then I can't stay calm and I could murder an entire town, so i beg you...calm down."

Taehyung: "Fine. Sorry. This is annoying..."

Jungkook: "Got to sleep Tae!"

Taehyung: "whatever, go away now."