The next morning Taehyung woke up and stretched out opening one of his eyes to peek around. That had been one of the best night he had slept in a long time. He slowly sat up and stretched his arms and he searched the room. It was really quiet.

"Jungkook?" He called out searching the apartment.

He was alone, Jungkook wasn't there, where did he go? He felt a little anxious and unsure what to do. Should he leave?

He heard his phone go off and rushed over to see who it was, even though he really hoped it was one person.

(Message between Taehyung and Jungkook)

Jungkook: "Morning Tae! I guess you are up now because you are panicking. Sorry I am not there, I had to run down and work at the cafe for a bit. So stay calm, and make yourself at home. I'll bring you up something to eat in a little bit ok?"

Taehyung: "Oh, uh morning...sorry I didn't mean to freak, sorry! See you in a little bit."

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief, he really was way too on edge lately. He had never had to be told to relax so much in his life. He sat back down on the couch and decided to practice the game he had lost the night before. Jungkook would be the one chugging banana milk! He played several rounds, failing miserably and letting out flustered groans.

Jungkook could hear Taehyung's frustration as he reached the door to the apartment. He figured he was playing the game for a good 30 minutes because he had sensed frustration for about that long.

Imagine trying to smile and be friendly with customers when that feeling keeps hitting you.

He opened the door as Taehyung flopped down on the couch in defeat.

"Ahhhhh! This is impossible!" Taehyung yelled.

"Not going so well huh?" Jungkook asked smiling.

Taehyung rolled his head to face Jungkook pouting.

"This game is dumb!" Taehyung said whining.

Jungkook laughed.

"Here maybe if you eat this you'll get better!" Jungkook said handing him a small plate with a cake on it. "And here is a hot chocolate!"

"Hot chocolate? How did you know?" Taehyung asked suspiciously.

"Well, I didn't want you hyped up on caffeine. I figured hot chocolate was a safe bet. I don't think I could handle caffeine hyped Tae today." Jungkook said teasingly.

Taehyung scrunched his nose and turned away taking a sip from the cup.

"You are such a big baby in the morning!" Jungkook said sitting on the couch.

"I am not!" Taehyung protested.

"Your literally whining right now!" Jungkook said.

"No, I'm not." Taehyung said in his normal voice. "Are you done with work?"

Jungkook sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, I had to open early and get everything ready for the day. There aren't many customers early in the morning but I stick around until I need to get ready for school." Jungkook said closing his eyes for a minute.

"I thought you don't sleep, how come you look so tired." Taehyung asked taking another sip from the cup.

"Tae I don't think you realize the extent I suffer because of you." Jungkook said annoyed.

"What did I do?" Taehyung asked surprised.

"You started freaking out as soon as you woke up, I was dealing with a customer and dealing with Tae freak outs at the same time. It's not easy!" Jungkook said resting his head back.

Taehyung got silent and lowered his head resting his mouth on the cup, chewing at the top nervously.

"Like right now! You are nervous! Do you ever just relax?" Jungkook groaned.

Taehyung let out a nervous awkward laugh.

"Sorry." Taehyung said sipping his drink and turning his blushed face away.

Jungkook sighed again.

"Ok Tae what is it? What has you so flustered all the time?" Jungkook said loudly sitting forward.

Jungkook could feel Taehyung getting nervous again and could hear his heart facing.

"Kim Taehyung if you do not spit it out, I'm not helping you any more!" Jungkook threatens.

"No, ok I'll tell you!" Taehyung paused taking another sip of his drink. "It's you! I don't know why but I get shy and flustered around you ok?! Happy?"

Taehyung turned away his face getting warm and pink from embarrassment.

"Are you trying to say you like me Tae?" Jungkook asked playfully.

"Shut up!" Taehyung snapped at him.

"Aw that's so cute, you have a crush on me!" Jungkook teased.

This makes Taehyung more flustered and he pouts again.

"Whatever! It's not like you didn't know, you can sense everything!" Taehyung said frustrated.

"True, but it's better to hear it out loud right?" Jungkook asked glancing at Taehyung, who still wouldn't turn and face him.

"I guess, whatever." Taehyung replied.

"Would you want me to tell you if I like you too, or should I just let you figure it out?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung peeked over his shoulder looking at Jungkook for a second.

"I would want to know." Taehyung said turning back around.

"That's good, because I do!" Jungkook said sweetly.

Taehyung froze.

"Y-you do?" Taehyung asked still too shy to turn.

"Yeah." Jungkook says smirking.

"Are you sure it's not because you know we are emotionally connected and you are just sensing my feelings or something?" Taehyung asked turning.

"I think it's just because you are a big baby that needs protecting." Jungkook said jokingly.

This made Taehyung pout again.

"I honestly have never seen someone pout as much as you do." Jungkook said. "But it's cute."

Taehyung got shy again.

"There you go again." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Then stop saying things that makes me shy Jungkook god!" Taehyung said hitting Jungkook on the arm.

"Owww!!" Jungkook let out an exaggerated yell.

"I know that didn't hurt, now who is being a big baby?" Taehyung teased.

"Ok I guess it's safe to say we are both big babies. Now that you have told me how you feel, are you still feeling nervous?" Asked Jungkook.

"Not as much." Taehyung said shyly.

"You can always tell me anything ok? Even if I can already sense it, it doesn't mean you shouldn't say it." Jungkook said smiling.

"I'll try to remember that!" Said Tae smiling back. "So can you please help me this game?"

Jungkook smiled and moved closer to Tae reaching for the controller and started showing Tae how he was supposed to play.

A few moments later Jungkook's phone began to ring.

"Hi hyung what's up?" Jungkook said into the phone. "Ok we will be ready, thanks hyung!"

Jungkook hung up and turned to Tae.

"That was Namjoon hyung, he said his dad just arrived.

He is going to bring him by soon to meet you." Jungkook said smiling.

"I'm a little nervous!" Taehyung admitted.

"Don't be, he is really a nice guy and he is going to be able to help you more than we could. He seems to know a lot about shapeshifters, and we need that kind of help right now." Jungkook said reaching for Tae's hand.

Tae took hold of it and held it tight blushing a little.

"Ok so let's see if you listened to what I taught you! Show me what you got!" Jungkook said.