Taehyung walked up his driveway catching sight of the two luxury cars parked in front. That meant both of his parents really were there. He quietly entered the house looking around to see where everyone was.
"Taehyung, we are in here." His mother yelled from the living room.
Taehyung entered the room to see his family all sitting waiting for him. He felt his ears turn red seeing all their eyes on him, watching.
"Uh, hi. What's going on?" Taehyung asked sitting in an empty chair.
"First off, hello. I'm sorry I haven't called much since I have been out of town. It's been busy, but this was important so I had to come." His mother said sitting poised just like a politician's wife.
"Ok, so what happened?" Taehyung asked impatiently.
His mother lowered her eyes and glanced at her husband, he nodded to tell her to continue.
"It's about your cousin Minho." His mother began.
She lowered her eyes and cleared her throat.
"What is it? What happened to him?" Taehyung asked tensing up.
"He...is dead." His mother choked out.
Taehyung's heart broke at the words. He and his cousin had been so close since they were young, best friends. He felt tears fill his eyes as this feeling of wanting to scream welled up in his throat. He did his best to hold it back, so he could get the whole story from his mother.
Jungkook had been watching a show when the pain hit him. He let out a loud groan as the feelings hit him suddenly. He tried to breathe but the feelings were so intense that he dropped to the floor. Something was wrong, and it had to be really bad for him to feel this kind of pain. What happened? What happened to Taehyung?
He reached for his phone and dialed Taehyung's number, no answer.
Taehyung turned to his mom feeling the anger take over.
"What happened to him?" He asked trying to hold back from yelling.
Again she glanced at Taehyung's dad before answering.
"He dad a heart attack." His mother said calmly.
The words hit Taehyung and he felt sick to his stomach. He looked to his brother who nodded just slightly enough for Taehyung to understand.
"His service will be this weekend, and I came back so we can all be there." His mom added.
Taehyung stood loudly almost knocking the chair over.
"I have to go." He said angrily and walked out slamming the front door behind him.
His mind was racing.
Was this real? His brother shook his head at him almost confirming the fact that Minho was killed for the same secret Taehyung was hiding.
The thought of Minho going through what he was made him so sad, but what was worse was the fact that Minho decided to take that pill.
He had decided to die than to live with what he was. His pace quickened the more these thought filled his mind.
He stopped suddenly when he felt his phone vibrate, reminding him of his messages. The screen showed a bunch of calls from Jungkook. Oh god, Jungkook! He must have been freaking out. Taehyung raised the phone to his ear listening to the sound of the call going through. Voicemail.
"Jungkook? Are you ok? I'm so sorry! Something happened! Minho....my cousin...he-he's dead Jungkook he was a wolf, and-and now he is gone! He took the pill! God I can't believe this is happening! Please call me back!" Taehyung hung up and started heading back to Jungkook's house.
When he arrived the door was cracked.
He slowly pushed it open and peaked in. Everything was dark so he searched for the light switch along the wall of the door. His hand felt it and immediately switched it on. He froze when he saw the room he was standing in. It was wrecked. Taehyung felt panic sink in and he started checking all the rooms for Jungkook but he was gone. He didn't know what else to do, so he figured calling Namjoon was the next best option.
"Hyung? I am at Jungkook's house, it's a mess and I can't find him. I don't know what happened but he is gone!" Taehyung said panicking.
The line was silent for a moment.
"Taehyung he is here. I have him." Namjoon said.
"Oh thank god! Is he ok?" Taehyung asked.
"Not really. You better come and see for yourself." Namjoon said hanging up.
Taehyung rushed out the door and tried to get to the hyung's house as fast as he could. When he arrived he pounded on the door, until Yoongi opened it. He looked really upset, but held the door open for Taehyung. When Taehyung walks in he sees Jungkook sitting with his head down covered in blood.
Taehyung turns to look at his hyungs who both turn away. Jungkook lifts his head to meet Taehyung's gaze and Taehyung felt his throat catch seeing the red eyes looking back at him.