{uwu ahead}
Soft rays of light peeked through the windows falling onto Taehyung's face. Jungkook squinted as the light caught his eyes, and turned away. He looked down and saw the way the light lite up Taehyung's face and Jungkook knew he had never seen someone who looked as beautiful as him.
He reached over a brushed away the hair from Taehyung's eyes, and smiled. He could have watched him sleep for hours, but a moment later Taehyung started moving and slowly opened his eyes. He looked up and Jungkook and smiled, then he looked down and saw that his arms were wrapped around him and he felt panic.
He instantly let go and jumped back in his seat. This took Jungkook by surprise and he looked at Taehyung confused. Taehyung's face turned beet red and he turned away in embarrassment.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.
"Uh nothing! I uh need to go to the bathroom." Taehyung said before getting up and running out of the room.
Jungkook turned and watched him run away, not sure why he was so panicked. He slouched back in his seat utterly confused, and Taehyung's emotions were unclear as well. He couldn't sense one emotion, there were too many at once. Panic, fear, embarrassment, joy to name a few. When Taehyung was alone he groaned in embarrassment.
He fell asleep holding Jungkook like that? He didn't mean to fall asleep, and forgot to warn Jungkook that he needs to hug something when he sleeps. Why did he do that? So embarrassing! He paced back and forth in the bathroom trying to figure out a way to get out of there as quick as possible.
There was no way he could face Jungkook after that. He decided that he would just come up with an excuse to leave and just not give Jungkook a chance to stop him. Perfect!
He took a deep breathe and slowly walked out looking around to see where Jungkook was. He saw him still sitting where he had left him. He took another breathe and rushed into the room talking a mile a minute and grabbing his stuff as quick as he could.
"So Jungkook thank you so much for everything but I really need to go so i will talk you later ok? Ok bye!"
He said quickly rushing out the front door, running down the stairs and up the street as fast as he could go.
Jungkook was left stunned for the second time that morning. Why was Taehyung always so skittish, he though to himself. Once Taehyung felt like he had run far enough to not be caught, he stopped running and tried to catch his breathe. But he jumped when he heard his phone chime, clenching his chest from almost being scared to death by the unexpected sound.
"Oh my god!" He yelled flinching.
He sighed and took his phone out and scared himself yet again seeing Jungkook's name on his phone.
"Aye!" He yelped.
He unlocked the screen to read the message.
(Messaging between Jungkook and Taehyung)
Jungkook: "Tae? Are you ok? What's wrong?"
Taehyung: "uh..nothing...why do you up ask?"
Jungkook: "Well, you kind of freaked out when you woke up."
Taehyung: "Uh sorry, I just remembered I needed to be somewhere right now."
Jungkook: "Are you sure that's the only reason? It wasn't because you woke up hugging me?"
Taehyung: "No of course not!"
Jungkook: "Why do I get the feeling that you are lying to me?....Tae?....Spill what's wrong?"
Taehyung: "I was embarrassed! I forgot to tell you I usually hug something when I fall asleep. And since I fell asleep on your shoulder I guess I ended up hugging you."
Jungkook: "There was a pillow on the other side of you..."
Taehyung: "Oh really? My bad."
Jungkook: "Tae?....It's ok! You hugging me, I didn't mind it. It was actually pretty cozy. So are you ok now?"
Taehyung: "No! It's still embarrassing!"
Jungkook: "But I Just told you that it's ok! Why are you still embarrassed? Why do you always get so shy and self-conscious? I already know how you feel, and you know how I feel about you. So why are you so worried?"
Taehyung: "IDK!!!! I'm sorry I really don't know. I just feel so shy around you. I mean you know, you can sense it whenever we are together. Aren't you used to it by now?"
Jungkook: "Yes, but I don't want you to keep running away!"
Taehyung: "Well I am tired of blushing in front of you! I would rather be embarrassed and red faced alone thank you."
Jungkook: "But I think its really cute when you blush! You don't have to hide it!"
Taehyung: "It's not cute!"
Jungkook: "It is really cute and its one of the many reasons why I love you! So please don't keep running away!"
Taehyung: "Did you just say....that you love me?"
Jungkook: "Ummm....what?...i ...uuuhhhh..."
Taehyung: " dgugkwauekjwfgafkid;afk.....you just said you love me!"
Jungkook: "Hahahahaha...Tae stop getting so excited! Ok, maybe yes I do. Will you calm down, sheesh all that giddiness is going to drive me crazy!"
Taehyung: "Oh my god! I can't believe this! Jevon Jungkook just gushed an said he loves me!"
Jungkook: "Ok...goodbye.."
Taehyung: "No! Ok I'm sorry!....jungkook?....answer me!....Hey STUPID! I LOVE YOU TOO!!"
Jungkook: " Y-you do?"
Taehyung: "Yeah, i do...."
Jungkook: "So can I pick you up tomorrow for school?"
Taehyung: "Yeah of course! You always do."
Jungkook: "Yeah i know but it seems different now..."
Taehyung: "Yeah? Why is that? Because you looooooove me? :)"
Jungkook: "SHUT UP!"
The journey home was full of gushy texts back and forth between the two and Taehyung smiling from ear to ear. His heart fluttered with each message Jungkook sent him, something Jungkook was sure to tease him about. Soon Taehyung was drawing closer home, and that happiness was replaced with another feeling, fear. He had run out without saying where he was going, and he had stayed out all night and not told his parents where he was.. He was scared to see what awaited him when he walked through his front door. Jungkook checked up on him, and tried to assure him that he was ok, but in truth he wasn't. His phone vibrated once more before he opened the door. Jungkook said he loved him once more, and that was the motivation he needed to turn the door job and walk inside.
Taehyung opened the door to his house with a huge smile on his face. His smile faded quickly when his mom came out of the living room to greet him.
"Hello son. Welcome home!" She said giving him an awkward hug, that he did not reciprocate. "Where have you been?"
"With a friend." Taehyung said heading toward the stairs.
"Will you be home long enough to have dinner with your family?" She asked after him.
He didn't answer her. He walked straight to his room and closed the door behind him. Just being in this house felt like he was trapped.
Everything about this place was so fake, and he was sick of it. There were several assignments he needed to catch up on, since he had been a little busy the last couple of days.
The pressure was on to get everything done, and he was definitely feeling stressed. He tried to remember what Seyon said, to think of a memory that made him feel calm. So when he felt especially stressed, he would close his eyes and think back to his favorite memory recently. He had a hard time picking just one, just being around Jungkook made his heart flutter.
He focused on that morning, waking up holding Jungkook and seeing him smiling down at him. This memory was one of the best and melted away an stress he felt. He waited for a moment almost counting down until Jungkook would message him to make sure he was ok. Like usual the sound of a message was heard. Taehyung smiled at how predictable Jungkook was, and how cute he was when he worried.
Tae arranged himself in his room to start working on homework when his phone goes off. He already knew it was Jungkook checking up on him.
(Messages between Jungkook and Tae)
Taehyung: "I'm fine kook!"
Jungkook: "You are? Ok good. I felt so many emotions i was confused. Your were all anxious, then angry, then something strange...warm and fuzzy..."
Taehyung: "Warm and fuzzy?"
Jungkook: "I don't know how to describe it!"
Taehyung: "I was just thinking of good things to help me calm down, like I was taught!"
Jungkook: "What were you thinking about?"
Taehyung: "This morning....waking up hugging you...lol! Maybe we can watch movies and cuddle again soon so I have more good memories I can think about."
Jungkook: "You are so cheesy...but absolutely yes we should do that!"
Taehyung: "So does that mean we have a date?"
Jungkook: "Yeah! But only if you only go on these kinds of 'dates' with just me."
Taehyung: "I definitely only want to go on dates with you! Even stay at home cuddle dates!"
Jungkook: "Good then it's settled. Boyfriend.... Now go do your school work!"
Taehyung: "Then stop distracting me!"
Taehyung got back to catching up but it was hard to focus now. A little later a knock came at his door. His brother came in a second later.
"Hey!" He said siting on the edge of Taehyung's bed.
"Hey." Taehyung said glancing up at him just for a second.
"I wanted to check on you after what mom told us." He said concerned.
"Why?" Taehyung asked.
"Well, because you guys were really close and you are...you know..." Seokjin said trying to not actually say what Taehyung is.
"A wolf?" Taehyung said annoyed.
"Well, yeah." Seokjin said.
Taehyung looked up at him and he could see his brother seemed uncomfortable and nervous. Why was he acting so weird?
"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so weird?" Taehyung asked.
Seokjin looked up at his brother with concern written all over his face.
"What? What is it?" Taehyung asked.
Seokjin dropped his gaze to his hands.
"Mom asked me if I have been sensing any changes in you recently." Seokjin said avoiding looking at his brother.
Taehyung stayed silence, but felt his. Stomach in knots.
"What did you tell her?" He asked.
"Nothing of course! I don't want anything to happen to you Tae! I am telling you because I think they are starting to worry and get suspicious. You have changed and they are noticing, you need to be careful!" Seokjin said.
Taehyung looked down and sighed.
"I have done nothing to make them suspect me, and yet they still do. What do you think they will do?" Taehyung asked looking up at his brother.
Seokjin paused for a moment and swallowing.
"I heard there is a way they can test you" He replied.
"What is it?" Taehyung asked.
"They give you a shot of adrenaline. As a wolf, It sends your body into overdrive and causes you to shift!" Seokjin replied.
Taehyung felt his hands getting sweaty and his heart rate starts to rise.
"They would have to inject me with it though right? They wouldn't be able to hide it in my food or water right?" Taehyung asked nervously.
"No it can't be taken by mouth, it has to be done by injection. So it would not be an easy thing to do if you keep your guard up." Seokjin said.
"I can't believe this. Now i am going to be tested, and I don't have any choice but to stay here and watch over my shoulder around my own family!" Taehyung said angrily. "This is crazy!"
Seokjin fell silent. He didn't know what he could say that could help his brother now. He decided it was best to leave Taehyung alone to think about everything. Once Seokjin had left, Taehyung took out his phone and sent a message to Jungkook. Who else could he turn to?
He told Jungkook everything his brother had said. He felt afraid, afraid his own family would now take ay chance to prove what he had been hiding. Jungkook went into protective mode and made sure Taehyung knew he would always have a place to go, and he would be there to get him out as soon as he said the word.
That night Taehyung was feeling too anxious to sleep, so he decided to drink some tea to help calm him. He sat in his room drinking it, and it worked. A little too well, and before he could get one word out he saw darkness. Not long later he felt a surge go through his body and his heart started beating faster than it ever had before. He opened his eyes as the blood rushed through his veins and waking up every cell in his body with the adrenaline. When he looked around he saw his mother and father standing there waiting. Waiting to confirm if their son was a monster that needed to be put down. Taehyung let out a painful groan as the bones in his body cracked and broke to conform into his wolf self.
His eyes changed from dark brown to baby blue as he watched his parent's faces turn from cold to disgust.
Soon all he saw was darkness. He could never see the world through the eyes of his wolf self. It was as if it was a creature of its own and not even part of him. Soon all he saw was darkness. He could never see the world through the eyes of his wolf self. It was as if it was a creature of its own and not even part of him. The last thing he sees as his human self is all that remains when he shifts back. Thankfully though, wolves have good memories and can always find their way home.
To Taehyung his home was Jungkook, and as soon as he had broken free from the ropes that had been tied around him he made his way home. Following his instincts he searched and found the one place he knew he was safe. He stood outside of Jungkook's apartments letting out low growls searching for him. Jungkook heard sounds coming from his window and when he walked over to see what it was, he saw a wolf standing there in the middle of the road. Pale white and baby blue eyes, and he rushed out the door to meet it.
"Taehyung?" He said softly.
He reached out his hand for the wolf to examine.
"Tae, it's ok you are safe here.
Jungkook closed his eyes, took a deep breathe and opened them revealing their deep red color.