chapter 3 Welcome to the family

My life as an associate was about to end and I had no idea. I was lying in bed when I got a phone call telling me to come outside. Asin was waiting for me in his own car with Diana and Fust in the backseat. I was told to get in. I had no choice, so I did as I was told.

There was no laughing, talking, or smiling as we drove through the quiet streets of New Tml. By this point, I was certain I was getting whacked.Many things began to circulate around in my brain,what if I'm being killed in a fake encounter. I tried to hide my fear when we stopped outside of an abandoned warehouse and I was told to go inside. I nearly pulled my Magnum .44 right then, but I was afraid that I'd be no match for all three of them.

I went inside the building. I saw dozens of men and women inside, including Don  and 6 Finger Neva There was a table with joujiu, a local 38 revolver, a dagger, and a picture of some old woman in traditional attire.

"This is a friend of ours," Don said when I walked in.

Asin, Diana, and Fust joined the others. I saw Don  set the picture on fire and pass it around. Every person in the room passed it quickly to the next until everyone had touched it. It barely made the circuit in time before the flame turned it completely to ash. I missed a lot of the words as they were being said, but to my relief, I saw a few proud smiles and realized that I wasn't getting whacked after all. My attention was brought back when I felt something cut my finger. I looked down to see a drop of blood splatter onto the table next to the revolver.

"This blood means that we are now one Family," Don saying  still holding the dagger he had used to cut my finger. "You live by the gun and the knife and you die by the gun and the knife."

That was the day I became Made. I was truly a member of the De Pamei Family. I was untouchable. I thought that I would need to murder someone to complete the ritual, but later I realized that they assumed that I had killed the couple who had accidentally taken Don son's drugs. They assumed I had fulfilled that requirement. We all went to a restaurant after that and enjoyed a great meal, despite the late hour. I was given a nickname to celebrate my achievement.I choose the name  the brain.

The name came from my skill with computers, of course.

"Gaimei the Brain" was how I became known among the Family. Don  took me aside and had a short heart-to-heart with me.

"Tall or short, fat or thin…only two things matter," he said. "Your ability to earn and the respect you instill in others. Don't disappoint me."

When I started spending my money, I kept those words in mind.

I quickly learned that the other corrupt cops weren't as easy to buy as Detective . For one thing, they wanted more money up front. I kept him on my payroll as I looked around for others to bribe.

I keep three more cop on my payroll.

I started to loan money at High rate, this time I loan about 50 lakh. I drove my Tesla to the car lot and the dealer told me it was worth  lots, i sold it and buy a new car.I made a down payment on a BMW executive . But with a change of heart ,I declined to sell my Tesla as I have already a good memories with it.

My next interest was in politics, so now I engaged myself in politics, The life of a gangster and the life of a politician weren't that different. We both used various tactics to get what we wanted, and in both jobs, everything came down to money. I started making a lot of campaign contributions to various people. This helped a lot, because when I ran for  bazaar board chairman, despite the fact that I had just gotten out of prison, I won.

It wasn't as prestigious as you might think. There were 51 of us, after all. One from each of the council districts throughout the five division. I mostly just sat on bazaar council meetings and voted on trivial matters.

It was nice to be back. I found myself enjoying the freedom of driving down the street and going wherever I liked. Prison had been difficult. It was good to be out. Now that I was a made man, things were even more exhilarating. It felt like everyone knew and treated me with more respect. Some of the looks came from my nice car too.

One day I was stopped at a red light when I felt a bump. The idiot in the car behind me had hit me! I got out of my car and watched as the other driver, a pretty red-haired girl in her early forties got out as well. I could tell right away that there was no damage to my BMW. She had barely tapped my bumper.

"I'm so sorry!" the woman said. "I was just reading a text I got. Stupid, I know, I should have been paying better attention." Instead of shouting and making a scene in calmly said

"Let me buy you dinner tonight and we'll call it even."

Her grin lit up her gorgeous green eyes. She nodded and we exchanged phone numbers. Her name was sangi, and she was a travel agent. The date went really well and I found myself very attracted to her. She was smart, funny, and sexy and had travelled the world. That night we booked in at a hotel, and we had the most surprising fun, truly I have not get laid after my long  stay in prison, we had a nice fuck, but I did not forget my love of my life, Joanne.Despite the attraction, we only went out only for a relationship just for sex.

Joanne never found out about it. My life was so busy that I never really had time to pursue a relationship with sangi.

A few weeks later, I found a business card under the windshield wiper of my BMW. It was for a local vendors called local special located at the north of Tml, known as zone 3.. I was just about to throw it away when I saw the name: Jaikam. It looked like he had been released from prison and had reclaimed his nightclub from the gangnei Family.

I put on some nice clothes and went to the vendor.

The place was packed. It was obviously doing very well and had a long line of guests trying to get in. I went past the line and said my name to the bouncer. The large bald man checked his list and then unclipped the velvet rope to allow me immediate entrance.

The music was loud, the lights were flashing and there were people everywhere.

"Gaimei!" someone shouted.

I turned to see Jaikam approaching with a large smile on his face. He gave me a friendly hug and led me to the VIP section. There were many well-dressed men and woman sitting around with expensive bottles of sekmei on the tables. I knew that quite a few of them were likely Sangpuan Family members. I was in the wolf's den.

"I guess I should call you Gaimei the Brain," he said with a smile. "Congratulations."

I sat down and enjoyed myself.

It was an unlikely friendship, considering that we were from different families, but we got along well. We sat at a different table than his associates, but since Jaikam sat with me all night and refused to let me pay for my drinks, I felt that I was being given the respect I deserved. We hung out every now and then after that, always carefully separating business from friendship. I knew that Don  would disapprove of such a relationship.