Squirrelpounce found the entrance to the camp but remembered that it wasn't only spotted that got her thrown out it was the others too. Squirrelpounce walked up to spotted with a love eye and said "I'm soooooo sorry can we start over?" Spotted felt like she was tricked again accepted her offer, star watch over the litter and forgot why she left spotted alive. Squirrelpounce jumped rock to rock and got to the top of the leading tower and told star "leave spotted alone." Star couldn't tell why but she left him alone. Spotted was clawing a tree and Squirrelpounce watched him do it a realized that he clawed it more than once, she looked over at a berry bush and got a idea... She thought "he came across the berries to many times and he'd know the scent." So she grabbed blue berries and went to the healer den, she placed the berries in a bowl made of sticks and paw made clay and smash the day spotted jumped out of a Cc hole he dug and saw Squirrelpounce they walked back to star litter territory and of course spotted went to the tree, he stretched and used the tree like a scratching post, he stopped and as walked away Squirrelpounce noticed as he walked he paws were wet and left tracks but knew the juice was only coming from his paw pads and that death was coming soon. Soon she saw spotted cleaning himself him cleaning his head and she watch as he licked his paw and placed it on his head and that's when it happened he stopped cleaning him self and laid down and got off the ground a tiny bit and his mouth started bubbling and foaming red, everyone surrounded him and one cat held his face by placing her paw under his chin, Squirrelpounce approached slowly towards him and licked his forehead and said " farewell..." Spotted looked at her intensely and passed out. Star flipped him over and tried to feel for a heartbeat but couldn't find one and jumped on the leading rock and said " all cats gather here and listen tight, our dear friend spotted has died and Squirrelpounce gave him a farewell kiss so he would watch over us-" Squirrelpounce stopped listening even though star had more to say, Squirrelpounce sprinted to lionmanes den of wisdom she waited till the kittens had to go, she went over to the elder and said "are you sorry for kicking out rosestem yet?" Lionmane looked at Squirrelpounce like she had something to do with spotteds death and it came to his head "she probably poisoned him!" Squirrelpounce knew what he was thinking, she grabbed the leaves that the kittens sat on to listen to his story's and pushed them towards him and walked behind him jump on his and took her paw and pushed his head in the pile of leaves to suffocate him, when he stopped silently screaming she let go. As she was running out she saw rosestem begging star to let her back into the litter, rosestem looks at Squirrelpounce and says "I know who gave spotted a stomachache and poisons him multiple times!" And star said "who?" Rosestem turned around and sat down and stared Squirrelpounce right in the and said "Squirrelpounce..." Star didn't like spotted but Squirrelpounce did poison someone so..... Squirrelpounce got kicked out and replaced with her sister.