Riverairs pride

The old cat and daisy finished the medicine and made dot eat it daisy introduced fangface/ the old cat) to stripe and daisy showed him around and took him back to the healer den and went to sleep. The next day every cat heard riverair meow real loud like it was a roar, the kittens woke up out of the nursery and ran to riverair on the leading rock, she gave each kitten a little nudge as a sign as please get off and they ran back to their mothers, riverair yelled " daisy, stripe , smoke , rust. Please come up to the leading rock." Every apprentice was excited and sprinted to the rock, stripe was happy that he went to this happy clan with such nice people he stopped thinking and listened to riverair " daisy, you are now Daisydance, Rust, you are now Rustfur , Smoke, you are now smokestream." Riverair looked at stripe and said " your name is stripewaves." Daisydance ran to stripewaves and said "how did you earn such a cool name?!" Stripewaves didn't know so he said " the leaders choice I guess?" Daisydance jumped up and down and said "your so lucky! And also the leader told me your sister is becoming leader after she passes!" Stripewaves seemed surprised but confused "she hasn't even began training yet though." Meowed stripewaves "I know right, I never heard about a leader choosing and kitten before training!" Stripewaves was still confused but became ok with it, Daisydance and stripewaves sat down and began talking. Squirrelpounce notice 2 dead leaves and knew fall was coming which means it's easier to hunt cause animals are getting food but by winter half the food in the fresh animal piles will be gone, and Squirrelpounce had a idea, she began thinking " I can kill off half of starlitter and waterlitter for a prey advantage for me.." Squirrelpounce traveled to waterlitter territory and brought prey riverair looked at her and said "if cats actually had 9 lives I wouldn't waste one by being poisoned by you." Squirrelpounce knew what she meant but she didn't poison her kittens she poisoned spotted for poisoning them.. Squirrelpounce said " I didn't poison stripe or squirrel I poisoned spotted cause he poisoned them and I suffocated lionmane for giving Him the idea." Riverair didn't believe her "you kill people and ask to be in my litter!" Said Riverair with a mad tone " if you excuse yourself you should go!" Yelled riverair. Daisydance was helping Stripewaves make Dot feel better "hi.." Dot said nervously, stripewaves turned around and asked "how do you feel?" Dot got on all fours and said "better then ever!" Daisydance stopped Dot from walking out of the healer den and asked "how old are you?" Dot thought of her mom and saw she wasn't around and knew what that meant "I'm 1 month old." Daisydance was suprised, dot looks 7 suns old! Daisy told dot "your gonna be small even as a adult..." Dot was all jumpy "so I'm going to be a kid forever!" "Not dot..." Said Daisydance your just.... Tiny.. Dot sat down all upset and grump and said " I'll be big you'll see me one day!" Daisydance laughed and said "I hope that's true my dear." Daisydance walked out of the healer den and as she walked she said "I'm going to go practice hunting, us scrap cats only learn how to deal with healing." As Daisydance walked away Dot said " where's my mom?" Daisydance didn't know what to say so she said "can be your mom." Dot jumped in happiness, when dot stopped jumping Daisydance already left the den. Riverair was walking around her blueish gray fur waved in the wind, despite her fur it was a windy day! Stripewaves hanged giant leaves up to block some wind, dot was all jumpy about being a fighter " you won't fight until your a apprentice." Laughed Stripewaves, dot plopped face first on the ground and said " shut up!" Daisydance walked in with a mouse and dropped it when she laughed " it's not funny!" Yipped Dot, Dot ran out of the healer den Stripewaves ran after her. Riverair picked up Dot and walked up to the leading rock and placed her down and said "when I pass away this place is yours.... Work hard my dear..." Dot look at Riverair and look at the bluish gray tabby with white paws and said "I will!" Riverair smiled at Dot and let her roam the camp "why did you chase her?" Hissed Riverair, Stripewaves looked down and bowled " get up no need to bowl. Just tell me why." Meow Riverair, Stripewaves got up and said "she's my sister, I'm trying to protect her..." Riverair sat down and laughed "you don't need to protect her Stripewaves, she's her own fighter.." Meowed Riverair

"I caught a tiny mouse and I put a berry on it!" Riverair walked over to her a saw the mouse with a blueberry on it "nice!" Meowed Riverair, Dot looked at her confused and said " are you going to try it?" Riverair looked at the reddish brown cat with dark brown spots and laughed "ok sure." She began to take a bite and when she did it was amazing and when swallow she asked "what's in this?" "There's mouse and berry in it." Meowed Dot "you have to be lieing!" Meowed Riverair, Dot laughed.