Party! (Part 2)

After another few minutes of convincing Doppio to come out of the bathroom, you two head to the kitchen. You walk towards the bowl of punch while grabbing two cups, knowing well there's probably alcohol in it. You pour the punch and walk back over to Doppio, who looks very uncomfortable while some girl talks to him. She says things like "Wow, I really love your hair!" or "That shirt looks really cute on you!". When I walk over with the punch, she looks at me with a face of mixed disgust and confusion. I silently hand Doppio the punch and lean on the counter next to him as the girl walks away. "Seems like you have an admirer. Do you actually know her?" You idly ask. Doppio responds with "Nope, I haven't seen her in my life. She said she was related to Bruno or something I guess. Seemed annoying". He takes a long sip of the punch, and you do the same. After 3 more glasses of punch, you both grab a final glass and head to the living room.

When you enter, you see Fugo passed out on the couch, Narancia talking to himself while sitting suspiciously close to Fugo, some other dude wearing a weird hat with a sweater crop top and tiger print pants just staring out the window. Amidst the chaos, Bruno was casually sitting on his armchair. Doppio and you sit down on the couch, when all of the sudden there is a big crash from the other room, waking up Fugo. Bruno yells "Giorno!" while rushing out of the room.

The guy at the window, who Doppio said was named Mista, stumbles over to the couch. He sits down next to Narancia, and at the same time the girl from earlier plus some really tall guy with weird purple lipstick enter. When Narancia sees them enter, he goes "Abbacchio! Who's this?" He gestures to the girl next to Abbacchio. Abbacchio reply's "Eh, she's been following me around for a while. Don't actually know her". The girl looks a little insulted at this, but fixes herself immediately once she sees Doppio on the couch. She says "Hello! My name is Olivia. Nice to meet you". She seems to direct this last part at Doppio more than anyone else. Narancia seems please with this answer, and shakes Fugo violently while saying "Hey! Since so many of us are here, let's play Truth or Dare!". Fugo's eyes light up at this, but Doppio shifts around uncomfortably and Abbacchio just looks annoyed. Mista still agrees to play. Fugo excitedly slurs "Coommmeee on guys! Just for a little bit, it's so borrringggg here". Oliva says "Sure, but only if Abbacchio and Doppio will play". Abbacchio half-heartedly agrees, but Doppio still doesn't look sure. "I'll join in if you want to play with them" you whisper to him. This makes him look a little happier. "Sure, I guess I'll join!"

"So who's going to start?" You ask. Olivia looks at you, and says "Ooh, I dunno, seven people sounds like a lot. You might have to sit out". At this, Abbacchio says "If you think that seven is too many, I can always leave". Olivia quickly says "Well I'm sure we can make do!". Since no one had actually decided who was starting, Mista volunteers. Your all a little intoxicated, so this should be fun. Mista slurs in a sing-song voice "Fugoo, truth or daa-reee". Fugo giggles and then hiccups while saying "uhhh.... dare!". Mista giggles even more and says "go get more punch for all of us!". Abbacchio mutters sarcastically "yay, more punch for us". Fugo goes to get more punch for us all. Once he hands us all the punch, he randomly screams "MY TURNNN! Olivia, T or D". Olivia smiles and say "Oh-kayyyy! Truth". "Welllll uh.. how did you even get invited here? No one really knows you..". Olivia has a weird look on her face, and looks at the door quickly before replying "Uh, I am related to Bruno. So he invited me. Anyways, Narancia, Truth or Dare?". Narancia gives her a huge smile and says "Dare! And make it interesting, you guys are boring". Olivia snickers and says "Sit on Fugo's lap."

Truth or Dare continued on for what felt like an hour, but turned out to be 6. You check your phone, and it was almost 1 in the morning. At some point you had started holding Doppios hand, but no one noticed except for Olivia of course. Once when he had scooted closer to you, she said "Hey Y/N, you've been sitting on the couch forever, could I sit there?". Narancia, still for some reason sitting on Fugo's lap, said "Oh well I'm sure Fugo wouldn't mind if you sat here". Fugo looked hurt and said "Nooo.. don't go!". Narancia blushes at this. From the corner, you hear Abbacchio say "Ooh, ahh, look at the cute couple. Now Y/N, Truth or Dare?". "Ehh, I'll choose dare". Abbacchio smirks and says "Ok, now let's see here.. how about... Yeah! I dare you to kiss Doppio! On the lips". Doppio looks horrified, and Abbacchio looks very contempt with himself. I mean, we're both so drunk we probably won't remember it.. and anyways, how bad can it be? I do like him after all... And with that, you leaned in to kiss him. It was pleasant, and you both probably made it last way longer than it needed to but way shorter than you wanted. You both kind of awkwardly laugh, and you say to them "Ah, I'm getting tired. I'm going gonna watch from now on". Mista says "Awh, come on! Just one more, I have a really good one!". You roll your eyes and say "Alright, one more. That's it". Mista smiles a huge smile and says "Doppio, truth or dare?" Doppio reply's with "Dare". Mista starts laughing so hard it's almost scary, and then says "Okay, smash or pass Y/N". And then Doppio, being the dumb, stupidly cute, insanely drunk guy that he was, said "Ooh um.. Hard smash."