Chapter 5 : Coffee or me?

Standing here in almost what seems to be 30 seconds was the the sweetest yet the most horrible, not worst, thing that could ever happen to Alissa. Daniel was no doubt a great kisser.

His sudden approach to cut her air was a surprised, definitely but the way he move his lips over hers and his tongue, oh, the way it twist and turn inside. With his fingers fisting gently on her hair which brings a mild sting but still slightly pleasurable, she can't help but dwell on his sweet pleasure.

Was it because I have never had sex before? Is this why I allow my husband, the brother of my rapist to kiss me like there's no tomorrow? 

And on that note, Alissa open her eyes and push him away. She even took that moment to slap him making his head turn sideways.

Alissa's mouth was open as she pants for air and she quickly rub her lips that already has been smudge by him. Her pink Maybelline lipstick made a slight mess on his lips too and rather than be angry about what she did, Daniel grinned. He took a napkin and wipe his lips.

"Didn't know you into pain. Imagine how interesting our marriage will be? I never thought that gentle swan I marry turns out to be a feisty tiger."

"I guess what doesn't kill you make you stronger. And to add up, I want a divorce. I refuse to stay married to you."

Daniel goes to the left sid eof his office and sat on his black leather sofa. "No can't do. Unlike you, I want to work on this marriage, Alissa."

"But I don't!" She chimed on angrily "I am done with all of this. You know, normal people that went through what I did would have hang themselves already and here you are keep pushing me on why I haven't done exactly that!"

The smile on Daniel's face drop and he instantly stand to approach her, "Did you?" His face darkens with fear.

"Have you ever thought about? I have people that could_"

"Save it! I am fine." She looks aside. "I'm not like mother. I actually have something to fight for so no, unless I am as sick as her aka cancer, you and your family will be seeing me alive for a very long time. Sucks to be your mother."

Daniel gave a long sigh, relief wash over him knowing how strong Alissa has been. When he first found out about Erika's death, he was struck with guilt. Such a gentle and kind lady, drove to end her life with a letter saying her daughter won't be trap in his toxic family made him so guilty especially after Alissa miscarriage.

"I haven't see mom for a long time already."

Alissa frowned at his statement, "Long time means?"

" Three years. Same month you left. I was angry at what she did but it was partly my fault too. I accused you of something vile even though we all know what happen that night. I'm so sorry, Lisa. You must truly understand how sorry I was. I too mourn for the loss of my nephew and I should have bring you away far from my family. I chose to be your husband and I failed to fulfil my duty."

Alissa didn't know how to react. This is the first time he has talk about that night. She remember his words that lead to another one of her tragedy.

You low life woman. This is what you are isn't it? Trying to trap my brother into marrying you just so you could get your filthy hands on our wealth? Now that you failed to cage him, you try to do that shit to me. Leave! Get out of this house and never come back! I never want to see you here!

He had spoken it out of anger when he had heard her father who sneak into her room that evening how Alissa could funnel money from the Waltons and used her rape to get it.

It broke her heart that being his daughter, she had expected him to defend her but like her mother once said, his father, Brody Sander is only interested in money, booze, a perezoso who do nothing.

When Daniel found him, he had thought she shared the same goal as him. Daniel was so furious that night and when he left turns out his mother was there, listening to what had happen.

" I...I've long forgiven you, Daniel. You misunderstood and I get that. It's been 3 long years so you don't have to feel guilty about it anymore."

" But I do. That baby is innocent and so were you but my anger got the best of me."

He stood up and approach her once more. Not trapping her or intimidate her, he hold her hand and stare deep into his eyes.

"All this years, I tried to look for you but at one point, I stop because even when I have left my home, my father was still on my back. Now that I'm fully independent and he's not connected with me anymore, I want you back, Alissa. I want you by my side. I want to take carr of you and perhaps, lo_"

"Please don't say that, Daniel. The things that you are saying are only because you still feel guilty about what happen and I told you, that I have forgiven you. Besides, you have never actually did anything to me. Clarke did and you were forced to be with me. It is I who should apologise. Please, just divorce me and you don't have to feel like you owe me or anything. I am fine."

"But what if I told you that I want us to stay married because I want you."

Alissa's gasped, " You...want me? But why? We barely know each other! What makes me so special you want to make this hoax marriage to continue?"

"Because I can't get you out of my head!" His voice becomes loud. Alissa turn back to see whether anyone had heard him and quickly put her palm over his mouth.

"Can you be quiet? People could have heard you!"

Daniel look annoyed now. "So what? What if they know we are married. Why should it affect them?"

"It would affect me, alright? Know one knows I'm married let alone to a Walton. Please listen to me. I'm trying to help you out of this sham marriage. It's for our own good. You can finally find a wife  you deserve and I can get on with my life."

He snorted. "With another man? I don't think so? I want to stay married, agapi mou. We'll make this work."

He turn around to sir on his chair.

"You are out of your mind! We have no feelings for each other. How can you want to stay married to me?"

He smirked as he open his files, "That's what you think, Lisa. I would prefer to talk about this during other day but for now, I'm actually quite busy. Oh, and don't forget we'll be meeting a client for dinner tomorrow. I'll send you a dress to wear. Nothing too formal, don't worry."

"But it's Saturday. It's my time off!" 

" Unfortunately, being my secretary means you'll be working whenever I tell you to." He put on a lazy grin which again, affected her so much that she refuse to look at him directly.

"And starting from today, you need to bring a hot cup of coffee, black and please make it good, my last secretary kinda suck at it but you, can't really broke a pregnant woman's heart, can you?"

You sure did it to me. She rolled her eyes.

"And make sure to check my business mails every single day and let me know about anything important I should attend to. I'll send you my email and password after this. Easy isn't it? You can start doing it now and your dress will be sent to your home tonight."

She flinched. "Wh..who is going to send it? You?"

"Of course not. I'm a very busy man. I'll have my chauffeur to send it to you. Unless you want me to.."

"No! Chauffeur will be fine. You don't need to come over."

She crossed her arm and glare at him.   " What's with the chauffeur? I thought you don't depend on your dad anymore?"

He rolled his eyes but still make sure his focus was on his files, "If you must know, I have worked my ass off for this past three years and I was able to find success all on my own in which I am absolutely proud off. You, agapi mou is married to a rich self-made billionaire. You should be proud. Why you want to keep this relationship a secret is beyond me."

She wanted to slap him just once to tap down his arrogance. Without saying a word, she decide to leave but Daniel call out to her with a request. 

"Before you go, agapi mou, shouldn't you be kissing your husband goodbye?"

"Over my dead body." Alissa gritted through her teeth.

Daniel nod. "I see than maybe I should let Gregory know about our relationship so you'll be less nervous to keep our secret. Heard he has a big mou_"

He was holding the office phone and started to type something until Alissa quickly slam the phone down and kiss his cheek roughly.

"Done! Happy now?" She was breathing so hard and staring angrily at him. Fearing he has more request, she quickly leave his office and head to do his coffee. She need to have that shot of caffeine as well. Daniel on the other hand chuckles at how adorable she was being. Even when she was mad, she looks gorgeous with her green eyes flaring and glittering like emerald and her brown hair cascading her back like silk.

He had a gorgeous wife and pretty smart at that based on her achievement in the company so far. Though she didn't have a degree or a diploma, Alissa was able to work herself to the top with just a high school certificate and Daniel is beyond proud.

She thought that he has no feeling for her. He is about to prove Alissa's wrong. Things are definitely going to be interesting from now on. He is looking forward to it.