Chapter 15

The next morning 8:17am

Tiffany wakes up to hands wrapped around her waist as she turns around to see Matt laying next to her. She faces him as she plays with his hair then kisses him on the nose.

Laying next to him makes me so happy, I just love cuddling with him.

Tiffany watches him sleep for a few minutes then lays her head down on his chest. She lifts her head then starts to watch him sleep again.

"What?" He opens his eyes and stares at her.

"My bad, I thought you were sleep" he stands and stretches.

"Hope Anthony isn't awake" he walks to the door opening it and peeking his head out.

"Don't leave me" she sits up in bed as he turns back to her.

"I'll come back once anthony leaves" he walks up to her kissing her then walks out the door closing it behind him.

Tiffany hops up and walks over to her dresser grabbing her a white crop top and some black leggings with some black adidas as she changes her outfit then walks to the bathroom and brushes her teeth.