Chapter XXXVI: Overwhelming

Act: 36

Shizu's thoughts jumbled together, confused, and had some feelings of hurt. He moved forward so that he would become visible to them.

"I have to do something about this! I won't allow him to ruin my date!"


'I can't get upset now, that won't help me with anything. First, figure out the situation...'

Though he instantly stopped moving after seeing Hano once he finished spinning her around. Grabbing Hinako by the chin, calling her by her first name, and leaning in for a kiss on the lips. When they finished deep in that kiss, she reached out, handing him the same phone keychains that Shizu bought for them both to keep for the memories.

Shizu's hands got weak dropping the tray that the burgers were on and splattering onto the floor along with the drinks that had spilled all over the place.

Shizu's heart rate began to increase, and his breathing started to get heavy as he exhaled, grabbing onto his chest with his right hand where his heart was located.

'My heart burns… How come everything feels like a lie? What was today for…! I- my head! My eyes… They're getting blurry... Why...!'

Hinako quickly moved out of the way looking over to her left after Aikawa had dropped the two cups from seeing them kiss.

Hano spoke deeply, yelling at Aikawa.

"Watch out! Do you realize that could've spilled all over this amazing, beautiful, gorgeous dress."

Aikawa responded while on the verge of tears.

"Fuck yourself."

Aikawa glanced in the distance and saw Shizu who had a despairing look just like her, she gave him a scowling look before running off.

"Hinako, don't worry about her- she is just a child after all. A desperate one."

Hinako casually nodded at him but was curious as to why Aikawa didn't give her a scowling look but someone else in the distance? When she realized this, looking in the opposite direction. She had seen Shizu frozen in place with a mess worth of food underneath him.


She waved at him trying to get him to come over to them. But he saw Hano glare at him with a big disgusting grin on that stupid face.

'Why are you doing this… You obviously don't like me, what's the point in bringing me over there- we haven't even got the chance to catch up!'

He turned around ignoring her and was about to run off home but stopped.

He turned around in their direction. Storming his way over to Hano in particular. When he got up close to them, he snatched Hano by the collar pulling his face closer to his.

The moment he did that Ren and Kyde reacted, getting ready to use their Stars on him.

Shizu's eyes dropped and the same murderous look in his eyes showed clear as day when he looked at Hano and he spoke to the other two boys who happened to be unknown to him.

"I don't know who the hell you two are but stay out of my way. Understand what I'm saying! As for you Hano, I'll beat the living shit out of you when the tournament arrives! You hear me!"

Hinako spoke up to him.

"Let go of him, he's my date for the day. What we were doing was just a hang-out, I didn't want to upset you or anything. It was that you may have taken too long when you were gone, and I lost interest, but you seemed happy, and I chose not to make you feel sad."

'Why couldn't you have said that sooner? I'm not just a fucking tool for your gain.'

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings; I know that you probably feel the same way as me. Friends? Right?"

He let go of his shirt pushing him back in the process. Taking one last good look at Hinako, he pulled out a necklace from his pocket and slammed it down on the table.

"It's for you Chisaka. Make good use of it."

Shizu left without another word to be said. Making his way back home as a bunch of thoughts rushed his head wishing he said more.

"A mess followed by a mess. What did you do to him, Hano?"

Kyde said.

"Only what I've been wanting to see. Come on Hinako, how about we go, we can continue our date elsewhere."

The four of them left, to continue their date with the tagalongs now.

- - - -

Later in the day, Shizu got back to his old house, kicked his shoes off his feet by the door, quickly walked to his room, and face-planted in his bed. His eyes began to get watery, and the sadness, and depression got to him after this whole waste of a day, so it felt to him.

'All the stuff. I did. The plans! Why did she play with my emotions? She knew! She fucking knew, but why…! Maybe what everyone says is true. I just... I just!'

"Fine, I get it! I am just a tool that needs to be used or it loses purpose! You guys are all happy! Straight-up tool! My Star is even a tool that benefits everyone, except! Me! I hate it! I hate this! I hate it all!"

All the thinking and tossing and turning he did end up making him fall asleep unconsciously for the remaining night.

*Yawn. *

Shizu woke up in the middle of the night, his eyesight was a tad blurry from his eyes needing to adjust. He reached around looking for his phone that happened to be on his desk face forward.

The moment he turned it on the brightness blinded him, making him flail back.

"Ahh damn, why did it keep it so bright."

When his eyes adjusted, he saw four notifications from Hinako, quickly going to his contacts he thought about deleting it out of his phone but came to the thought of ignoring it and opening the messages.



He swiped down checking the date and saw that he had been asleep for a while, almost making it two whole days he slept for.

"You can't be serious! I have to deal with her and school tomorrow, ugh."

[ Chisaka's text messages ]

- Shizu...? -

- You alright? -

- Shizuuu? Wanna hang out sometime tomorrow? -

- Are you mad? There is no reason to be, be real?? -Let's talk? -

- - - -

"How about no. Do you not see the issues wrong with that?! Oh, whatever."

Shizu tossed his phone onto the bed and walked to the bathroom. When he finished, he paused, staring in the mirror, seeing that his eyes were once again swollen and red, probably from the tears that formed but his hair. It showed many more strands of black than it originally did.

"Ugh. Who cares."

Leaving the bathroom, he walked into the kitchen, made himself some food, then went straight back to bed.

- - - -

Later in the morning.

Shizu woke up groggy and in somewhat of an attitude. His hair had been in a mess and a frown that cast upon his face. One of no emotion.

He took care of his normal routine that cut out some stuff. His overall mood was much lower than normal, when he put his uniform on, he barely even adjusted anything to look half decent and along with not even bothering to fix his hair, leaving it as its bed head.

"Hm… What the hell is wrong with my hair?"

Finishing up eating and heading for school. Not being late, instead, he was an hour early.

Entering the school, taking off his shoes, and changing, the first thing on his mind was going to Ito Sensei's office and relaxing there before class began.


The sound of the door slamming shook Miss Ito while she peacefully sat in her chair.

"Shizu! Ah, geez, what's the reason for slamming my door?"

Slightly ignoring her he sat down on a chair tossing his phone onto the desk and began to browse on some applications.

"Hmph. So that's what happened."

She got up out of her chair and walked over to him pulling him up out of the chair he was sitting in, standing him upright. He leaned his head avoiding eye contact with her.

"It's ok. Sadly enough, these things happen. Look at me, I'm a prime example of a letdown? There's no need to fall deeper into that state I'm in. Stay alive and keep that smile I love to see."

She adjusted his uniform and brushed around his head, making him look much more appealing.

Shizu's voice sounded deeper than before, feeling like he had a bit of his life stripped away from him.

"You don't have to do this. And sorry to cause you trouble."

"I do. In my job as your Teacher, I must make sure my students are ok and doing well. Did you want to explain to me what happened?"


"Yeah sure…"

Shizu had gone through the entire experience of what happened that day and how he felt that she didn't have to play him that badly. It lasted for around sixteen minutes of him explaining before he finished.

"That child! Tch, how dare she! I'd love to have a word with her. To think she can go around like that! Agh!"

"Hehe... No need to talk to her Sensei… It's my fault for being so naïve…"

"Hmm. If you say so I won't do anything but know I'm not happy one bit about what she did!"

"Yeah… I know. Class is going to start soon so I better head out. Thank you for listening to what I had to say..."

He got back up and left her office making his way to the class, being the only student at the time. Sitting alone, like always.

'I wonder? Is this what kids do nowadays when things go bad? Dying one part of their hair…? I dunno?'


He turned his head over to the door and saw a girl with green hair standing in front of the door, a girl who had a frown on her face. He knew that she obviously wasn't looking so happy about something.

"What do you want?"