
Wei Kang stopped on top of the highest tower and sat cross-legged as he took out some Body Tempering Pills from his Qiankun pouch. The most common pill in the entire Cultivation World was the Body Tempering Pills, to temper your body and your energy for real cultivation.

Body tempering, as the name implies, focuses on tempering the body, but throughout this process, one builds his meridians as well. Both a strong body and meridians are the base for the following realms. The cultivator's body contains spiritual channels, but they are so faint. Through meditation techniques, one can sense them, but the soul should be powerful enough to do the job as ambitions was also needed.

As one senses their channels, they can absorb Qi. In the beginning, the channels are weak and penetrable. That's why this realm is characterized by tempering and strengthening the body. As Qi passes through these permeable channels, it leaks out nourishing and strengthening the organs. This realm finish when one's channels solidified into Meridians. But they still leak a little bit, which makes old cultivators' bodies slightly stronger.

As Wei Kang swallowed the pills, he started to refine and stabilize himself in his process to make a breakthrough. Wei Kang calmed both of his mind and soul, he began purifying the Qi.

Before he died, The Demon King made sure to implant consciousness and pass his odd techniques into the dead body of Wei Kang, to make sure in this life he will be even stronger than before. From Wei Kang's current situation, he considered cultivating his own way to the top than sitting and meditating all day, to which was boring to everyone.

After a while, Wei Kang opened his eyes slowly as he stared into the distance and stared coldly at his hands. He laughed bitterly and shook his head.

"I have no hope in this body of mine but I have hope in my own cultivation methods. Cultivating 'The Wrath of Buddha' would be troublesome but one must go through hardships to truly accomplish real power. Cultivating in this calm and boring state will bore one to death. I'd rather get killed a thousand times than to do this same shit again and again. This young master has decided to follow his own technique rather than those shitty ones. I will make history with this will of mine and change the world, also to conquer every beauty in the entire world."

Wei Kang said determined as he stared at the red light glowing in his palms. The wind blew strongly against his face, causing his hair to blow. Mortals would pee their pants at the sight of black-clothed person with long black hair sitting at the top of a tall tower, mistaking it for a ghost or a vengeful spirit looking to eat them and take their women.

'This will be a long journey.'

A voice resounded in his mind without him noticing.

Last night, Wei Kang meditated on top of the roof and woke up early, to make sure no one saw him. Wei Kang then headed to his home, to find a new set of clothes. Wei Kang jumped down and walked normally, blending in with the commoners.

Wei Kang walked to the front of his house, the house was small and a bit ugly. As he said, his family was poor and struggled to live by working for another family. Wei Kang hesitated to open the door cause he was afraid his parents would see him in this manner. Wei Kang took a deep breath and lifted his hand to knock the door.

Before he knocked on the door, the door was suddenly blasted open and a young man with similar features to him, wearing all white stopped by the door. Wei Kang was taken aback as for the man by the door, his jaw dropped to the floor. The man opened his eyes widely and they were glistening with tears. Wei Kang backed away one step and studied him.

"Little Kang, you're alive. How? Am I seeing the ghost of my brother? I must have gone insane"

The man was in disbelief and lifting his hands to place on his Wei Kang's shoulders, to check if he was here and right before his eyes. Wei Kang smiled faintly and didn't refuse. The man then embraced Wei Kang in a tight hug, Wei Kang was a bit stiff.

Why am I still feeling familial bond? This shouldn't be what I'm feeling, maybe I haven't gotten full control of this body and my feelings.

The original Wei Kang was close with his family and loved them deeply, to the point he might sacrifice himself for their happiness. Wei Kang respected them, but the Wei Kang right now wasn't the same person. Wei Kang was being tightly hugged by the man and after a while, he finally let go. Wei Kang smiled indifferently and clenched his fists subconsciously, proceeding to look straight at him in the eyes.

"How? What happened to you? Why did you go missing for 10 days? I thought you were dead and eaten alive."

"I'm alive and well, there's no need for you to worry and I apologize for the troubles I caused when I went missing but I am here now." Wei Kang stared indifferently to the side and shrugged it off. Wei Kang had somewhat a complex expression in his eyes as he shifted his head to the side, not wanting his brother to see his expression.

"Where did you go? I came all the way here to attend your funeral."

"Big Brother, have you been well? How's your wife and children? How's mother and father?"

Wei Kang immediately interrupted him and changed the topic. He wasn't in the mood to start explaining how he got murdered. Wei Yang felt Wei Kang has changed and matured from the immature kid who would cling onto him to a man who has his own goals. Wei Yang could see deep ambitions and deep hatred in his eyes, even some strange expressions.

"They have been well but Mother and Father were devastated, they haven't gotten any sleep for a week."

Only a few words were exchanged between the two siblings cause Wei Kang didn't seem interested to talk.

Wei Kang nodded his head and was secretly filled with guilt. Wei Kang was about to say something before he heard faint footsteps, he turned his head to find a middle-aged woman looking anxious at him. Wei Kang stood still and stared at her blankly.

The woman had the appearance of an experienced woman who had been through many things in life. She had a delicate face and thin body as she wore old clothes and had her hair tied into a messy bun, she looked like dead fish at this moment. Wei Kang vividly remembered how she always bragged to him about her once renowned beauty but the Wei Kang back then always laughed and thought it as nothing but a joke. Now, Wei Kang could see the real beauty she had once been.

What should I do? Do I greet her?

Wei Kang was about to greet her before being embraced. Wei Kang shook and panicked, trying to get them off of him but his hands didn't move an inch. Wei Kang didn't hug her back or anything. He looked indifferent and kept quiet.

"My son, how are you alive? Where were you? We thought you were dead."

Wei Kang took a step back and inspected them, he shook his head and pretended to smile cheerfully.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I have been unfilial and forgetful when I lost my way back home, I hope you will forgive me. These days I was lost on the roads but a hero came and guided me back home. I missed you deeply, my family."

No one would notice that Wei Kang was acting and pretending to be sorry.

Wei Kang bowed his head and held her hands gently, he wanted to pound his head onto the ground from embarrassment. Wei Kang smiled gratefully and rubbed his neck. His mother looked at him and tears filled her eyes, she came forward and pulled him into another embrace.

"We were devastated to find you missing, we were desperate to find you. Next time, when you go travelling, tell us and we'll accompany you. We are beyond happy to see you alive and safe but please be careful. You could've died and lost your arms or legs."

Wei Kang was scolded by his sobbing parents, he felt a deep tug in his heart. Then, Wei Kang felt a force was aiming at his face, Wei Kang used his hands to push his mother to the side and took a step back to avoid the sudden force.

Wei Kang looked coldly at the fists that were aimed at him and he held the wrist tightly, causing a crack to be heard. Wei Kang was about to break the wrist and turned to see the face of a middle-aged man, Wei Kang suddenly let go of his wrist.

"You d*ckhead, where the f*ck did you go? You caused us to be frightened for no f*cking reason."

The man that wanted to murder him and spoke such vulgar words, was none other than Wei Kang's father. He looked messy and facial hair growing out of his face but one could see the resemblance he had with Wei Kang, he must have been quite the handsome youth. He looked depressed and grumpy all the time from Wei Kang's memories but he was always dutiful to his duty as a guard and a father. Wei Kang even remembered admiring this violent father of his.

'No wonder, this fool is handsome cause he inherited cheat genes from his family.'

"Ugh...I got lost and someone guided me back home."

Wei Kang quickly replied, trying to calm his crazy father. Wei Kang's father took out his belt and whipped Wei Kang in the buttocks. Wei Kang was taken aback but soon felt the pain from being whipped in the ass, he quickly kowtowed and tried apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Have mercy, have mercy."

Wei Kang was hit three times in the butt and it burned with pain. Wei Kang still kept his head down and was behaving submissively at the hands of his family. Wei Kang didn't feel humiliated or anything but rather grateful for the fact they might truly forgive him after venting their anger on him by whipping him in the ass.

"Next time, I'll whip you with a horsewhip if you scared your mother like that."

His father pretended to hit him as Wei Kang backed away bit by bit. His father sighed and went back into the house. Wei Kang had cold sweats on his forehead and was sweating profusely. His mother scolded his father and helped Wei Kang get up.

"Dear, you didn't have to hit him. It was not his fault that he got lost but our faults for not showing him around the county."

Wei Kang laughed bitterly and got up with the assistance of his mother. Wei Kang went inside the house with a bitter face. They all went inside the house.