The Elf King And The Merchant

When Re told Laura that they were in the elf village, she didn't believe it. The elf village is one of the most hidden places in the world. But not once have the people heard about humans and elves residing with each other.

Elves are small creatures to the point where they could be crushed or killed if a human stepped on them. But that doesn't make them weak, as they are born with mana. 

However, it was suspicious enough to see humans living with elves because humans are greedy beings, wanting to use elves for their own personal needs. 

Laura rubbed her chin and didn't understand the situation here. Is there something that the elves are hiding from the humans? 

"Re...why are there humans here?" Laura asked, turning at Re, whose face turned pale. "Don't hide it from me, Re."

"What? Me hiding no, never!" Re stuttered, and out of nervousness, he played with his fingers. At the same time, Laura didn't take the bait at all.