Temporary Happiness

The crickets' chirping filled the silence surrounding Laura as she sat on the cold ground with her hood on. She was hiding something, and it was visible on her face. She couldn't face her reality right of the moment. 

To hear that Tine was getting engaged to Prince Winston. Something must have happened in the past few days. Then the rumors about those two getting along were true. What about Serena? She must be heartbroken about this sudden news.

Things are just getting worse than better.

Still, what scared Laura the most was that her future was not changing at all. Everything was so sudden, and she didn't know what to do. Her body didn't have any energy to move, and her gloomy eyes looked like she was mourning someone.

What was worse was that she didn't have information about Tine, and it was just all just about Marquess Rogen. And now that she's engaged with the prince, it means that the royal family supports her.