
"I...promise," Laura said and watched Erwin kiss the gem on the necklace.

Erwin released the necklace and stood up, dusting his pants. He couldn't express his happiness. He constrained himself from touching her because if not, he'll lose control over himself.

As Erwin was about to walk out of the cave, he heard a person murmuring. It wasn't Laura or the two other guys. When Erwin lowered his head to look at Zeke, he saw Zeke's eyes fluttering and immediately called for the others.

Hearing the soft mumble of Zeke, Erwin walked towards him and waited for another word to be spoken from him. It was a miracle that he awoke. They were just talking about him earlier, and now he's finally awake. 

"Where am I?" Zeke asked, with his vision still unstable.

"You're in a cave right now. Do you know who I am?" Erwin asked.