
It was noon but Laura didn't notice it at all. She was distracted with many thoughts and couldn't bring herself to be composed.

"Miss Laura, I am here to inform you that Marquess Rogen's son is here along with Miss Viola. They are in the dining hall right now. Will you join them for lunch?" Lester asked.

Laura turned her to look at Lester and asked, "It will be rude not to greet the guests won't it?"

Lester's lips slightly raised and silently he nodded his head. He did not doubt the master he was serving. Despite looking unwell and not being in her right mind, Laura still stood tall against her enemy.

They continued to walk the hallway and after a while, reached the dining hall. Laura honestly didn't want to see Tine and her friends but she can't do anything since it would end up looking like she's running away from them.