Flower Festival II

From afar, Prince Winston watched Serena leave a stall and noticed that she had stopped crying. Good thing someone was there to comfort her. Even if he wanted to reach and call for her name, he knew that he couldn't, because he knew it would break her heart further.

Another man wearing a black cloak walked up front to Prince Winston, looking warry of his surroundings for any danger.

"Your Highness, are you sure you want to stay here?" The guard asked.

"No, we should move. I just wanted to see her for the last time."

As they were about to blend into the bustling street a person wearing an old-looking cloak softly pushed Prince Winston back to the narrow alley where he was hiding earlier. The guard immediately stepped forward and pushed the person away.

The person did not answer and boldly took a step forward but was once pushed back by the guard once more.

"Who are you?" The guard asked as he gripped his sword.