Dangerous Than What They Think

The next few days went by as if Laura's confinement never happened. Count Harrison was back to normal and he did not know about anything that had happened. None of the servants reported which was weird because normally any incident big or small would've been reported.

It's as if they lost a part of their memory during the past four days.

For sure Tine was using her black magic to cover everything that had happened. Manipulating and erasing memories was something common amongst those using black magic, though there was a consequence to whoever uses it. To whoever is curious about the consequence it's better not to know.

If anyone saw what it actually was, it might traumatize them.

"Mary," Laura called but she heard nothing in her room.

Right she forgot that Mary was in the Smythe estate right now. At least her memories aren't wiped out, unlike a certain person, Lester.