Two Years Later II

"Welcome back, Miss Laura," The maid bowed upon Laura entering the Ferguson estate. She greeted the maid with a warm smile and proceeded to the greenhouse, which was the Duchess' favorite spot in the estate.

Every time Laura comes to the Ferguson estate, she would always anticipate eating the desserts they would make since they were made exceptionally well, and not only that, it so happens that the owner of Laura's favorite pastry shop is owned by the Duchess. Which means she had more chocolate mousse for herself to eat.

In the grand greenhouse, Laura sees the other two ladies she has wanted to see aside from the duchess as she walked closer towards them. A girl with brown hair waved her hand in the air and walked towards her. While Laura giggled at the girl's actions.

"We were all waiting for you. Go take your seat," Serena said as she pushed Laura to her seat. She then turned to look at the duchess and greeted, "It's nice to see you again, Your Grace."