Battle For The Title II

"Father, I know this may sound selfish but I want to achieve my own dreams," said Serena as she stood tall, without wavering eyes, as she looked at her father's still eyes. Her father was a strict man, though there were times where he would be soft when it comes to his daughter's future he is keen about it.

With furious looking eyes the Count spoke, "Serena…you are in the age where men would want your hand. Dream? You are a lady, and to be exact a noble lady." She knew it. No matter how much she tried convincing her father. He simply wouldn't allow her to become a tailor. Bringing courage to herself and eyes filled with the motivation she answered back. "Then if I help Laura become the next heir will you let me pursue my dream of being a tailor?"

The unexpected suggestion shook the Count for a while. Since when did his daughter grow so much? When he saw the eyes filled with the motivation he kept his face straight.