Same Eyes

The next day arrived and just as she predicted, there were only a few customers coming in. It's not like she could do anything about the rumor since it's all over town already. The anger she had has subsided but there were times where she would think about it making her feel annoyed all over again. 

She sighed out loud while changing one of the mannequin's dress into their latest designs. This dress didn't have many frills and looked simple but elegant. When she turned her back, all she could see was an empty shop, and all she could do was frown and not think about it any further.

"Laura?" Serena called as she got worried about her.

"What is it?" Laura turned her back, seeing Serena putting an expression she never had thought she would. Why does she look sad? Is it because of the rumor? Or is she worried about her? It is unusual for Serena to make a face like that.

"Are you alright?" asked Serena as she rubbed her arm.