
"I should go back in. I'm not feeling well," Laura said.

"You should take a rest in one of the rooms," suggested Viscountess Andrea the turned to tell Serena, "We should head back in. We wouldn't want to catch a cold." Serena agreed with her and they all left the balcony.

"Will you be alright alone?" Serena worriedly asked as she closed the door. Laura wasn't feeling well but she still had the strength left to walk to the break room. "Don't worry I'll be fine," Laura assured as she made her way to the break room.

The break room just from its name is a room provided by the Emperor. This room is usually used for nobles who want to take a break or have a rest from the crowd. The break room isn't that far but it felt far because she had to pass tons of other rooms before getting to that one.