I Trust You

"Tine went missing?" Laura turned to look at Erwin after hearing the shocking news. But it isn't as shocking for her since she already anticipated it. But it made her worried especially since there is a possibility that she's going to hurt her friends. Erwin sat beside the worried Laura and held her hands together, comforting her and telling her that everything will be alright.

His hands were warm and Laura liked it very much. But even with his comforting hands, Laura still felt anxious about some things. They need to capture Tine as soon as possible, if not, things will become more hectic and no one wants that to happen.

Also, everyone who knew about Tine became more cautious of their surroundings because word got around that Tine could teleport. This is another reason why the palace of the silver moon estate's security has been stronger lately. It's very worrisome.